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Reply to ". Tax policies aimed at the rich give 400 billion to the wealthiest Americans."

Originally posted by MOBY:
Originally posted by Renegade Nation:

Un-Constitutional government interfering with the markets/finance with powers that are not delegated to them...If government were stripped of the power to interfere (pass out favors)...all that you point out would be moot.

A free market economy works when you have a local economy (US only) as opposed to global. How do you insure that all of the economy's dollars don't flow out of the economy, never to return? People want to buy cheaper and they can when a company can pay a worker $1 per day. No one in the US could support themselves on $1 a day so consumers will want the foreign made product. The money supply will continue to shrink as we send it out but no sends their $ in (we are seeing that already).

Other countries don't want our more expensive stuff and we screwed ourselves a long time ago by thinking that we could outsource all of our manufacturing and just be a service economy. Now that services can be outsourced to cheaper workers, what is left for us? We have nothing to sell and will only be buying. That cannot sustained.

How do you come back from what you have already broken?

"People want to buy cheaper"...Yes that is a free market...consumers and producers VOLUNTARILY making the US at a disadvantage?...probably...but once again that is because of government interference...price controls, wage controls, a nutshell...the very antithesis of "free market".

You say "think global, shop local"...but what you are really advocating is "neomercantilism".

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