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Biden trying to lay blame for border crisis on Trump's administration

Biden, in an interview with NBC, is trying to blame the Trump administration for the crisis at the border.  Only the lemmings who continuously accept everything that the DNC and Democrats spew out along with the horrendous sympathetic media will believe that.   Anyone with 1/2 the intelligence and understanding of a two-year-old will recognize that the border crisis was solely the fault of Joe Biden's moves and executive orders the day he took office and that should be the easiest thing to understand.   Biden and Democratic policies are solely responsible for the hoards of people attempting to rush the border with his, and their, open invitation to come and get free citizenship along with money and stimulus checks.  Now Biden wants to blame Trump?  Predictable but actually given Biden and his dementia or partial dementia it's most likely more the committee that's actually running the president/country that is making the accusations knowing that the media will sell it and the lemmings that always accept what the DNC puts out will soak it in and run with it.

Two things are evident from day one of the Biden Administration and will continue as long as their policies are what they are.  Gas/Fuel prices will continue to rise and more and more people will rush our borders seeking to come in illegally. 

I hope those who voted for the Democrats enjoy paying more at the pumps because that's what they voted for although given that they don't think one iota about who they are voting for I doubt they could put two and two together to realize that the pipeline and fracking decisions along with a host of other decisions lead to these things, and almost immediately at that.

Be as the Bereans ( Acts 17:11 )

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