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Reply to "Book of Mark... Fiction?"


Your last two comments were great!  I might disagree, I might counter with a point of my own or counter point but the point here is those two replies expressed intelligent responses without condemnation of anyone of the opposing view or was not demeaning in any way.  Those are exactly the type of replies I wish all non-believers or atheist would make. I can also accept DA's reason expressed for being here.  As I said before in my own hypothesis or theory it was addressed or targeted at no specific person.  If it seemed I had you targeted DA because of potentially falling in placement after one or more of your post then I apologize for that, although I can understand where you might draw that conclusion I assure you it was not targeted at you or anyone for it would be impossible to know it was the case with anyone.  Still it could hold true for some, everyone has different reasons and with the vast numbers of people that come in and out it potentially could apply, that is if you believed in God and that God works in those ways.  If you don't then you don't believe it could be a valid theory.


Some have accused me of wanting to make this a Christian forum, wrongly I might add.  I welcome comments as these two whether they agree or disagree with part or all of a former post I made or a topic at hand.  What I have railed against is when post get personal and don't really address the topic or are just there to be critical and heckling (my word choice).


As for "God experiences", NSNS, you know the patented response that we, Christians, will give to that, it's #2 which is "they were never really Christians but in name only".  They never had that real life altering relationship with Christ/God.  Actually that is a judgment call.  I'm not anyone's judge but of my own actions, so I will not make that assertion and judgment in reply to your statement. 


Just as you could list countless numbers of examples though I could also say we could find and document examples of atheist who found Christ/God and transformed their lives or of "Christians" who many, after years in Church(es) and believed they were Christians found one day a transformation and actually met God's Holy Spirit and then said all along they weren't Christians.  I know that's redundant or close to patented answer #2 but never the less there are many Christians that have that very testimony to say.


In the end we are only responsible for our own selves.  We can share our own experiences, beliefs and stories but when it comes down to it each person is the only one responsible for themselves.


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