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BY THEIR FRUITS ye shall know them!

There is an awful lot of talk about B.G. in here and it neednt be. Do people like him, do they not like him, is he a friend? I don't approve of his methods and I think he would accomplish more by being Christ like. When I was in the Army, I wasnt well likede by those of higher rank than I. I was told once it was because I had an "abrasive" personality. Actually, I liked to see people squirm and did all I could to make them feel uncomfortable and squirm. I had the greatest weapon to do it with too!
I do have to say, I had no friends then and I was always in trouble for something. But they could not defeat me or touch me to do me any harm and it was because of the weapon I used, TRUTH.

Now Im not saying B.G. is using SOLID TRUTH in here because he isn't, but he believes he is. He wields his sword of truth in a relentless mannor, not to gain friends or bring people to the truth or to help them see the error of their ways, but I believe it is his way to make him feel in control of his life and to give him power.
I have learned over the years that altho tecnecally, I was right, I WAS SPIRITUALLY WRONG and drove people away.
All through the scriptures of God, ( The Bible and Book of Mormon) we read about FRUIT. The word FRUIT more often than not refers to peoples actions and behaviors towards others. We are told in Proverbs 11:30 that the fruit of the righteous is a tree of life. And in speaking of people, in Luke 6:43 (6:44) we read that a good tree bringeth forth not corrupt fruit.
So you see, we needent bother with weather B.G. is a good person or a bad person because in Luke 6:44 and 3 Nephi 14:16,20 we read that we can know them by their fruit!
So is their fruit that of Love, Tollerance, Peace, Kindness, Understanding, OR is their fruit that of , Haterid, Attacking others you dissagree with, Meaness, Unkindness, lack of understanding, Intolerance?
Folks, >BY THEIR FRUITS YE SHALL KNOW THEM< And once you discover who they realy are and not who they are trying to get you to believe they are, You can ignore them and everything they say in here.
Remember the old saying," How you act is ringing so loud in my ears that I cant hear you trying to tell me who you are.


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