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Reply to "BY THEIR FRUITS ye shall know them!"

Jeez Dwight.

You should know by now that "truth" is a relative term.

BeeG is just trying to accumulate a big enough flock to distract the god he just recently started believing in from noticing that he spent the better part of his life bein' a grade-A chooch.

He's old, scared and he want's to get into heaven before the doors close.
That's why, I think he preaches his "Once saved-always saved schtick.
He really REALLY wants to believe it!
'Cuz that way all that insignificant screwing around for the other 3/4 of his life is all taken care of and the ol' Sin-O-Meter is all reset to zero again.

I understand that yer intentions are good, though. I just don't think BeeG will get the message yer trying to convey.
He's just THAT dang pompous.

Oh, yeah... There's another old saying:

"I don't care how many times ya call that chicken Bessie-She ain't gonna give ya no milk."


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