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Reply to "Chad Coker Broke Campaign Finance Law!"

Ridiculous. I wrote that issue about Polly Ruggles sending her daughter to a private school in Birmingham and sent it to Shoalanda Speaks. I believe that it is hypocritical to serve on the school board and send your children elsewhere. Regardless of sending that item to Shoalanda, I am voting for Chad Coker. I think all the newby accounts created to stir up mud against Chad Coker and the other candidates are becoming redundant. Doesn't Tim Milam's wife have anything better to do than try and continue this desperate tirade? I bet it's killing her that she can live in a huge house, drive a Mercedes and can't buy that election! Honey get out of the house and campaign honestly and directly with the residents of Colbert County! If it's possible for you to be genuinely sincere about anything it is your desire to be a judge's wife!

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