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Reply to "Christopher Hitchens dead at 62"

quote:  Originally Posted by semiannualchick:

Isn't he the one that Bill Gray was slamming a few months ago?  I've watched a couple of his speeches &  enjoyed listening to him.

Hi Chick,


Slamming?  No.  Acknowledging him as one of Deep's atheist heroes?   Yes.   He and Richard Dawkins have been the two most vocal atheists in our current day.


It is a tragedy to see anyone die of cancer.  About six months ago, Deep posted that he was suffering from cancer.  And, I would have liked to see him go into remission and possibly a cure.  It has happened before.


A Christian Friend, Apologetics Guy, posted the article about his death on Facebook yesterday -- but, with no comment, positive or negative.   And, then later added this comment:


When he was first diagnosed, he said: "I'm here as a product of process of evolution, which doesn't make very many exceptions.  And which rates life relatively cheaply."  I wonder if he spoke to his brother, Peter, about spiritual things with different attitude before the end.


Another person, Guada, then posted this comment:  "bummer....I mourn for his soul."


My comment was:


Hi Guada, The article states: "For years, Hitchens had toured the country debating religious figures about his utter disbelief in the existence of a GodHe didn't waver in the face of his inability to treat his disease.  To the very end, whatever the argument joined, Hitchens' voice was an original.  He is survived by his wife, the writer Carol Blue, and three children."

Since we know that he died as an avowed atheist; it is too late to pray for his soul.  However, this may be an appropriate time to pray for the souls of his wife, children, and other family members.  God bless, Bill


And, Chick, while I realize you will see this as me being insensitive and slamming him -- but, that is not the case.   My point to Guada is that when a person dies -- his/her spiritual condition is set in concrete.  At that point no amount of prayers can help the deceased.  However, prayers can still be very effective for his surviving family members -- for there is still time for them to see the error of their atheist lifestyle and change directions. 


Of course, we do not know if his wife and children are atheists.  This can only be an assumption; but, considering his success in selling his belief -- it is a good assumption.   However, we have to keep in mind that Madelyn Murray O'Hair's son, William, became a strong Christian believer and evangelist/writer -- even though she died an atheist.


And, the lady who was the Jane Roe in the Roe v Wade Abortion Decision, became a Christian believer and a strong advocate/activist against abortion.


So, even if Hitchens' family members are currently atheists -- there is time for prayer to be effective in bringing them to a belief in God.


All that said, I do feel for his family's loss of their husband and father.  I do not wish such a loss on any family.   So, yes, I do join them in mourning their loss.


God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,



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