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Originally posted by Southern Patriot:
Originally posted by beternU:
Originally posted by Southern Patriot:

[QUOTE] I suppose if you go far enough back, we all have ancestors who did bad things in their time. What the hell does that have to do with the present day. Absolutely nothing. I'm sure there are a few BDS suffers that will find your little comment refreshing though.

Trouble with that is that you do not have to go back any distance into the Bush family to find scandal and corruption. Kelly's book describes the sleaziness that pervades ALL recent generations of the Bushes. There are dusty skeletons in their closets and fresh ones in the living room! The childish fictions about such things as mysterious and unexplained deaths in Arkansas--allegedly connected with the Clintons, and since disproven--pale beside the true accounts of deceit, corruption, and manipulation by the money-grubbing, power-hungry Bush clan!

You missed my point so I will make it more concise... What the hell does what GWB's grandad did in the 30's and 40's have to do with GWB today?

Well, the fruit does not fall far from the tree, and the MULTI-generational history of corruption in the Bush family, as powerfully documented by Kelly, ought to be fair warning to voters in future elections of the unwisdom of putting any any more of these sleazebags in public office! The strong family history of corruption, greed, and manipulation does indeed turn out to be very relevant to the behavior of GWB. Prescott's pecadillos were not some isolated and atypical incidents in the Bush record of slimy behavior; they signalled a trend that has been continued through 41, 43 and numerous other Bush lowlife "aristocrats."

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