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Dead Trees

Need some advice - a neighbor that I am connected to at the corner of my lot has sprayed some type of poison in their back yard.  Whatever it was they sprayed has killed a huge oak tree in the neighbors yard behind mine and at least two oak trees in the lot next to mine.  These are HUGE trees and they are not right on the property line.  One of my trees might be affected as well, its hard to tell yet.


We initially thought the trees were infected with some parasite, but since all the rain, we have noticed that the run off from their back yard quickly killed the grass all the way to the street (the yard has a privacy fence so we cant see whats back there easily.)


I really dont care if they kill everything in their yard - but if these trees are dead then they will have to be cut down and that wont be cheap.  For the time being, I'd like to at least know what poison has been used so close to where my daughter plays.  This stuff has to be pretty strong for the trees to pull it up through the roots like they have.  Who (locally - colbert county) should we reach out to for assistance?

Beam me up, Scotty, there's no intelligent life here......

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