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Reply to "Drunk with Blood"

Semi, you KNOW that I have had quite a few go-arounds with Bill. One of the things I really dislike in this world is people who pretend to misunderstand so that they don't have to admit they are wrong. In another thread here just the other day I compared Unob to Bill, because they BOTH do that. Hey, if I make a mistake and someone points it out to me, i'll be happy to admit I was wrong. I certainly won't pretend they meant something else when they point it out to me.


There are a lot of people who left this forum because of behavior like Bill and Unobs. Veep is gone, Jank is gone, GBRK has stopped posting, and I'm sure there are others I can't think of off the top of my head.


I understand why they left. I came close to leaving not too long ago, and to be honest, I can't see much reason to stay. The forum has turned into a joke. There IS no conversation anymore, just a bunch of "Oh yeah? Says who?", or "You're insane. You're stupid. You're delusional" from the atheists, and "You're New Age.  You're a cultist. You're a couch potato" from certain Christians.


I'd rather talk to people in real life, because in real life, people tend to be more civil.

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