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There are and as long as we are on this earth, there will be arguments and debates as to if God exist.  Another person that it is debated by many, accepted by many more and worshiped yet by some is Satan, the Devil or whatever he is called by, the opposite of God.  

Many look at the example of the Orlando Pulse club shooting and look at the individual who did it as pure evil.  I, actually for the first time, watched Shindler's list about the **** atrocities in World War II along with the Holocaust and along with acts from dictators like Russia's Stalin embody the concept of EVIL.  It is said, and it is inconceivable that six million (6 million) European Jews died at the hands of the ****s in their systematic extermination.  Los Angeles population in 2015 was around 4.05 million people and Houston, Tx has a little over 2 1/4 million people so the Germans exterminated almost the same as two American Cities of people.  Stalin is estimated to have killed or authorized the killing of 10 to 20 million Russians which would be essentially the population of New York City. 

It is inconceivable to think that this many people could be murdered at the hands of essentially two men even though the actual deaths were carried out by others at the orders of these two men, Hitler & Stalin.  It is said that Nero, in his day, put to death 100,000 people,  mostly Christians and enemies of Rome.  One can only think of Evil on an exponential level when one thinks of these men.  While it may seem Nero pales to the likes of Hitler and Stalin percentage wise he may have actually killed more given the population of that day.

What is Evil?  Is evil an attitude? Is it an entity that we define as evil?  The fact is that some people have no concern for others and also have no problem at all in eliminating them regardless of how it's done.  There have been many methods of murder from burning, stoning, hanging, impaling, shooting, gas yet essentially the people murdered are seen as inhuman or not being human and it's even inconceivable to think that even animals could be killed on such a scale.  Truly Evil was alive in these men but evil is also alive today. 

I had never seen Shindler's list before and I don't know that I will watch it again but the worst thing is to know it happened at the hands of far more than one evil man, it happened through the evil acts of  many who had no conscience, so to say, or a warped sense of conscience.  It is scary to know that such evilness and evil people still exist today and if given the means and opportunity would have no problem repeating the carnage of history and eliminating millions yet again.  Is this Satanic influence or just what we call Evil or is it one in the same?


Be as the Bereans ( Acts 17:11 )

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