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Reply to "FED CHAIR SCREWS AMERICA – CRASHES MARKET: Announces New Rate Hike — DOW PLUNGES 770 Points in an Hour"

Effective Fed Funds Rate and All Federal Reserve Banks Total Assets

It's not just raising interest rates, it's also about the FED unwinding its balance of Quantitative Easing. Four and a half trillion bucks of "free money" in the past will have an unknown effect on our economy now and in the near future.

To add to Dire's foreign uncertainties, Europe's problems may also impact the US. The "yellow vest movement" and nationalist movements are products of over taxation brought about by the flood of immigrants with no work skills and the subsidies needed to make "green energy" investments profitable for the crony capitalists. Since most large corporations have units in Europe as well as Asia, what happens there hits the bottom line of US companies as well. 

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