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Florence has a spending challenge

there is a letter to paper, stating Florence has a spending challenge.   This is a major challenge around the country.  We vote people into office that don't have business experience and often don't have work experience. Then we turn over the check book.  Many of which don't know how to balance a checkbook.  

Then many complain they aren't getting anything done, hmmm might save us money if they don't do anything.   Question on government expenses, why do government employees get better benefits and often better pay?  Why are department heads held accountable?   I always laugh when thinking of a conversation with a city bookkeeper long ago. Although he was on salary, he said he only works 35 hours a week cuz that is what they pay him for  in the private sector it is probably figured on 50 hours and stay til job done.  we have to many managers not enough workers in government

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