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Reply to "Florence Parent Files Constitutional Challenge to Alabama Supreme Court Opinion"

Originally posted by DixieChik:
Like I said before, just because the court papers say 278 days with mom and 79 days or whatever with Dad doesn't mean that is absolutely how it has to be -- that is the court's order, but common sense and flexibility can make that work out to being a more rewarding relationship for both parents and the is all in how mature you handle the situation....and if the mother does nothing but give you a hard time -- you always have the option of going back to court and asking for a change...if "this father" has spent this much money on appeal after appeal etc...I'm sure the money to go back to court to request a change would not be a problem...

The reality is that the primary caregiver (usually mom) holds all the cards. Unless you've got the family court judge living with you, you can't enforce the court orders, and most people don't have the cash to constantly go back and forth to court. Trust me on this; I've seen it. Honestly, you know how vindictive women can be, Dixie; I've seen that, too. "Common sense and flexibility" are rarely used with these women.

Yes, I have a unique bond with my son because I carried him for nine months and took care of him almost completely for the first couple of years of his life. That doesn't, however, give me ownership; his father has just as many rights. Unfortunately, the courts don't see it that way. Again, men are more or less relegated to weekend babysitters as it stands now.

I'm just going to respectfully disagree with you on this one, Dixie.

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