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Reply to "Fred Thompson's America - The Mormon Or The Muslim?"

Very interesting that he says "Don't fall for this Mormon stuff" yet does not address the "Muslim stuff".....I guess in Fred's world if someone admits they are Mormon then we should ignore that, but if they tell you they are Christian you should just assume they are Muslim...right?


Also he goes on to say that organized religion has very little to do with what is wrong in our country and then in the next paragraph states that it is important to put the right man in office to insure Christians are assured their "proper role" in government.


Speaking out of both sides of his mouth. It is almost mind numbing the idiotic things that people will say to further their political agenda....add religion to it and it gets even more absurd.


So Bill you have no problem voting for a man that is a member of a cult (your words)? Are you willing to give Mitt a pass because you hate Obama so bad? I find that very hypocritical of you. Not the first time I have found you to be a big ol hypocrite but this might be the most blatant example I have seen from you so far.


Let's say Obama was a is that any different than him being a Mormon, Scientologist, or Wiccan? Are there some religions that you will accept to being "good" vs. those that you decide are "evil"?


Funny....I see them all the same. Ridiculous.

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