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Reply to "Freedom From Religion Foundation Sues IRS Over Political Activity By Churches, Religious Groups"

To bestworking yo can down me all you want but I am that one person determined to find common ground people and I got the responses I deserve huh didn't will I guess you can continue to beat the dead horse but I will not keep my mouth shut.


Down you? Maybe you need to go back and read your first post. Then read my response. You can speak your mind all you want, but you might want to think before you do.


I will fight for your right to be rate me call me names tell me I am an idiot a dumb ass because that is your right as an american citizen. Go ahead then call me an idiot call me a dumb ass call me a crack religious that deserves to be treated like trash but I HAVE A RIGHT TO SPEAK MY MIND TO AS I SIR AM ALSO AN AMERICAN CITIZEN. If I insulted you I am truly sorry their I said  SORRY take it or leave I could careless. Beat berate call me name I from here on will be your punching bag if that helps make it through your bleak day in then I did my job as one society's lighting rods.


As for your dramatic post about me berating you, again, you might want to read what I actually posted. Then come back and show me where I called you the names you said. You're off to a good start, doing like so many here do, attributing something to me that I never posted. Your hero is good at doing that.  And again, you can speak your mind-but as with your hero, I can choose to "listen" or not.

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