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Reply to "Jackson/Sandlin Runoff in Lauderdale"

Originally posted by gracies old man:

I am a conservative, not a Republican. I vote for the best person in any given race. That person is never the Dem. To be a Dem, you are obviously aligning yourself with the Democrat Party, and by that alignment, you are agreeing with the Democratic platform. I can't go there, period.
As far as Sandlin goes, wasn't he leading a double life a few years ago, which seemed to go against the whole "family values" that he was promoting?
I will be voting in the Gov's primary race, so I don't have a dog in this hunt. I go to church w/ Josh and Billy, but I still won't be voting for Jackson.

Gracie's Old man...
I'd like to know your definition of "best person." I know a lot of good, honest, Christian, Conservative Democrats who are the better, more qualified candidates in this year's elections. By "aligning" with the Democrat Party, that doesn't mean they support every "national liberal stance" the national liberal Democrats take. I hate to tell you this, but there are liberal Republicans too. There are Republicans who call themselves conservative who support gay marriage and are pro-choice (prime example - Laura Bush).

My point is this - the labels of Democrat and Republican, or even conservative and liberal don't mean a darn thing to me. People throw those terms around when many times they don't even know what they mean. It just seems to be the popular catchphrase or something.

I want to know who the person is, their background, their experiences, their positions on the issues, and what they intend to do if elected.

And one more thing - I consider myself "a conservative" too.

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