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Minimum Wage - The Law of Unintended Consequences

Since the new $15 an hour Minimum Wage law has been implemented in Seattle there have been some interesting findings.  First, people have stopped tipping, which has now ticked off the wait staff who actually made more money BEFORE the new law went into effect.  Second, prices have increased with most stores increasing their food prices by 15% to offset their new costs.  But of most interest is that many of the minimum wage employees have now asked for the hours to be cut back. Tthe reason?  It is because they do not want it to affect their current subsidy checks and food stamps. Since the implementation it seems more had rather continue to take the food stamps than to work for the $15 since they can't have both.

This is lesson that the Liberal Lefty never learns.  Increasing the minimum wage does nothing to affect the bottom line for most people because they are either in a situation where they are beginning new employment and need experience, or they are satisfied where they are and just want someone to give them more money.  Another thing that has happened is a lot of wait staff are now paying higher taxes and not happy about that either.  But doesn't that go against the Liberal mantra? I thought all those who made more money paid less taxes?  WTH????

Hillary in 2016?  Why not?  We've already had one "girly man" serving in office for the past 7 years, we might as well give her chance as well!

Last edited by teyates
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