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Reply to "new study suggests some people grossly overestimate their political knowledge."

Where are the days where moderate, level headed, sensible Democrats and Republicans made compromises and Americans ALL flourished!----L. Cranston

I believe that even The Shadow knows that sometimes when Republicans compromise all they get are broken promises and knives in the back. Right now, Trump shouldn't even be worrying about building a wall. Dems promised in 1986 they would fund border security if only Reagan would sign an amnesty bill; they lied.

Again, Dems promised three times more budget cuts for each dollar of taxes if Reagan would sign off on tax increases; they lied. The first Bush compromised with Dems for 2X cuts for each dollar of taxes; Dems lied again!

I might also point out that that sometimes when both parties compromise, the public really gets reamed. The reason Trump is president is the fact that in the 90s both parties decided that it was a good thing to send most of the smokestack industries overseas and that everyone could get rich by manipulating the value of paper assets and real estate. That really worked out in 2008 didn't it. Former blue collar Dems went into the Republican primaries and now we have Trump as president.


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