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Personal example of why we need health care reform....

    Hospital $840.00
  • Anesthesia service 50.00
  • Radiology (x-ray) 100.00
  • Surgeon's fee 140.00
  • ER physician's fee 30.00
  • Physical therapy 300.00
Splint (monthly rental) 50.00
Total (so far) $1510.00

$1,510.00 is the total amount we've had to pay so far for my son's broken arm, including two days in the hospital and physical therapy. We were charged the $300.00 deductible twice because, you see, there's the in-patient hospital admission and then there's physical therapy that, for some unknown reason, is considered "in-patient" as well - even though, the PT is for the broken arm, not something separate!

What if we (his parents) did not have jobs and this happened? Or what if we made only minimum wage? There would be no way to cough up this $1,500.00. The number one reason families file for bankruptcy in this country is outrageous medical bills like this.

I understand that we have to pay some out of pocket, but where is the cap? Next year, that per admission/in-patient deductible is going up to $400.00 per occasion; I suppose the year after that it will go to $500.00. The office co-pay is going up and, of course, so is the premium.

I do not understand why the status quo is okay with some people. Laissez-faire it is on this subject!
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