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Reply to "protests"

budsfarm posted:


Stanky posted:
direstraits posted:

Saw this sort of thing in the late 60s and early 70s. Beside winter cold, the best way to end it is to use the police to round them up. Use cameras, paint guns, etc to ID the truly violent and prosecute.  Hold the other pains in the rear under miserable circumstances for the allowed 48 hours. 

The camera idea is a good one, but with a twist. Instead of letting law enforcement do the recording, let those who parcel out the free money see who is able bodied enough to riot all night and stop sending the checks and stop topping off the EBT's. Also a job fair would send the la kooky roaches scurrying. 

Use of force continuum..

I'm tired of screwing around with these anarchist.

Time to put this puppy to bed.


If my boots were on the ground, you can be sure I would mark the bad guys for later identification.


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