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Reply to "Removing The "Smoke Screen" From Alleged Bible Discrepancies"

I think it's more that they are jilted because God doesn't come down from Heaven and appear in front of their very eyes.  They further are enraged that these simpleton Christians might actually have some contact and something from God that they don't have and cannot realize. 

Think about it Ram,   from a psychological standpoint and view anyone that is effected by some form of jealousy usually manifest that emotion, eventually, in anger or some form of anger such as verbal or potentially, eventually physical as for relationships.  On here though we see manifestations of anger in the form of insults since really there is no other way to voice anger and aggression.  From Scripture we understand also that anger is a result of being led by the fleshly nature rather than being led by the Holy Spirit of Christ.. 

This is why they are so opposed to Scripture.  Not because we consider it the Word of God but because it IS the Word of God and the very words of scripture convicts them of their actions.  If it was truly a case of non-belief then they would never mention it twice but ignore it.  Because though it strikes a note, a chord, within their inner spirit/mind they abhor it, they find it offensive for it effects them because it cuts to the bone.  No there are reasons for the insults and they are the same now as they were in Christ day.  The exact same motivation creates the inner aggression which is fed and amplified by anger.  So enjoy the insults for Christ and the Disciples suffered the same in Christ Name. 

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