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Reply to "Romneycare and Obamacare Not the Same"

Originally Posted by upsidedehead:

Romneycare is something Romney has been trying to distinguish from "Obamacare," but he has not done a very good job of it.  Romney is a creature of expediency.  When he thought that Massachusetts voters would support Romneycare, he gave it to them.  Now that the right wing propaganda machine has defamed "Obamacare," and the majority of Republican voters don't want it, he is weaseling and crawfishing in all kinds of ways to try to create distinctions between Romneycare and "Obamacare" such that his objections to the latter do not appear hypocritical. Lotsaluck, Mitt--intelligent voters can see through the silly rationales you are attempting to foist on them.

This one is easy upsida,

Romneycare is legal, Obamacare is not. I'm not saying Romneycare is a good thing and I'm

not saying Obamacare is a good thing either. Obamacare is just plain un-Constitutional. In the

Constitution  of the United States of America it gives the Federal Gov't certain enumerated

powers. In Article One Section Eight it does not give the Federal Gov't any authority to impose

a mandatory requirement  for citizens to have health care insurance. Again the Constitution is

ignored by the socialists.



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