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Say what?

Reading the news that Chelsea Mazvinsky is expecting a baby. Not sure what else she could except accept a baby. And it is reported that it makes the pundits wonder how it will effect her mother's political career and chances for President. Not to worry, she can have an abortion up until the last minute if they figure out it will not be good for Hillary. And how can a Democrat have a baby? Don't they want government to pay for free abortions, birth control, access to abortion on demand, and nobody had better dare question their decision. And why has the gay agenda not chastised her as a breeder and condemned her condition. And why has the Green's not spoken up against her for adding to the carbon footprint of the earth. Oh yeah, that's right. They all worship at the alter of Clinton and liberalism, so all that is ok with them. And will Bill and Hillary demand that nobody talk or write about her in the press? Of course they will. But I say to hell with all those people. A lot of people will be looking forward to another Clinton for sure. But I bet they don't call her Monica.

Last edited by Bulldog63
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