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She's not ruling out a 2020 Presidential Run

Hillary is not ruling out a 2020 run for President!  Hillary is yet another Democrat appearing to be considering a run for President in 2020.  That said with as many as they are expecting to run it makes you wonder if the other Democrat candidates will hold back on just criticism and condemnation of Hillary and her many questionable deeds?  I don't see other candidates holding back on Hillary but rather unloading at any opportunity in order to attempt to squelch her potential move to run for office.  Bernie attempted to run a civil, non-condemning campaign against Hillary all the time never having a shot against Hillary who was, from the beginning, anointed as the 2016 candidate.  

One of the most reluctant, potential, candidates would be Joe Biden who very likely could have won against Trump and as it is he will probably have that  to think about for the rest of his lifetime as I don't see his potental run going anywhere fast either.  I think the Democrats will choose and run someone younger than Biden, Warren, or Hillary but then who really knows how this all will pan out and eventually play out through the debate process.

Be as the Bereans ( Acts 17:11 )

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