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Reply to "Teenagers! Let's discuss religion."

Originally Posted by thehippiegirl is gone.:

The Nagel> "just because you believe something doesn't make it true."

And by the same token, just because you don't believe, doesn't make it false. So that isn't an issue.


I have never understood why any athiest would want to discuss God, His way of Life, and His plans for us. That's kind of like me discussing palm readers. I don't believe in them, and certainly care nothing about their practice. So i have no reason to discuss anything about subjects i don't even acknowledge or identify with.

But keep on fanning the flames of Heavenly fire, because it does give opportunity here for God to be discussed by those who are called for that very purpose. God does take what is meant for evil, and cause it to become good. Sometimes God makes it so easy to play into His hands... 



while i have come to believe that you are bill's self appointed lapdog, and think there is little reason trying to talk to you, i'll go out on a limb and explain it.

first - i'm not an atheist.


second - no, but when you can prove, time and again, that all of the things attributed to the imaginary friend can be proven to be either purely false, or just plain old every day science, it goes a long way in demonstrating the fiction of the in question.  

however - i'm not the one making a ridiculous assertion  i'm not the one trying to convince people that there is an invisible man in the clouds who loves us sooooo much that he will punish us for eternity if we don't kowtow to him.   


you are the one making such a claim - the burden of proof lies on the prosecution, not the defense. i don't have to prove god isn't real anymore than i have to prove that there are no 9 legged moon-men living in my back yard. 


finally, the oppression and repression of the fans of jesus's mindset affects me on a nearly daily basis. i like in alabama.. the crotch of the bible belt, and i have religion shoved into my face often. i'm not even safe in my own home - some proselytizing ne'erdowell sycophant will eventually come knowing on my door asking me if i've found jesus. well i tell them ' look, if you lost the guy it's not my fault.. don't come whining to me' they get all offended n stuff.
(my one regret is that i've never dealt with the proverbial 6am doorbell from the real nutjobs in the jehovah's witnesses. those guys i'd leave as a bloody smear on my poarch)


my kids were handed one of those mini-bibles by some smarmy old baggage who was acting as the teachers classroom helper that day. ( it was also the last day she was ever allowed to come help out in her daughters school. nice move, dipstick, get yourself banned for placing your fantasy over the law.


Jesus and his ol man are shoved into my face so often he must think i'm jenna jamison.
i'll pray for you..... some one pray for my neighbor.... prayer requests going out... i even once saw a facebook post that said ( no kidding at all here...)

"ATTENTION ALL GOD'S CHILDREN! - I'm Activating the prayer network. please pray for our poor binky to get well, he's not doing well and needs all of gods love" 

and i thought... oh.. a sick kid. that's sad. i hope he gets the meds and treatement he needs. odd nickname tho. abotu a week later i see ' binky didn't make it. we had to put him down. thanks for all the love and prayers i'm sure they helped him in his final hours."

yup. binky was a cat. now, i'm cat people. not a big fan of dogs. if thye had said ' hey, our cat is sick, can anyone help out with the meds?" i would have done anything i could to do something to help. i figured it was a dumb nickname for their child, and as such they would have the kid at the hospital, etc, so not much i could do.

but a cat. in fact, what turns out to be an 18 year old cat.

even if god did answer prayers.. do you really think he'd be pleased haveing his day interruped to bless an 18 year old cat, when there are real issues that really need addressing by your so-called god?

people tell me... ' i'll pray for you'. i tell them to not bother.. if they really believe prayer does anything at all, they need to spend all their prayers for the sick, hungry and dying children across the world.. they are a far better cause to spend a prayer on than me.
in fact - i bet lots of people pray for the sick, hungry and dying children all over the world.

so.. if prayer works.. why do we still have sick, hungry and dying children?

either prayer is a useless waste of time. serving no purpose other than to make the unthinking believe they are actually doing something, when donating money or blood or time would have a far greater result.

OR.. god likes kids to get sick, go hungry and die.


no 3rd option is possible. deal with it. 


after a long ramble, here we are at my final point. i've taken an active position against christianity - i probably would take the same position against most other religions, but i can't because i simply don't know enough about them. i've had evil and bile and discrimination and subjugation fed to me as "god's love" by christers all of my life, and can no longer in good conscious sit idle and quiet while rapists, murders, thieves and slavers are painted as the heros of that book.  

if you gte caught raping an unmarried girl, just give her dad 30 sheckles and you can go on raping her for the rest of your life. she doesn't get a say in the matter.

god of love? the good book? there's never been a more perfect example of what an earth controlled by Satan would look like than the description of the "godfearing and righteous" people in that sick disgusting hate filled book of evil.


i am in a religious forum to present the people here the other side of the issue, to help someone find the power to use their own mind and THINK instead of just bleating around after a loudmouth old man who is so blind to his own needs and fantasies he can't even see the hate and evil spewing out of his mouth.


until you empty the cup that's filled with what you already believe to be true, you will never be able understand what IS true. until you empty your mind of the useless hate that is "god" you will never be able to understand the deep and complex beauty of the world that's really around you, and will instead see only the shiny surface and be convinced that the tip of the iceberg is the whole.

but i still love you Veep. you've never shoved anythign into my face.

more the pity.  

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