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Reply to "The Anti-ISIS Airstrikes the Right Choose to Ignore"

Originally Posted by Contendahh:

Before this nation let the neocons get us into the war with Iraq, numerous sociologists and anthropologists warned that any beneficial  outcome of such a venture was unlikely.  They knew, as many others did, that Iraq has long been an artificial nation established by international fiat, and  cursed from the beginning with religious and ethnic factions hostile to one another.  The only practical way for such a fractured nation to be governed in peace is by a powerful and autocratic central government, such as a dictatorship. Our entry, along with that of other nations, in that coalition that ultimately wrecked the country, also coaxed out and inspired radical Islam to enter the conflict and purge the "crusaders," namely us and our allies.It has gotten progressively worse over time and ISIL (ISIS) is the latest chapter in this debacle. "ISIL," by the way,  stands for "Islamic State in the Levant." It was used more frequently in the early days of what is now more often referred to as ISIS. If you don't know what the Levant is, then Google it up for yourself.  

More "Blame Bush"...Unfortunately, allowing a dictator to rule a country, and gas his own people with chemical weapons, while threatening to do the same to the rest of the world community, is not something that most sane people can tolerate.  Saddam was a blowhard who liked to make himself look big and strong.  he had built the fourth largest army in the world, and was known to not only have used chemical weapons in his fight against Iran, but also gassed thousands of Kurds, innocent people and children who were members of his own country. Almost every intelligence agency in the world was convinced he had WMDs and would probably use them.  Some of them probably made their way to Syria.  Blaming Bush for this ME mess is just more of the Liberalist swine drivel who refuse to admit that there are bad people in the world who would do us wrong.  As Nixon once said "Those who beat their swords into plowshares, will plow for those who didn't."

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