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Reply to "The Beginning Of The Creation"

What in the world is "eternal security?" Where is that in the Bible or any Ecumenical Creed? Riddle me that. I did not get no fancy book learning about no 'ternal security. Nor do I know anything about birthing babies or snake handling.

It is simple: believe in love the Lord thy God with all your heart and all your strength and take up your cross and follow Him. That means to follow His commandments, His Church, and His examples.

I wonder where y'all come up with all these little quaint revival terms, anyhow, "get saved," "Tribulation," "Rapture," "Sinners' Prayer," etc.? Did it come in a crackerjack box or is just a translation from the Latin and Greek of the Apostles and Church Fathers? I wonder because it certainly is not in the Holy Scriptures! Maybe that talking snake whispered it to you in a dream -- he is one sneaky dog -- or is it that your crystal worker and astrologer got together and worked it out for you?

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