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Reply to ""Traditions" Or The Bible - Which Is The True Christian Authority?"

Originally Posted by semiannualchick:

Originally Posted by Dove of Peace:

Billie Boy when are you going to wake up and realize that you have no friends here.


Originally Posted by thehippiegirl is gone.:

Dove, i am a forum friend of Mr Bill, and his sister in the Kingdom, as are all Christians everywhere. An oversight i'm sure, but wanted the facts to be correct. Blessings to you <><


hippie, I have to ask & it's sincere questions to try & understand those of you that say you're a Christian & claim Bill as your friend. (your answer will tell me if you're one of Bill's ID's)

HG> To give you a short answer without lengthy detail, Mr Bill and i believe in the same God and study from the same Bible. i don't answer for his comments, nor he mine. All of us will answer to God on Judgement Day for unfit/idle words spoken. 

To my knowledge, we are of different 'denominations' (as some call it), and i'm sure we believe different on some issues, but none that change eternal destiny. 


How can you, in good conscience, agree with Bill 's treatment of others? Do you honestly not see his constant condemnation of others? There is such a thing as a healthy debate but can you show me one post where Bill has ever had a healthy debate with anyone on this forum?

HG> God assigned me here to share Him and His great Love for us. My opinion on any of Mr Bill's personal comments is worthless. Only what God thinks is important. As i said, that's between Mr Bill and His Creator, as it is with all of us.


It's're in a cult, that's not what that scripture means, you're in the wrong church, he makes fun of others, makes nasty remarks with his cartoons because he doesn't want it to come out of his mouth.......should I go on? 


You could say he does that because he's attacked by others here. Have you ever thought of why he's attacked? Common sense should tell you it's those reasons I just gave. It's been that way with Bill from the very beginning. HG> I am taught to 'do unto others'. i totally believe in sowing and reaping, and have witnessed this phenom many times thru experiences in my own life.


If you were an un-believer, would you want to be a part of the kind of Christianity that Bill puts out there? No love, no kindness, no compassion, no understandling of people......just a constant daily rebuke? Can you honestly say you would? 

HG> Mr Bill and I are called to different ways of presenting Truth. God knows how to be effective thru many ways. I don't question His ways, regardless. God's ways are so much higher than mine, and only He knows how one might be drawn to Him.  

No one, not even Bill, is perfect, and no one is ever 100% correct.

HG> Absolutely true, ever since sin entered the world thru man. I don't think Mr Bill would dispute that.

I'm not condeming or attacking you, I just want your honest opinion.

HG> no problem, i am never personally offended. Since Holy Spirit lives within me, i have died to my flesh, therefore offence thru my flesh is impossible. of course it is a discipline i continually work thru, for my flesh must die daily.

i guess the jist of this is that Mr Bill is my brother thru the Blood of Christ, much like my earthly brother is related thru the bloodline of our parents. Regardless of his conduct etc, my earthly brother wasn't mine to choose and not mine to disown. God chose my earthly family, and God designated the particulars of being in His Spiritual family. I cannot add or delete from either. 


BTW, what, exactly, is the oversight that you mentioned to Dove?


Dove of Peace> "Billie Boy when are you going to wake up and realize that you have no friends here..."


i am a forum friend of Mr Bill, and his sister in the Kingdom, as are all Christians every where. An oversight i'm sure, but wanted the facts to be correct. Blessings to you <><

ps. haha, not an ID of Mr Bills, never personally met him, just here on the forum and later thru emails. thru those i found that i've known a brother of his for many years.

Blessings to you Chick, HG<>< 



Last edited by thehippiegirl is gone.

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