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Reply to "Yes, They ARE the Problem."

Originally Posted by Contendahh:
Originally Posted by Harald Weissberg:

Are there no moderators on these Forums?


I have not really followed this Contedahs posts, but some have interested me. Enough to submit them to a "shrink", who did an analysis.


I posted his findings several weeks ago.

Spot on.


[Hardly anything like "Spot on," Harald.  For the edification of this forum, I reproduce in full your Hebrew headshrinker's analysis and my rebuttal, which clearly shows that he missed a lot of stuff by a wide margin. 


Originally Posted by Harald Weissberg:

Ran this post by a Psychologist I know.

Well credentialed. 

Tel Aviv University.


Asked for a profile of you, per your posts.

He searched only Political, and Religion.


He pointed out, several things.


1. You are a White Guy.

2. Aged, late '60's.

3. Protestant. Southern Baptist, or Church of Christ.

4. You are a Rabid hater of Mormons and Catholics.

5. You secretly hate Jews.

6, You are a Democrat, and vote Democrat no matter what the Platform.

7. You are anti-Gay, but will not admit it, due to your Democrat stance.

8. You have been married to the same Woman, since "I do".

9. You berate your wife, and believe a Womans place is, in the Kitchen.

10. You tythe , only,as little as required, by your Biblical creed, and feel good about it.

11. You drive an expensive car,but do not contribute to charities. Loath homeless people.

12. You wear pants above you naval. Sometimes with suspenders.

13. You don't own guns.

14. You live in the city.

15. Your children don't come around much. 

16. You turn your porch lights off on Halloween, so you don't have to buy/give children candy.

17. If you spoke in public, as you do, sitting behind a computer, someone would beat you down.

18. Your Parents made you go to worship, every time the doors were open.

19. You had NO Negro friends while growing up.

20. You were always the last one picked, for a team, while in school.


He pegged you. Didn't he?



Your credentialed scholar missed by a pretty wide mark 



1. You are a White Guy. Yes.  No apologies there; so are about 70% of U.S. citizens.

2. Aged, late '60's. No.  Older that that, but still good!

3. Protestant. Southern Baptist, or Church of Christ. Wow!  How did your Jewish genius figure that out?

4. You are a Rabid hater of Mormons and Catholics. Your Jewish friend plays the hate card. Strong disagreement with the religious views of others is NOT hatred. The Catholic Pope and his church are so critical of those who disagree with them on major doctrines that they still adhere to the Syllabus of Errors, a lengthy list of beliefs that, according to them are erroneous and must not be believed, in effect a condemnation of all who do believe the doctrines listed.  But I do not interpret this list as evidence that the Pope or the Catholic Church HATE all who hold to the listed alleged erroneous beliefs. Nor should your credentialed friend accord as hatred on my part the strong disagreements I have posted with respect to Catholic doctrines. It is an all-too-common practice among those with little polemical experience to characterize dissenting views as evidence of hatred. It is a cheap, shallow and shabby tactic and you should advise your  friend to that effect.

5. You secretly hate Jews.  Total baloney!  In a quantity exceeding that in the Oscar Meyer

meat processing plant!

6, You are a Democrat, and vote Democrat no matter what the Platform.I am a Democrat and most often vote Democrat. but I have voted for Republicans and Independents and likely will do so again.

7. You are anti-Gay, but will not admit it, due to your Democrat stance. I have often posted statements strongly critical of homosexuality. If that makes me "anti-gay, so be it. Perhaps your credentialed psychologist friend believes  that it is an evil thing to oppose a practice that has been condemned by every human society that has existed until very recent times. I commend to you and your scholar friend an article written by a very literate Jewish journalist, Jeff Jacoby, which appeared in the Boston Globe some 15 years ago:

8. You have been married to the same Woman, since "I do". Yes, and I offer no apology for that.  And I have been 100% faithful to my marriage vows.

9. You berate your wife, and believe a Womans place is, in the Kitchen.Total bunk. My wife is an  independent person who has worked at two jobs outside the home.  Unfortunately she is suffering from a disability that precludes kitchen activity, and thus I now do all the meal preparation, dish-washing, etc. Housekeeping also. I do not berate her, since I find in her nothing to berate.

10. You tythe , only,as little as required, by your Biblical creed, and feel good about it. I do not interpret the New Testament as requiring tithing.  Tithing was an Old Testament practice,  The New Testament, by which I am directed, nowhere commands tithing, but encourages Christians to "give as [they} have been prospered." The tithing in the Old Testament was necessary to support the large and expensive priesthood associated with a theocracy.  Tithing also involved various sacrifices that are no longer incumbent on God's people (Christians)..I do not see this forum as a venue for any detailed account of my giving practices, but I will say that we give very generously by comparison with most of our peers.

11. You drive an expensive car,but do not contribute to charities. I drive a 14-year-old car, with fewer than 85,000 miles on it.  It is in excellent condition and I will continue to drive it for so long as it stays that way.  I could, if I wished, pay cash for a new car, but I do not need a new car, since the one I have serves me well. I also have a 10-year old truck.   Loath homeless people. I loathe no one.  We are all God's children. It is hard to like some of us, but "loath" is synonymous with "hate," so there your friend goes, Harald, playing the hate card again.  Pretty cheap stuff.

12. You wear pants above you naval. Sometimes with suspenders. That is "navel."  {N]aval" refers to military ships. I am looking at an even dozen belts hanging on a rod on my bathroom door.  About 98% of the time one of them holds my pants up.  I have some suspenders that stay attached to a single pair of pants, which I wear only rarely.  I am of normal weight and bodily configuration; thus I do not need suspenders to  overcome the difficulty of keeping one's pants on while going about with a protruding abdomen.

13. You don't own guns. I own a 12-gauge Italian-made shotgun and an ancient Harrington & Richardson 32-caliber pistol.  Have not fired the shotgun since I gave up hunting for fishing. Have not fired the pistol since about 1966 and have no ammunition for it..

14. You live in the city. I live in a small city.  SO?

15. Your children don't come around much. Wrong again. Both my children live in distant cities, but they both visit several times a year and we visit them several times a year.

16. You turn your porch lights off on Halloween, so you don't have to buy/give children candy. Dead wrong. For the 34 Halloweens since we first occupied this house, we have only once failed to offer treats to trick-or-treaters, and on that occasion we were out of town at a funeral. 

17. If you spoke in public, as you do, sitting behind a computer, someone would beat you down.Your friend's opinion--wrong again.  I have spoken in many public situations and have never yet been beaten down.

18. Your Parents made you go to worship, every time the doors were open.They did not need to make me or my sister go.  It was a normal and natural thing. 

19. You had NO Negro friends while growing up. While growing up, I lived in a southern city in an all-white neighborhood and attended racially segregated elementary and high schools. Frankly, there were no Negroes around to make friends with. In my  late teens and early 20s, during the peak of the civil rights movement, I was outspokenly in favor of integration of public schools and other public facilities and caught plenty of hostility from the segregationists I had to live and work with.

20. You were always the last one picked, for a team, while in school.  Seldom first, but never last; usually, as I remember in the first third.  I played varsity tennis in both high school and college and played the Number 1 position on both teams in the last couple of years. I was  recruited by the high school track coach, but declined his kind offer so that I could give full attention to my preferred sport. I still have the letter jacket I got in college and it still fits me, though I have not worn it for several decades.


As to other athletic accomplishments, I still hold the informal Florida record for throwing a standard 5-tine pitchfork and having it stick in the ground. 


Your psychologist friend gets a SOLID D-MINUS, Harald!






You need to take a nap.

All of this back-paddling has got to have worn you out.

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