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Hall of Famer

Posted 04 October 2007 07:56 AM Hide Post bothers my Mom, too, especially the cremation part. She has a hang-up about the resurrected body thing...thinks I won't have one I guess. I told her that if God made Adam from the dust of the earth, he can surely make me from my own ashes.

I told my husband that if my Mom got really distraught about it to not bend an inch on the organ donation, but that he could let the cremation go...but like LAWGIRL, if they open that casket, I'm going to request permission from God to make a few house calls.

"If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead and a place to are richer than 75% of this world."

Joy, I have told my husband at this point in my life that if I am on life support he had just better not let me get bored (or I'll haunt him!). I told him that someone had better either be reading a book to me or he'd better put a Stephen King novel on cassette for me to listen to. I have said that if none of the above seems to "stimulate" my brain then go ahead and donate me.

...and touching on the other question that was brought up...I know someone who received an organ transplant, he is rather famous about these parts, he used to drink and use drugs but he got a second chance at life due to an organ transplant and he turned his life around. I will just say that he is alive and well thanks to the transplant
Originally posted by FirenzeVeritas:
For those who wish to serve others, one can be a living donor of bone marrow. There are restrictions--I could not join the registry because I have mitral valve prolapse. Most individuals are no so restricted.

It's easy to be added to the list--all they initially need is a sm. sample of your blood in order to test for certain qualities to be matched. If you should be a match in these areas, you will be called back in for more sophisticated testing.

Bone Marrow Registry
PLEASE register!
If my husband's cancer comes back, YOU might be the one to save his life.
Last edited by LA_Sara
New Kid on the Block

Posted 06 October 2007 02:38 PM Hide Post
Originally posted by FirenzeVeritas:
For those who wish to serve others, one can be a living donor of bone marrow. There are restrictions--I could not join the registry because I have mitral valve prolapse. Most individuals are no so restricted.

It's easy to be added to the list--all they initially need is a sm. sample of your blood in order to test for certain qualities to be matched. If you should be a match in these areas, you will be called back in for more sophisticated testing.

Bone Marrow Registry
PLEASE register!
If my husband's cancer comes back, YOU might be the one to save his life.


I would LOVE to register as a bone marrow donor but it's not as simple as it seems. The donor has to pay to even have the test to get on the list. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I have to pay about $80 to even sign up.
Originally posted by Tw0PenniesToYa

I would LOVE to register as a bone marrow donor but it's not as simple as it seems. The donor has to pay to even have the test to get on the list. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I have to pay about $80 to even sign up.

I signed up over 15 years ago. At that time, I could not afford 80- bucks . . . Well, I could but I didn't want to. Anyway, they did it for free. So perhaps you can ask them again?

Since that time, I have had two near-opportunities to donate. Both times, some sort of incompatibility was found between the recipient's marrow and mine.

When I signed up, I assumed I would be saving lives on a regular basis. Oh well.

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