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Shotgun, rifle, pellet gun (I have to assume) - Check link for story:


In an interview Boston Public Radio, Evans stated:


For the most part, nobody in the city needs a shotgun, nobody needs a rifle, and I don’t know a lot of people who are into hunting who, being lifelong residents, would actually want that who lives in the city, but, especially here in the city I want to have discretion over who’s getting any type of gun because public safety is my main concern and as you know it’s an uphill battle taking as many guns off the street right now without pumping more into the system.

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Beam me up, Scotty, there's no intelligent life here......

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Originally Posted by Mr. Hooberbloob:


In 2011 there were 679 homicides using rifles and shotguns in the entire US, about 5% of all homicides.  There were also 496 homicides using a blunt object like a bat or hammer.  Only a complete idiot would think that long guns are a problem in the US


Only an idiot, or a Democrat politician!  Ah, but I repeat myself.


Originally Posted by Crash.Override:

simply put, everyone is tired of hearing 'they're gonna take our guns'... one idiot trying to limit the purchase of long guns doesn't mean 'they're coming to take our guns'.. it means ONE person has an agenda.. and i'll be willing to bet, isn't re-elected. now, back to 'they're gonna take our guns'.

Actually, the good guys are tired of unamerican people like yourself who are doing everything possible to make sure law abiding citizens are treated like criminals and pushing policy to ban/demonize guns that are VERY rarely used to murder in an effort to chip away at the second amendment.  We are also tired of the lame response/lie that "nobody is saying they are going to take your guns".  I and others have posted actual videos of top dims saying they would ban guns if they could get enough votes.    Just because you don't like the truth doesn't make it any less true.

Originally Posted by Crash.Override:

once again, thanks hoob.. you're doing an outstanding job proving my point.. from your own video.. "THE VOTES WEREN'T HERE.'... in simple terms.. nobody would vote for a gun ban.. i'm shocked. you mean all those democrats that hoob thinks want to take his guns wouldn't vote for a gun ban? well, that's ridiculous, hoob says so.

Once again, you've proven you have no concept of reading comprehension.  The video and many others like it prove that the dims WANT to take away our 2nd amendment rights.  If not for conservatives, the ding bat from Cali may have gotten the votes she needed.  This same sentiment has been communicated to you on numerous occasions.  Either you have a really bad memory or you're blinded by the walls of your own intestines.  Either way, the dims do WANT to take our guns away.  Thank God for the Republican Party.


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