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Best, at what point in your life did you develop animosity? Did you exhibit that trait to your young friends, teenage friends, as an adult or when?

  My animosity toward atheists began with deep fat and gofish when they came on the forum and announced their plan to RIDICULE Christians and let me tell you they were ugly to anything Christians said. No one could carry on a conversation about religion without those two becoming verbally violent.

  That being the case Bill Gray pled with Times Daily to start the religious forum. After some time TD honored his request and the then non-existent religious forum was begun.

  What then did the two atheist deep fat and gofish do? They fostered the vilest exchanges between believers and non-believers that exist here today. Their stated reasons again were to ridicule Christians per instructions of hitchens, dawkins and shermer.  The atheist hierarchy decided that being nice was counter to advancement of atheism and the proper way to live among mankind was an all out assault on non-atheists.

  Evil companionship does corrupt good morals. Christians and atheists that lived as friends before, were divided as citizens and became adversaries . Where should the blame be placed ? Time will tell.

I will say this: I think gofish has matured somewhat for personal reasons and deep fat is a kinder and gentler deep fat and is trying the civil approach along with some others.

Jenn, it seems I've p*ssed you off & that wasn't my intention, I thought we were friends & could agree to disagree. If you'll notice my post, I said "If he said those things, I haven't seen them". 

I don't read all of what4's post because they're so long. I don't know what things was said that he was replying to but those post does sound like something Bill would say. 


I'm human & I make mistakes just like you or anyone else does.

Originally Posted by semiannualchick:

Jenn, it seems I've p*ssed you off & that wasn't my intention, I thought we were friends & could agree to disagree. If you'll notice my post, I said "If he said those things, I haven't seen them". 

I don't read all of what4's post because they're so long. I don't know what things was said that he was replying to but those post does sound like something Bill would say. 


I'm human & I make mistakes just like you or anyone else does.


I have no idea why you'd think you had "****ed me off". I just posted a FEW of what4's posts simply because you did say "If he said those things, I haven't seen them". I was showing you why I compared him to bill. My opinion, no difference in the way they react to non-believers or people that don't believe exactly as they do.

Originally Posted by BrotherOrSister Simpson:

  That being the case Bill Gray pled with Times Daily to start the religious forum. After some time TD honored his request and the then non-existent religious forum was begun.


Of course that is one possible side to the story.  The other is that every conversation about anything scientific, and many others on various topics, ended up with the overly religious nuts invoking God. The conversation would devolve into what you see here.   Everyone begged the TD forum to segregate the religious discussion from the rest. 

Originally Posted by CrustyMac:


" I respect crusty and his beliefs".   Wut4's reading comprehension report card = F


I understand that you are jealous that I'm getting through to the atheists better than you are, but nobody, not even other Christians, likes a Bible thumper.  I get that fundamentalists really have no respect for anyone but themselves, and don't really understand the concept of respect for others.  How can they, when they have missed the central tenet of the Bible?



Crusty, Jesus was a bible thumper. The apostles were bible thumpers. Every respectable person in the entire bible were bible thumpers. I love God's word. It is a light unto my path. It is the source of truth that I used to know who Jesus was and how to be saved. Without it, I would have no idea that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of God, and the only hope of salvation. Without God's word, I would have no idea what God's directions are. I would be like a blind man groping in the dark without God's word to guide me. It appears that you have little respect for God's word and those who use it. How then can you respect Christ? Only those who hear him and follow him are his disciples. If you refuse to acknowledge his word, then how can you claim to be a follower of Christ?


Originally Posted by what4:
Originally Posted by Not Shallow Not Slim:

What4 writes: Deep, I see design in nature, and you see random chance. I see a human being with a brain, heart, complex ciruculatory system, lungs, and a chest that all work together to capture air, convert it to oxygen, and supply oxygen rich blood to all the other complex organs that are needed to sustain life. Those things working to perfection and working together in perfect harmony defy chance.


W4, those things are easily explained by evolution.  Haven't you read up on it?


Let's discuss random chances.  Genetic mutations do happen randomly, but natural selection is anything but random.  It is a filter that dismisses 99% of genetic mutations as disadvantageous.  Only the rare mutation is beneficial.


There is an element of randomness in life, but the rest of the system is well ordered.  Similar to backgammon, where dice are used, but otherwise there are specific rules and a way of deciding winners and losers.


I frankly don't see how you can discount evolution, since we are obviously evolved creatures.  Everything about our physiology, genetics, and natural history demands this conclusion.


Why do you strain so strenuously, so ineffectually, against evolution?  It happened.  So what?  Why does this distress you so?  Can your religious philosophy not reconcile the demonstrated fact of evolution with God?  If that is the case, you must give up God, because evolution is a matter of fact.





Deep, if you remember we argued for what seemed like months once before.You continue to believe that it is possible for chemicals to somehow magically come together and create life, and you believe that Murphy's Law did not exist, and that accidentally that scrawny half-formed life form that was barely alive found a way to overcome all the impossible odds against it and eventually become a human being with feelings, intellegence, and all sorts of abilities that the chemicals in the beginning never had. We simply have to agree to disagree on this matter.  W4, some sort of abiogenesis is an inevitable conclusion.  We can learn from the biochemists who speculate on its origins or we can believe in magic.  Science has shown that the chemicals necessary for life can and do arise spontaneously under certain conditions, including those likely to have existed on Earth billions of years ago.  Please see this video:


I didn't come here to debate with atheists. However atheists seem to constantly want to challenge Christians. I can understand that somewhat. But Christians are not standing in the way of progress as you believe. If we were not here, then I believe that scientists would not be held near as accountable, and all those missing links that were hoaxes might not have been ever checked out. I beleive we are holding the scientists feet to the fire and making them sweat. If they had clear evidence to prove their case, then they would be all smiles. But even the most staunch atheists have no proof that God does not exist. And the most stauch atheists cannot tell anybody how life accidentally came on the scene. So how can you be so sure that you are right?  But, debate you do!   Not only Christians, but Muslims and other parties of the gods certainly stand in the way of science.  Surely you are familiar with stem cell research.  G. Bush prohibited new stem cell lines because of an irrational superstition regarding single-celled zygotes having souls.  Galileo was imprisoned for years for daring to suggest that Copernicus was right about the Solar system, with whom I presume even you now agree.  The hoaxes and mistakes of earlier scientists were found and publicized by other scientists.  The real hoaxers and frauds are the likes of Ian Juby and Kent Hovind who prey on the willful ignorance of the anti-science element of our society.


For some reason which I could explain to you, but I'd rather have you explain to us all, that anti-science element fears science.  Please explain why this is so.


Deep, the way I see the creation account in Genesis, many of the things that scientists have found can be explained without believing in evolution as you see it. What I believe doesn't conflict with what scientists have dug up and what they see. It simply conflicts with their conclusion. Science doesn't challenge my faith at all. I don't have to ignore God's word and remove discard entire books of the bible to believe in God and accept his word as truth. I can accept what scientists have found. I simply do not respect their conclusions. Because they have left God out, then have no real hope of solving the puzzle.  By leaving god in, there is no hope of solving any puzzle.  God is the end of curiosity.  Saying "God did it" ends the discussion, unless one is brave enough to realize that scientific naturalism is a better way of exploring nature.


The same evidence does not come to more than one satisfactory conclusion.  If you understand how the fossil record and the geologic column consistently coincide, yet you believe that fossils were laid down in layers that appear chronological because of the Great Flood, then you are simply wrong.  Yes, I've heard the apologists tortured and painfully desperate attempts to explain why there are no mammals found in the Cambrian stratum.  In light of the fact that they now know the real truth, there is no alternative but to conclude that they are lying in order to buttress the Bible and their faiths.  A faith that depends on lies should concern you as much as it does me.


I will say one thing in closing. I actually respect the fact that you try to use reason rather than intimidation in your debates. I strongly disagree with you, and I believe your stand is dangerous and could cause some to be led away from God and lose their hope of salvation. However, you do have my respect in other ways. We may continue to be adversaries, but I do not dislike you personally.  Durn glad to hear it, I don't dislike you either.  You have, however, got the dangerous beliefs backwards.  Making people, especially children, suspicious of science with Creationist booshwah threatens to turn America into an intellectual backwater in the world.  When the scientifically literate children of China, India, Europe, and South America exceed our children in scientific and technological fields, we will be at their untender mercies.  We have real problems like medicine, economics, energy, agriculture, sustainability, and water supplies that will require further discoveries and implementation, and NONE of those problems (among other problems) will be solved by further rationalizations of the Bible.  Not one.


Take care.  You too.





Originally Posted by Bestworking:

I have no idea why you'd think you had "****ed me off". I just posted a FEW of what4's posts simply because you did say "If he said those things, I haven't seen them". I was showing you why I compared him to bill. My opinion, no difference in the way they react to non-believers or people that don't believe exactly as they do.


Ok, my apologies.

Originally Posted by what4:
Originally Posted by CrustyMac:


" I respect crusty and his beliefs".   Wut4's reading comprehension report card = F


I understand that you are jealous that I'm getting through to the atheists better than you are, but nobody, not even other Christians, likes a Bible thumper.  I get that fundamentalists really have no respect for anyone but themselves, and don't really understand the concept of respect for others.  How can they, when they have missed the central tenet of the Bible?



Crusty, Jesus was a bible thumper. The apostles were bible thumpers. Every respectable person in the entire bible were bible thumpers. I love God's word. It is a light unto my path. It is the source of truth that I used to know who Jesus was and how to be saved. Without it, I would have no idea that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of God, and the only hope of salvation. Without God's word, I would have no idea what God's directions are. I would be like a blind man groping in the dark without God's word to guide me. It appears that you have little respect for God's word and those who use it. How then can you respect Christ? Only those who hear him and follow him are his disciples. If you refuse to acknowledge his word, then how can you claim to be a follower of Christ?

 Crusty has a point, you know.  If the Bible is the compendium of the Old and New Testaments, then neither Jesus nor the Disciples knew anything about the whole thing.  The Gospels were written decades after their actions, if they existed, and after Paul's Epistles.  There is good evidence to think that the Gospels were written to satisfy curiosity about the Christ that Paul mentioned.  In doing so, they attributed to Jesus all the common and dignified qualities of a proper man-god, such as miraculous birth, resurrection, miracles, and son-of-god status, to name a few.  These qualities came from the Egyptian, Greek, Roman, and other traditions.  Don't believe me?  Look at ancient Greek art of their holy men, you'll see halosSeveral men-gods were sons of the gods, including Achilles.  There is nothing original about Christianity.




Originally Posted by what4:
Originally Posted by CrustyMac:


" I respect crusty and his beliefs".   Wut4's reading comprehension report card = F


I understand that you are jealous that I'm getting through to the atheists better than you are, but nobody, not even other Christians, likes a Bible thumper.  I get that fundamentalists really have no respect for anyone but themselves, and don't really understand the concept of respect for others.  How can they, when they have missed the central tenet of the Bible?



Crusty, Jesus was a bible thumper. The apostles were bible thumpers. Every respectable person in the entire bible were bible thumpers. I love God's word. It is a light unto my path. It is the source of truth that I used to know who Jesus was and how to be saved. Without it, I would have no idea that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of God, and the only hope of salvation. Without God's word, I would have no idea what God's directions are. I would be like a blind man groping in the dark without God's word to guide me. It appears that you have little respect for God's word and those who use it. How then can you respect Christ? Only those who hear him and follow him are his disciples. If you refuse to acknowledge his word, then how can you claim to be a follower of Christ?


To say that Jesus or anyone in the Bible was a Bible thumper is a farcical statement.  First, there was no Bible to thump, only the Torah.  Jesus had no formal training in the Torah that anyone can point to, nor did his disciples.   There is no evidence that Jesus could read, so Bible thumping, or even Torah thumping was impossible.  Jesus thumped on his own authority.  Nowhere does Jesus say that you are to worship the Bible.


But I get what you are trying to say, and you are still wrong.  The Torah thumpers of the day were the  Pharisees.  Jesus was anything but a thumper.  He obviously had problems with the establish formal religious order and their laws - laws you say were set out by God, and by your extrapolation, Jesus himself.  Two examples: Jesus' encounter with the money changers in the Temple, and my favorite, Jesus in one fell swoop revoking the dietary laws when confronted by the Pharisees for not washing his hands before eating. 


Jesus says that you can't be defiled by what you intake, and also says, “‘These people honor me with their lips,but their hearts are far from me.They worship me in vain;their teachings are merely human rules."  So Jesus (God) has changed his mind about dietary laws.  He seems to change his mind quite a bit in the NT.


This is why I have no respect for fundamentalist wackadoodles.  They have no relationship with God, their only relationship is with the Bible.  You say it yourself, without the Bible, your god can't exist for you.  As Jesus says, what comes out of your mouth defiles you, and your love for the Bible, and your  hate of your fellow man, your complete misunderstanding of the message of the Bible are your problem, not mine.  I see, not only with the help of the Bible, but with the help of God. 

Originally Posted by Not Shallow Not Slim:

Vic, what is your reply to the topic of this thread?


Do you believe in a literal Adam and Eve, Original Sin, and a talking snake?  Or is it all allegorical?





Snake don't talk and there's nothing original about sin. there's no

reason an Adam and Eve couldn't have lived.

Say goodnight gracie,,,,,


Originally Posted by INVICTUS:


What4,,, There's a great difference between Bible worship and Bible assisted.

It should be the book of your church, not your god.





Who or what has more authority than God and His words that are recorded in the Holy Bible?


Jesus accepted the holy scriptures in his time as God's holy word. By quoting and standing on what was written in those scriptures, Jesus rendered the devil speechless and powerless. I believe that Jesus was the Son of God. I believe what he spoke was true. If he believed the scriptures, then I also choose to believe the scriptures. Jesus spoke with the authority of God His Father, and Christ's Apostle's spoke with his authority as his ambassadors. The scriptures that Jesus quoted and accepted as God's word, as well as many of Christ's own teachings and his Apostle's teachings are recorded in the bible. Those teachings are the most authoritative truths you will find, and should serve as the standard reference by which all other teachings, doctrines or traditions are measured by. They are considered so authoritative that they are accepted as God's Holy Word. Anything that conflicts with those teachings should be considered as heresy and rejected, including the teachings, doctrines,and traditions that are passed down by men in your church.


You may only use the bible as an aid to back up your beliefs when it agrees with you, and reject it when it disagrees with you or your church doctrine. Believe what you want to believe and follow what you want to follow. But I prefer to put my trust in what is written in the Holy Bible. I will hear God's word and follow Him.


What would your church be like today if nobody ever looked at the scriptures and examined it against the light of Gods word. You church leaders at one time sold salvation to help pay their bills. A man stood up within your church and tried to expose what it had become in hopes of exposing its wickedness and ridding all its heretic teaching and practices. That man was ostracized for standing up for truth and was marked for death. He fled, and then he translated the scriptures so that the common man could read God's word. The people became enlightened and learned their church had become wicked. They recognized that they could be saved by accepting Jesus as their Savior and Lord. They learned they could pray directly to God through Jesus Christ, and that they needed no other man or woman to interecede to God on their behalf. I suggest you look into God's word and compare your church doctrines to the truth in God's word, and follow God and beleive His word over the doctrines and traditions of men.


Mark 7:7 Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.


Mark 7:9 And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition.


2 Timothy 3:16-17 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.


Mark 8:38 For whosoever shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of man also shall be ashamed of him, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.


John 8:31 Jesus therefore said to those Jews that had believed him, If ye abide in my word, then are ye truly my disciples; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.


John 5:46-47 For if ye believed Moses, ye would believe me; for he wrote of me. But if ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe my words?


Matthew 4:4 But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.



Originally Posted by CrustyMac:

To say that Jesus or anyone in the Bible was a Bible thumper is a farcical statement.  First, there was no Bible to thump, only the Torah.  Jesus had no formal training in the Torah that anyone can point to, nor did his disciples.   There is no evidence that Jesus could read, so Bible thumping, or even Torah thumping was impossible.  Jesus thumped on his own authority.  Nowhere does Jesus say that you are to worship the Bible.



Apart from the bible there was not a lot of writing concerning Jesus. Jesus and his followers were rejected by the major players in the Jewish faith. The Roman's would probably have thought little of any religion, except that they might become a threat to overthrow them. There is no wonder you can't find anything about Jesus. How much evidence do you even have that gives you the names of the Jewish Sanhedrin? The government was later overthrown and a lot of the evidence of anything could have been burnt or destroyed. What you say proves nothing.



But I get what you are trying to say, and you are still wrong.  The Torah thumpers of the day were the  Pharisees.  Jesus was anything but a thumper.  He obviously had problems with the establish formal religious order and their laws - laws you say were set out by God, and by your extrapolation, Jesus himself.  Two examples: Jesus' encounter with the money changers in the Temple, and my favorite, Jesus in one fell swoop revoking the dietary laws when confronted by the Pharisees for not washing his hands before eating. 



That law was not based on scripture, but on their oral traditions. Oral traditions are just like your opinion. It's worthless if it is not backed up by scripture.



Jesus says that you can't be defiled by what you intake, and also says, “‘These people honor me with their lips,but their hearts are far from me.They worship me in vain;their teachings are merely human rules."  So Jesus (God) has changed his mind about dietary laws.  He seems to change his mind quite a bit in the NT.


How did he change his mind? I don't see anything that you've mentioned that he changed his mind on. He was talking about their washing their hands, and possibly getting a little dirt on their food from their hands. But Jesus also ushered in a new era that did do away with the dietary laws. What God has made clean, let no man call unclean, was the words that Peter heard Jesus say in a vision, just before he sent him to preach to the Gentiles. Jesus offered his salvation to all, so the Gentiles who were considered unclean by the Jewish Law were made clean by faith in Jesus Christ. And the old dietary laws were done away with. There was a transition from old to new in the time of Christ because of what he made possible through his death, and the shedding of his blood, and through his resurrection. I don't think Jesus changed his mind one time. He simply ushered in a time of grace that fufilled and eliminated many aspects concerning the dietary matters of the Law.


 This is why I have no respect for fundamentalist wackadoodles.  They have no relationship with God, their only relationship is with the Bible.  You say it yourself, without the Bible, your god can't exist for you.  As Jesus says, what comes out of your mouth defiles you, and your love for the Bible, and your  hate of your fellow man, your complete misunderstanding of the message of the Bible are your problem, not mine.  I see, not only with the help of the Bible, but with the help of God. 



Whatever. You mock Jesus and claim that he contradicted himself and had no idea what he was talking about, so I guess I'm in good company to be mocked with him.


As far as hate, I hate lies that are spoken as truth. I hate good being called evil and evil being called good. I hate it when people are mocked or ridiculed simply because they believe differently. I hate it when people call themselves Christians but believe you can be saved without believing in Jesus, or without making him your Lord. I hate it when people try to destroy God's word and usher in their own beliefs as truth, and become a possible stumbling block to the weak and unlearned. I don't hate gays, but I hate their sin. I don't hate atheists, but I hate their message. I don't hate those who commit fornication or adultery, but I believe their sin is wrong. I especially feel that adulterers are wrong who  cheat on a spouse who is faithful and loving. But I don't hate these people. But there are people I despise, such as those who rape women, do violence to others, or abuse a child, or cheat people out of their life savings, or who are cruel to animals. I despise those who mock and belittle others just for fun, or mock those who might have a lower IQ or a disability. There are people I despise. I don't think I'm wrong for that. I believe there are people that God despises as well. God's mercy is greater than mine. But so far, I have been able to forgive all who have done me evil. But then again, I have not suffered a great evil when compared to what some have suffered.





Originally Posted by: what4

As far as hate, I hate lies that are spoken as truth. I hate good being called evil and evil being called good. I hate it when people are mocked or ridiculed simply because they believe differently.

I hate it when people try to destroy God's word and usher in their own beliefs as truth, and become a possible stumbling block to the weak and unlearned.

I especially feel that adulterers are wrong who cheat on a spouse who is faithful and loving.

I despise those who mock and belittle others just for fun, or mock those who might have a lower IQ or a disability.

I believe there are people that God despises as well.


Do you despise Bill Gray? He does many of the things you listed. If you have read any of his post, then you have seen the mocking, ridicule, his use of the word Duh!, his cartoons that he uses to belittle/ make fun of. If Bill is not a stumbling block, then such a thing doesn’t exist. He is one of those you mention that lies but he speaks it as truth. He talks the talk, & if he is the Christian that walks the walk, I don’t want any. Why would anyone want something that makes a person like that?


You said you “especially” feel that adulterers are wrong who cheat on a spouse who is faithful & loving? So it’s ok to cheat on a spouse that is not faithful & loving?

What about lust? Does the Bible not say that to lust is to committ adultery? Men & women Lust daily.


I was shocked when you wrote you believed that there are people that God despises. I thought God was Love? Don't you think maybe if He has it in Him to despise at all, it would be to despise what the person is doing, but not the person?



Originally Posted by INVICTUS:
Originally Posted by Not Shallow Not Slim:

Vic, what is your reply to the topic of this thread?


Do you believe in a literal Adam and Eve, Original Sin, and a talking snake?  Or is it all allegorical?





Snake don't talk and there's nothing original about sin. there's no

reason an Adam and Eve couldn't have lived.

Say goodnight gracie,,,,,


I'm happy enough to agree that snakes don't talk, but you're ducking the question.  St. Paul, who invented Christianity, said that Jesus died to offer us absolution from the Original Sin of Adam and Eve.


Do you believe they existed, ate the apples, and that God cursed all humankind forever afterward, or is the essential premise of Christianity false?



Originally Posted by Not Shallow Not Slim:
Originally Posted by INVICTUS:
Originally Posted by Not Shallow Not Slim:

Vic, what is your reply to the topic of this thread?


Do you believe in a literal Adam and Eve, Original Sin, and a talking snake?  Or is it all allegorical?





Snake don't talk and there's nothing original about sin. there's no

reason an Adam and Eve couldn't have lived.

Say goodnight gracie,,,,,


I'm happy enough to agree that snakes don't talk, but you're ducking the question.  St. Paul, who invented Christianity, said that Jesus died to offer us absolution from the Original Sin of Adam and Eve.


Let's see,,,,,,,,,,Paul wrote a few letters, but didn't invent anything. Jesus

created his Church (Catholic--Peter, CEO) and gave up his own life to

reopen the gates of Heaven and forgive our sins for a second chance.

Baptism takes away original sin.

Eve ate a fruit that made her randy, and asked Adam to eat some as well.

That's not the way God wanted to populate the earth.

The unsanctioned pregnancy begot Caine.

The essential premise of Christianity is false among much of christian

beliefs today. You know all this as well as I do.


Do you believe they existed, ate the apples, and that God cursed all humankind forever afterward, or is the essential premise of Christianity false?




Originally Posted by semiannualchick:

Originally Posted by: what4

As far as hate, I hate lies that are spoken as truth. I hate good being called evil and evil being called good. I hate it when people are mocked or ridiculed simply because they believe differently.

I hate it when people try to destroy God's word and usher in their own beliefs as truth, and become a possible stumbling block to the weak and unlearned.

I especially feel that adulterers are wrong who cheat on a spouse who is faithful and loving.

I despise those who mock and belittle others just for fun, or mock those who might have a lower IQ or a disability.

I believe there are people that God despises as well.


Do you despise Bill Gray? He does many of the things you listed. If you have read any of his post, then you have seen the mocking, ridicule, his use of the word Duh!, his cartoons that he uses to belittle/ make fun of. If Bill is not a stumbling block, then such a thing doesn’t exist. He is one of those you mention that lies but he speaks it as truth. He talks the talk, & if he is the Christian that walks the walk, I don’t want any. Why would anyone want something that makes a person like that?


You said you “especially” feel that adulterers are wrong who cheat on a spouse who is faithful & loving? So it’s ok to cheat on a spouse that is not faithful & loving?

What about lust? Does the Bible not say that to lust is to committ adultery? Men & women Lust daily.


I was shocked when you wrote you believed that there are people that God despises. I thought God was Love? Don't you think maybe if He has it in Him to despise at all, it would be to despise what the person is doing, but not the person?




Chick, some of the things I said were said with a bit of haste. I was tired and not thinking clearly. I think I spoke more from my own feelings rather than speaking for God. I allow my feelings to dictate what I said and I was terribly wrong. When I thought about things later I knew that I said some things I shouldn't have. I'm glad you brought this up again so now I might be able to correct some things.


I do despise people during the time that they commit these terrible things. But I should say that I despise their character and their actions. People are sometimes treated like animals, and later they live and act like animals. So even though my first response is to despise a person who might do these things, I can see how people can come to do those terrible things. So there is most always room for some mercy and understanding. When it says we are to love others, I think it means to show love as much as we can. We can still treat people with some love or dignity as a human being, even when we despise much of who they are. We can do that and at the same time expect them to be tried and convicted and punished for their crimes in a court of Law. The criminal justice system should not be discarded due to Christian love and mercy.


People can change their life by falling down at the feet of Christ and asking his mercy and his help. The most vile sinner can be restored to God and their heart can be changed and their life become very different. God's mercy and grace and his power to change a person is overwhelming at times. I can look at others and ask how God could forgive them and save them. But in reality, I need God's mercy as well. So I was wrong to say that God despises people. Jesus died for the vilest of sinners as well as those who are by society's standards good and decent human beings. If God despised sinner, he would not have sent his Son to die for them. God despises sin, but he loves the sinner enough to give them an opportunity to repent and be saved. I was very wrong in what I said.

When I said that I “especially” feel that adulterers are wrong who cheat on a spouse who is faithful & loving? I was again giving my feelings, and not God's feelings. There are spouses that treat their mate hatefully. There are some who live in very unhappy marriages. I can understand how they can be tempted to step outside that marriage and forget their commitment to their spouse. Sometimes I understand and sympathize for people that do wrong, but that doesn't mean that I justify their sin. But I was thinking from my own feelings and perspective. But a Christian never has any excuse for sinning that can justify us. We can never excuse ourselves in our sins. When we face greater temptation, we can always go to God and he can give us greater grace and strength to overcome that temptation.


You ask about lustful thoughts. Our natural, or fleshly man, has it's lusts and desires that are common to mankind. It is the very thing within us that draws us to the opposite sex. It can be a powerful thing to deal with at times. But as a Christian, we can crucify our fleshly nature with all its lusts and desires by the knowledge of God's word and by the strength from the spirit of Christ who lives in us. We can take every thought captive and subdue it before it has a chance to fester in our heart. And we can follow Christ in peace, knowing that as we choose to struggle within ourselves to overcome our sinful nature, that the blood of Christ continues to cleanse us of all sins.



what4, You said you could see how people can come to do those terrible things, & there's most always room for some mercy & understanding. Who were you referring to when you mentioned the court of law & expecting them to be tried & convicted?

The things I mentioned was referring to Bill. So it's ok for Bill to treat most of us the way he does, even though he claims to be a Christian?


I also understand how a man or a woman can be tempted to step outside his/her marriage & forget any commitment to their spouse. But all the understanding in the world doesn't make it right, doesn't matter if you're a believer or non-believer.


You danced around my question about lust. I know all about lust & desires, & it being the very thing that draws us to the opposite sex, all those things you mentioned. The Bible says "But I say unto you, That whosoever looks on a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart."

That sounds as plain as you can get to me. If you lust, you have committed adultery.         

Originally Posted by INVICTUS:
Originally Posted by Not Shallow Not Slim:
Originally Posted by INVICTUS:
Originally Posted by Not Shallow Not Slim:

Vic, what is your reply to the topic of this thread?


Do you believe in a literal Adam and Eve, Original Sin, and a talking snake?  Or is it all allegorical?





Snake don't talk and there's nothing original about sin. there's no

reason an Adam and Eve couldn't have lived.

Say goodnight gracie,,,,,


I'm happy enough to agree that snakes don't talk, but you're ducking the question.  St. Paul, who invented Christianity, said that Jesus died to offer us absolution from the Original Sin of Adam and Eve.


Let's see,,,,,,,,,,Paul wrote a few letters, but didn't invent anything. Jesus

created his Church (Catholic--Peter, CEO) and gave up his own life to

reopen the gates of Heaven and forgive our sins for a second chance.

Baptism takes away original sin.

Eve ate a fruit that made her randy, and asked Adam to eat some as well.

That's not the way God wanted to populate the earth.

The unsanctioned pregnancy begot Caine.

The essential premise of Christianity is false among much of christian

beliefs today. You know all this as well as I do.


Do you believe they existed, ate the apples, and that God cursed all humankind forever afterward, or is the essential premise of Christianity false?




Baptism takes away Original Sin???   So, if one is baptized, one is good with god again, no Jesus necessary.  Got it.


So why is there this enormous Jesus cult?


You said: 

The essential premise of Christianity is false among much of christian

beliefs today. You know all this as well as I do.

The essential premise of Christianity is false, we agree.




Originally Posted by Not Shallow Not Slim:
Originally Posted by INVICTUS:
Originally Posted by Not Shallow Not Slim:


Baptism takes away Original Sin???   So, if one is baptized, one is good with god again, no Jesus necessary.  Got it. ----Yes sir, I hear you loud and clear

But you need Jesus for the unbaptized and californians.


So why is there this enormous Jesus cult?


You said: 

The essential premise of Christianity is false among much of christian

beliefs today. You know all this as well as I do.

The essential premise of Christianity is false, we agree.



The essential premise of Christianity is false among much of christian

beliefs today.





Originally Posted by Not Shallow Not Slim:

That's the question, Vega.  Saved from what?


It's my understanding that the central tenet of Christianity is that we are born wicked, deserving of Hell, because of Original Sin.  Jesus died to give us the opportunity to redeem ourselves from that curse.


So, if one does not accept Original Sin, all of Christianity becomes moot.


Do we agree?




DF, I'm not sure this makes any sense, could you clarify??


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