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We need a "weird and outrageous but true" forum for the things libwhacks do here and in other countries.

A Candian trans teacher who became an international sensation for wearing massive prosthetic Z-cup b r e a s t s to class was confronted by a reporter after he was seen in public not wearing the large prosthetics.

David Menzies, a reporter with Rebel News, confronted Kayla Lemieux at a shopping mall after he was seen exiting the building without the massive *******.

"Mr. Lemieux, where are your *******? I thought your ******* were real. Where are your *******?" Menzies shouted as Lemiuex attempted to get into his Uber.

Trans teacher Kayla Lemieux has reportedly been put on leave by the Halton District School Board.*******-jig-up

The starred out word is b r e a s t. Who would have thought TVT has a problem with that word?

Desperation met stupidity on the corner of bad luck and despair, and the democratic party was born.

Last edited by giftedamateur
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