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Originally posted by 46:1:
In the other post that got closed, I just ask you a question. No need to be rude.

The reason I asked is I thought that the last time we had severe weather someone posted warnings about it and I thought it was you. Thats the only reason I asked.

OH, ok, so sorry about that 46:1, since it was on that forum topic that was closed. I thought you meant something about that. I'm so sorry about that. Yes, I do have an association with the EMA, I am usually the one that always warns everyone of Bad or Severe Weather approaching us. But,I was afraid that people would get tired of me doing that, so i didn't say anything about it.

Again, sorry,

Yes, there is severe weather headed our way from Mississippi, especially later on tonight from southern Mississippi,It is supposed to arrive here in the shoals Area I believe around Midnight. My advice is just to be watching and waiting and expect the unexpected. It is extremely hot for us right now and anytime the Dew Point gets above 64 degrees, it is prime weather for Tornadoes. I am listening at home right now to EMA, I can go down there if I choose, but I am not feeling well, so I chose to stay home and monitor from here. But, If I am needed, I will go down there later on tonight.

My best advice is stay tuned to your local radio or tv station and Everybody Please get a Noaa Weather Radio,they will save your life, especially at Night when we cannot see Tornadoes.

Again, Please accept my apology 46, I am indeed truly sorry, I jumped to conclusions that I should not have.

Everybody please stay safe and be careful tonight, and for most of the night. I know, myself, I'll be up all night, I was up all night last night too because I was feeling so bad that I couldnt sleep. But that's ok, we have to make sacrifices, if anyone's life is in danger. That's why I am involved in EMA and being an EMT-P and a Nurse.

Love all you guys,

Again, I'm sorry 46......... Wanna be friends again? I sure hope so.
I'm not a weather watcher, mostly because the weathermen usually get it wrong. We have a weather siren close by so if it goes off, we may get up, look outside & go back to bed. Wink
Donna, I think what you do is great if you feel a need to do it. You can be our forum weather lady and I mean that in a nice way. Smiler
Tact, thanks sweetie, I'd love to be that, but only if they want me to, I don't wanna be a person that "harps"on the weather to the folks in the forum, I just want everybody to be safe, because I love people and dont wanna lose any of them over a weather situation. Do you think that we need to do a poll on whether forum folks want me to give out my famous "weather warnings". I'll leave it up to you my friend
Originally posted by DLC31073:
Tact, thanks sweetie, I'd love to be that, but only if they want me to, I don't wanna be a person that "harps"on the weather to the folks in the forum, I just want everybody to be safe, because I love people and dont wanna lose any of them over a weather situation. Do you think that we need to do a poll on whether forum folks want me to give out my famous "weather warnings". I'll leave it up to you my friend

It only makes sense for you to report.

Being a Ham radio operator you might hear a report from me. Big Grin
Originally posted by DLC31073:
OK, then , let's do it, if you don't mind then I and rram will both do a great job of keeping all informed of the weather. I more than likely have heard you on the Ham network rram, I hear them all. You guys do a great job. Thanks a lot, if you want to start a weather thread, then I'm all for it.

Sounds good to me

I think I have posted this before.

If you are not a Ham and simply want to listen and you have a scanner.

During weather alerts:

Colbert EMA uses 146.61 Mhz.

Lauderdale 146.68

Moultan co-ordinates with the National Weather Service on 146.96

These are Ham repeaters and have automatic backup generators and should always be on.

There are also several backups on different frequencies if these were to fail.

If the backups fail , many hams can immediately turn their home station or mobile station into a repeater.

If you do not have your ham license, get them and get out there and get yo self blown away chasing storms.
Just don't tell me to go get in the basement every time it rains... ha ha. My grandmother was scared of storms and while I was little I spent way to much time there, worried! Bless her heart! she would call and make sure I went to the basement before she went to her storm shelter, ha ha,Who needs a weather radio when you have my grandmother. Now it seems I don't take storms as serious cause of this! So if I should panic please let me know! Eeker
Hahaha, I had a Grandmother just exactly like that hon. If it even thundered 100 miles away, she started walking and pacing the floor wringing her hands, if she wasn't at my house, although she was most of the time anyway, I would have to go to her house and pick her up. I was never nervous until she got around me and she made me get extremely nervous. God rest her Soul. Believe me, I am not a panicker, but I promise you this, If I do say go to your basement or interior room, please do it. I am not lying or messing around or even playing I am dead serious. I dont want anybody to lose their life for no reason.We have sufficient warnings now that gives us plenty of time to take cover or go to our safe place whereever it may be in our house. I promise I will not be like OUR Grandmothers. LOL
Now, Tact, you know I gotta reply on that one about Brad Travis, he did explain why it was not gonna be as bad as he had thought it was. all meterology talk, but none the less, he made up for it. There are still some storms that are waaay to the southeast of us in Southern Mississippi, that did cause some major damage and injuries and maybe a death. So, those buggers could refire and they are headed in our direction. Now, whether that happens, is anybody's guess, It's just a possibility.But tact, don't be so nonserious, I would hate for anything to happen to you, I will get your number if you keep this up and I'll call you every 3 minutes and bug the absolute snot out of you. Now pay attention!!!!!. LOL
Originally posted by DLC31073:
Hahaha, I had a Grandmother just exactly like that hon. If it even thundered 100 miles away, she started walking and pacing the floor wringing her hands, if she wasn't at my house, although she was most of the time anyway, I would have to go to her house and pick her up. I was never nervous until she got around me and she made me get extremely nervous. God rest her Soul. Believe me, I am not a panicker, but I promise you this, If I do say go to your basement or interior room, please do it. I am not lying or messing around or even playing I am dead serious. I dont want anybody to lose their life for no reason.We have sufficient warnings now that gives us plenty of time to take cover or go to our safe place whereever it may be in our house. I promise I will not be like OUR Grandmothers. LOL

I guess all our Grandma's was the same !! Mine would put a blanket over the windows so she couldnt see the lighting ,unplug the a/c and tv . The we would go to the basement if it was bad and take a coal oil lamp with us . lol Razzer
Originally posted by EvilGenius:
rramlimnn one correction you must have not been on your ham radio in quite a while, Colbert County uses 146.880 on your scanner listening dial and Lauderdale uses 146.610

You are correct Evil. I have not been on 61 or 68 in a while. I'll take your word for it. I stand corrected.
Originally posted by DLC31073:
I guess all our Grandma's was the same !! Mine would put a blanket over the windows so she couldnt see the lighting ,unplug the a/c and tv . The we would go to the basement if it was bad and take a coal oil lamp with us . lol Razzer

My grandmother was EXACTLY the same.
I inherited her house, and we still have the storm shelter that she made my grandfather have built,
before she would move here, in 1951. She was involved in a terrible tornado many many years ago in Missouri, and after that, she would not live anywhere, that didn't have an underground storm shelter.
This one is pretty nice though, its completely under ground and we have a carport that's sitting on top of it.
I just don't trust the long hallway you have to use, to get to it. I'll chose an interior closet, any day!

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