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Originally posted by Winston Niles Rumfoord:
Not quite as high as W's after walking on Iraq.

Too bad President Wimpy is failing in the cred category. Americans want a leader with a pair, Hillary took Willie's, and Michelle took Wimpy's some time back, probably for the same reason.

Winston Lights TNF Runoff,
I know you are IMMUNE to embarrassment, also seeing hypocrisy and a lot of other traits of FOXOPHILES but WHY oh WHY use George W. Bush as an example instead of Colin Powell?
GWB also had the LOWEST approval rating of ANY US president when he left office of under 20%.
Originally posted by rocky:
Originally posted by Winston Niles Rumfoord:
Not quite as high as W's after walking on Iraq.

Too bad President Wimpy is failing in the cred category. Americans want a leader with a pair, Hillary took Willie's, and Michelle took Wimpy's some time back, probably for the same reason.

Winston Lights TNF Runoff,
I know you are IMMUNE to embarrassment, also seeing hypocrisy and a lot of other traits of FOXOPHILES but WHY oh WHY use George W. Bush as an example instead of Colin Powell?
GWB also had the LOWEST approval rating of ANY US president when he left office of under 20%.

Once again, obsession with Fox News noted. Also, obsession with "W" and the past noted. Now, beter was talking about Hilary's approval rating... soooooo, does this mean she should go up against Barry in a democrat primary? Once again lil buddy... try to stay focused here. This is about Hilary, not W, not the repubs... Hilary Clinton. Due to these high numbers, does she need to run for the democratic nomination?
Originally posted by rocky:
Originally posted by Winston Niles Rumfoord:
Not quite as high as W's after walking on Iraq.

Too bad President Wimpy is failing in the cred category. Americans want a leader with a pair, Hillary took Willie's, and Michelle took Wimpy's some time back, probably for the same reason.

Winston Lights TNF Runoff,
I know you are IMMUNE to embarrassment, also seeing hypocrisy and a lot of other traits of FOXOPHILES but WHY oh WHY use George W. Bush as an example instead of Colin Powell?
GWB also had the LOWEST approval rating of ANY US president when he left office of under 20%.

Well, Wimpy is still in office, his approval is on the way down, let's see where he lands.

I won't stoop to your adolescent level by calling your crowd FOXOPHOBE DimBOcrap moochers.
Originally posted by Peter Rielly:
Originally posted by rocky:
Originally posted by Winston Niles Rumfoord:
Not quite as high as W's after walking on Iraq.

Too bad President Wimpy is failing in the cred category. Americans want a leader with a pair, Hillary took Willie's, and Michelle took Wimpy's some time back, probably for the same reason.

Winston Lights TNF Runoff,
I know you are IMMUNE to embarrassment, also seeing hypocrisy and a lot of other traits of FOXOPHILES but WHY oh WHY use George W. Bush as an example instead of Colin Powell?
GWB also had the LOWEST approval rating of ANY US president when he left office of under 20%.

Once again, obsession with Fox News noted. Also, obsession with "W" and the past noted. Now, beter was talking about Hilary's approval rating... soooooo, does this mean she should go up against Barry in a democrat primary? Once again lil buddy... try to stay focused here. This is about Hilary, not W, not the repubs... Hilary Clinton. Due to these high numbers, does she need to run for the democratic nomination?

YOU KNOW PETER, it never ceases to AMAZE me the reading and comprehension level of you rethugliteacons!

WINSTON NILES RUNOFF brought up George W, Bush, I was trying to help you thugs out with a reference to Colin Powell, a republican who CONSISTENTLY had high approval ratings!
(MAN, I just helped you thugs out AGAIN!)
Shouldn't I be getting paid for this? (well actually, I am! TEE HEE) No Ronnie P NOT by George Soros, I am at work! Roll Eyes
Originally posted by Winston Niles Rumfoord:
I'm not sure how smart Soupy Sales was, but he surely had a fun life.

But it is becoming quite apparent that W is a lot smarter than President Wimpy, and had far more experience than a Marxist community organizer.

The only thing I know about Wimpy is that he liked hamburgers. And I don't know of any Marxist community organizers, so maybe W IS smarter than them.

But I DO know that PRESIDENT OBAMA is smarter, more capable, and a lot more honest than W ever was or will be.
Originally posted by Winston Niles Rumfoord:
I'm not sure how smart Soupy Sales was, but he surely had a fun life.

But it is becoming quite apparent that W is a lot smarter than President Wimpy, and had far more experience than a Marxist community organizer.

You've slipped over the edge and are completely out of touch with reality. I suspect your slide began with the Civil Rights Act. The prospect of Negros enjoying equal standing with you and yours was just too much to handle, wasn't it?
Originally posted by O No!:
Originally posted by Winston Niles Rumfoord:
I'm not sure how smart Soupy Sales was, but he surely had a fun life.

But it is becoming quite apparent that W is a lot smarter than President Wimpy, and had far more experience than a Marxist community organizer.

The only thing I know about Wimpy is that he liked hamburgers. And I don't know of any Marxist community organizers, so maybe W IS smarter than them.

But I DO know that PRESIDENT OBAMA is smarter, more capable, and a lot more honest than W ever was or will be.

Oh No, I almost spilled coffee all over my Putting smart, capable, and honest in the same sentence with Obama will do that. I'm not a Bush fan by any means but you can't really believe Obama is a banner carrier for any of those 3 qualities.
Originally posted by Opie Cunningham:
Originally posted by Winston Niles Rumfoord:
I'm not sure how smart Soupy Sales was, but he surely had a fun life.

But it is becoming quite apparent that W is a lot smarter than President Wimpy, and had far more experience than a Marxist community organizer.

You've slipped over the edge and are completely out of touch with reality. I suspect your slide began with the Civil Rights Act. The prospect of Negros enjoying equal standing with you and yours was just too much to handle, wasn't it?

Haven't you run through that pitcher of Kool-Aid and pack of race cards yet?

Some of you just refuse to wake from the wet dream turned nightmare.
Last edited by Winston Niles Rumfoord
Originally posted by Winston Niles Rumfoord:
I'm not sure how smart Soupy Sales was, but he surely had a fun life.

But it is becoming quite apparent that W is a lot smarter than President Wimpy, and had far more experience than a Marxist community organizer.

This post is an example of a deranged person with absolutely no grip on reality.
Go live in your fantasy world being spoon-fed lies and mis-information from Fox and Rush.
I, for one in the fact-based reality life, bid you adu.
Bush and Obama???? I think they both suck(ed). You can't find two hairs difference in either one of them. neither of them have ever found a publica assistance policy they did not like. Neither have or had the balls to do what needs to be done in Quantico, Iraq, Afghanistan, or Irann. Neither one of them have any concept of the real world, though Bush at least had some common business sense.
Originally posted by teyates:
Bush and Obama???? I think they both suck(ed). You can't find two hairs difference in either one of them. neither of them have ever found a publica assistance policy they did not like. Neither have or had the balls to do what needs to be done in Quantico, Iraq, Afghanistan, or Irann. Neither one of them have any concept of the real world, though Bush at least had some common business sense.

and to be fair, i'll add that obama talks purdy.

but other than that, pretty muc hthe same critter.

it's nice to see i'm not the only one that realizes they were both usless, both liars, and both desperatly out of their depth.

i'll even extend it to include 90-95% of congress as well.
Originally posted by seeweed:
Originally posted by Winston Niles Rumfoord:
I'm not sure how smart Soupy Sales was, but he surely had a fun life.

But it is becoming quite apparent that W is a lot smarter than President Wimpy, and had far more experience than a Marxist community organizer.

This post is an example of a deranged person with absolutely no grip on reality.
Go live in your fantasy world being spoon-fed lies and mis-information from Fox and Rush.
I, for one in the fact-based reality life, bid you adu.

Oh seaweed you and rocky crack me up.

Remember if it isn't on FOX it isn't Fact.

Keep Marching to Republican Victory,

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