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I watched this and several others that were posted on youtube as follow ups or continuations of this lecture.

I hope that others do the same. Very interesting and spot on.

How can people believe in an almighty,perfect god that designed this world for humans? We survive in spite of it not because it is made for us. On the contrary is is deadly to humans on more levels than not.

If there is a designer of the universe, I would not call it intelligent at all. Matter of fact I think my 12 year old nephew could do a better job of coming up with a world better suited for humans than the one we live in. As for our own design as human beings watch the part 2 of the video posted here and tell me again how we are made in the perfect image of god! What kind of all knowing, loving, god would CHOOSE to make humans with such horrible flaws.

Thank you for posting this.
Originally posted by Unobtanium:
the universe was designed specifically for us? really?

Duh Unobtanium. You just have to have the humility of the religious mindset to see it. Get humble and you'll understand that you're the measure of all things. God even helps you find your car keys or get a payraise while letting African babies starve by the truckload. See how special you are? Humility - that's the ticket.
Originally posted by Jankinonya:

If there is a designer of the universe, I would not call it intelligent at all. Matter of fact I think my 12 year old nephew could do a better job of coming up with a world better suited for humans than the one we live in. As for our own design as human beings watch the part 2 of the video posted here and tell me again how we are made in the perfect image of god! What kind of all knowing, loving, god would CHOOSE to make humans with such horrible flaws.

Thank you for posting this.

sorry Smiler

i watched it. and sadly the first thing that caught my attention was that he can't spell crocodile.

a good example of arrogance in my opinion. he starts from the assumption that the whole universe should have been made as our playground, but because much of it is lethal to us that means it was designed poorly?
perhaps it was intentional? i've never said, and i think only the very worst in fundy's will say that humans are god's ONLY version of life. perhaps the places that are lethal to just by contact were made that way to make sure we stayed the heck away?
why bother with a ' keep out' sign, when you can make the atmosphere pure methane?

as for the earth... yeah, your nephew could do a good job at it, as long as you didn't want growth. make everything easy, make it all . well.. like the garden of eden, and humans would have died off from bordom.
we learn and grow because of the challenges presented to us. if we didn't live on a world that was ready to kill us with one wrong step, we'd never learn which steps to take. we'd still be living, wearing sarongs and loincloths, besides the field that always provided us with plety of food in the perfect climate. we might have moved on to grass huts by now, but with nothing to make us seek better protection, since we are living in a perfect safe world, why bother?

as for the design of humans themselves...

if you keep our current shape and functionality, how would it be done differently?
sure, there's lots of things that could be altered, but not if you want to keep us looking like this.
that dude takled about seperate eathign and breathign holes. and that somethign as simple as dolphins have that. that's all fine, but i don't wanna looks like a dolphin.
you could arrainge that, i'm sure, but it would alter the mobility of our necks at the very least.

sorry, jank...

you know i loves ya, and you know that i agree with you more often that the typical fundies, but all of this just seems silly to me... we, the earth, and the universe were designed this way because if we or it were done any differently it wouldn't be the same.

sure, i fully admit that 2 pairs of arms would be better. i admit that the millions of things that cna kill us all are awful. personally, i'd like women to have an extra pair of breasts. but if you change anything, then we are no longer who we are, and we are no longer aimed the final evoloutionary target we are currently evolving towards.

i think it is intellegent design, because if anything that guy was talking about was changed, then we would not be, as a race, as humanity taken as a whole, where we are now.
we are where we are - scientifically, philosophically, physically... literally.... because this is what God designed for us at this point in our journey.

i think we're kinda at the teenager stage in our path right now. the dumb ones just muddle along as best they can and taken what they are told as truth, while the smartest ones, the ones that are capable of independant thought look back towards their parents and say "oh jeez, dad, you're an idiot" cause, being 15, they now know everything there is to know.

that's where we are now.. the child is rebelling against the father as hormonal teens are wont to do. eventually, we'll get to the point where we realize that no.. we didnt' know everything after all, and maybe ol dad still has a little wisdom to impart to us.

and sadly, when we get there, there will be the obnoxious candy coated sissypantsed momma's boys going ' i tolja so!" who, while they remained true to the idea, they completely lost the acctual message. the kind of unpopular jerk that reminds the teacher they forgot to assign homework. the ones that get beat up after class.
you know. like bill.
Once again, one must disregard the obvious to even entertain a religious outlook to the universe.

Neal deGrasse Tyson has it exactly right. As far as we know, the universe is .999999...9% inhospitable to life. One cannot make the argument that the universe was created with us in mind. It would a lot smaller, if that were the case.

We're lucky to be here. Life is a gift from the Universe. Enjoy it.

The problem with the argument is that it assumes people believe God created the universe for us. That premise is wrong, God created the universe for God.

Even though the universe is almost completely inhospitable to life, somehow a molecule self replicated and science has no idea why. From that, life began in a tiny window of existence where conditions just happen to be ideal.

Yes, life is a gift, but not from blind physical forces.
Hi Jan,

You happily watched the YouTube Theology video which Uno searched for so diligently to disprove God, and upon watching it and being all the more sure that God is a bad guy, you wrote, "How can people believe in an almighty, perfect god that designed this world for humans? We survive in spite of it, not because it is made for us. On the contrary is is deadly to humans on more levels than not.

If there is a designer of the universe, I would not call it intelligent at all. Matter of fact I think my 12 year old nephew could do a better job of coming up with a world better suited for humans than the one we live in. As for our own design as human beings watch the part 2 of the video posted here and tell me again how we are made in the perfect image of god! What kind of all knowing, loving, god would CHOOSE to make humans with such horrible flaws. Thank you for posting this."

Well, my Friend, let me tell you the story of Adam and Eve. Yes, God created a perfect world for them, the Garden of Eden. All things were perfect and good; they could go anywhere, eat of any fruit, except one, and, in general, had a perfect life. But, old Eve just had to be curious. So, she talked with the snake named Dawkins, or was his name Darwin, maybe Hitchens? Or well, that is not important.

Anyway, old Snaky asked the question that his kind has been asking since then, "Did God really say that?" And, Eve, being a wee bit contentious -- decided that maybe God had not "really" said it just that way. And, old Adam, not wanting to have Eve get emotional and start reacting -- did not say anything as she reached for the forbidden fruit. In his attempt to keep Eve from becoming emotional, Adam even took some of the fruit from her and, he, himself, ate from it.

And, the perfect world which God created has been on the skids ever since.

Now, Jan, to relate this to your world. Suppose your 12 year old nephew decides to poop in the middle of his perfect bed which you, or his parents, gave him -- is this YOUR fault -- or is it your nephew's fault that his bed is now reeking of poop?

And, that, my Friend, is how our world came to be in the condition it is today.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,



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  • InGodsImage
Originally posted by Hybrid:
Originally posted by Unobtanium:
the universe was designed specifically for us? really?

Duh Unobtanium. You just have to have the humility of the religious mindset to see it. Get humble and you'll understand that you're the measure of all things. God even helps you find your car keys or get a payraise while letting African babies starve by the truckload. See how special you are? Humility - that's the ticket.


If you want those tickets, homer gray has a lot of them. speaking of humility, if you were the god,

would create bill gray?
Originally posted by Bill Gray:

Well, my Friend, let me tell you the story of Adam and Eve. Yes, God created a perfect world for them, the Garden of Eden. All things were perfect and good; they could go anywhere, eat of any fruit, except one, and, in general, had a perfect life. But, old Eve just had to be curious. So, she talked with the snake named Dawkins, or was his name Darwin, maybe Hitchens? Or well, that is not important.

Anyway, old Snaky asked the question that his kind has been asking since then, "Did God really say that?" And, Eve, being a wee bit contentious -- decided that maybe God had not "really" said it just that way. And, old Adam, not wanting to have Eve get emotional and start reacting -- did not say anything as she reached for the forbidden fruit. In his attempt to keep Eve from becoming emotional, Adam even took some of the fruit from her and, he, himself, ate from it.

And, the perfect world which God created has been on the skids ever since.

Now, Jan, to relate this to your world. Suppose your 12 year old nephew decides to poop in the middle of his perfect bed which you, or his parents, gave him -- is this YOUR fault -- or is it your nephew's fault that his bed is now reeking of poop?

And, that, my Friend, is how our world came to be in the condition it is today.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


This just might be an all time low for you Bill.
Originally posted by Bill Gray:

Well, my Friend, let me tell you the story of Adam and Eve. Yes, God created a perfect world for them, the Garden of Eden. All things were perfect and good; they could go anywhere, eat of any fruit, except one, and, in general, had a perfect life. But, old Eve just had to be curious. So, she talked with the snake named Dawkins, or was his name Darwin, maybe Hitchens? Or well, that is not important.

Anyway, old Snaky asked the question that his kind has been asking since then, "Did God really say that?" And, Eve, being a wee bit contentious -- decided that maybe God had not "really" said it just that way. And, old Adam, not wanting to have Eve get emotional and start reacting -- did not say anything as she reached for the forbidden fruit. In his attempt to keep Eve from becoming emotional, Adam even took some of the fruit from her and, he, himself, ate from it.

And, the perfect world which God created has been on the skids ever since.

And, that, my Friend, is how our world came to be in the condition it is today.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


Wow just never cease to amaze me with your level of male chauvinist attitude. So in your world billy boy all the woes of the world are laid at the feet of women. I am glad that you are not a man in my life. I feel for any daughters you might have. You wife also has my sympathy. Are you sure your not gay? You seem to have a lot of resentment towards women and obsessed with homosexuality. I read where you fear homosexual men will try and coerce you into having sex with them. I think you are projecting. Big Grin This attitude is just one of the many reason why religion is detrimental to the advancement of women. I was lucky enough to not be raised with such damaging views put on me as a young girl. I feel very sorry for the little girls who grow up thinking that because of their gender they are responsible for the downfall of man. I have to wonder though what kind of weak azz man gets led around by someone else so easily. I guess I could take it to mean that you feel that women are so much more powerful than men that we can overrule your morals and judgements to do as we want instead.

Also I had no idea Darwin was in the bible. I have read the book a few times and somehow missed his part in it. Seeing as how he was born a couple of thousand years after the writing of that book I don't really see how its possible. Also what do you have to say for your God's design of the womans reproductive system? Is that the best he could do?
Originally posted by NashBama:
The problem with the argument is that it assumes people believe God created the universe for us. That premise is wrong, God created the universe for God.


Yes, life is a gift, but not from blind physical forces.

what biblical reference do you base that first statement on? it sure sounds like you are simply making a statement based on the assumed omnipotency of your deity. what is yor evidence for such a claim?

your second statement almost touches on reality. no, life did not original from "blind" forces. it likely resulted from a random yet inevitable combination of molecules that were governed by the laws of the universe. if you disagree, what it your evidence?
Originally posted by DarkAngel:
Originally posted by Bill Gray:
Well, my Friend, let me tell you the story of Adam and Eve. Yes, God created a perfect world for them, the Garden of Eden. All things were perfect and good; they could go anywhere, eat of any fruit, except one, and, in general, had a perfect life. But, old Eve just had to be curious. So, she talked with the snake named Dawkins, or was his name Darwin, maybe Hitchens? Or well, that is not important.
Anyway, old Snaky asked the question that his kind has been asking since then, "Did God really say that?" And, Eve, being a wee bit contentious -- decided that maybe God had not "really" said it just that way. And, old Adam, not wanting to have Eve get emotional and start reacting -- did not say anything as she reached for the forbidden fruit. In his attempt to keep Eve from becoming emotional, Adam even took some of the fruit from her and, he, himself, ate from it.
And, the perfect world which God created has been on the skids ever since.
And, that, my Friend, is how our world came to be in the condition it is today.

Wow just never cease to amaze me with your level of male chauvinist attitude. So in your world billy boy all the woes of the world are laid at the feet of women. I am glad that you are not a man in my life. I feel for any daughters you might have. You wife also has my sympathy. Are you sure your not gay? You seem to have a lot of resentment towards women and obsessed with homosexuality. I read where you fear homosexual men will try and coerce you into having sex with them. I think you are projecting. Big Grin This attitude is just one of the many reason why religion is detrimental to the advancement of women. I was lucky enough to not be raised with such damaging views put on me as a young girl. I feel very sorry for the little girls who grow up thinking that because of their gender they are responsible for the downfall of man. I have to wonder though what kind of weak azz man gets led around by someone else so easily. I guess I could take it to mean that you feel that women are so much more powerful than men that we can overrule your morals and judgements to do as we want instead.

Also I had no idea Darwin was in the bible. I have read the book a few times and somehow missed his part in it. Seeing as how he was born a couple of thousand years after the writing of that book I don't really see how its possible. Also what do you have to say for your God's design of the womans reproductive system? Is that the best he could do?

pants on fire bill,

you blog, stay with blog, you can't talk to real people much less atheists. you don't embarrass
yourself,but it's the people in the NEWS forum. I knew you would understand.

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