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We honor the central place of faith in our lives. Like our Founders, we believe that our nation,
our communities, and our lives are made vastly stronger and richer by faith and the countless
acts of justice and mercy it inspires. We believe that change comes not from the top-down, but
from the bottom-up, and that few are closer to the people than our churches, synagogues,
temples, and mosques. To face today’s challenges–from saving our planet to ending poverty—
we need all hands on deck. Faith-based groups are not a replacement for government or
secular non-profit programs; rather, they are yet another sector working to meet the challenges
of the 21st century. We will empower grassroots faith-based and community groups to help
meet challenges like poverty, ex-offender reentry, and illiteracy. At the same time, we can
ensure that these partnerships do not endanger First Amendment protections – because there is
no conflict between supporting faith-based institutions and respecting our Constitution. We will
ensure that public funds are not used to proselytize or discriminate. We will also ensure that
taxpayer dollars are only used on programs that actually work.
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We do not honor faith as a central place in our lives. We honor reason. We know that stopping at red lights is prudent, we don't have faith that running the red light will result in no harm.

Our Founders were men of the Enlightenment which encouraged reason and science, not faith.

Our temples are manifestations of our collective superstitions. Of course they're close. We made them for our own purposes.

To the degree that faith-based initiatives work to alleviate poverty and hunger, that's great. But they must be weighed against the superstitions and backwardness that helps perpetuate such. Mother Teresa was not a friend of the impoverished, she was a friend of poverty.

Does your local church have a regular program to feed the hungry? If so, good on it. If feeding the hungry comes at the cost of proselytizing, shame on it.

Religion is not required for charity, and often gets in the way of it. I'll admit that the atheist community could be more charitable, but recently it has recognized this and has begun to step up. References on request.

Faith is the permission you give each other to believe things on insufficient evidence. It's unrespectable. It retards human progress.

That said, have a nice night! Big Grin

Originally posted by Not Shallow Not Slim:
We do not honor faith as a central place in our lives. We honor reason. We know that stopping at red lights is prudent, we don't have faith that running the red light will result in no harm.

Our Founders were men of the Enlightenment which encouraged reason and science, not faith.

Hi Deep,

Then, why did our First Continental Congress, our founding fathers -- fund the purchase of 20,000 Bibles to be distributed throughout the Thirteen Colonies?

Actually, that sounds very enlightened and well reasoned to me -- as I am sure it did to them back in 1776 and 1787/88.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,



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DO YOU KNOW YOUR GOVERNMENT? - Especially this week, we all need to watch this video. Do you know what form of government America was given in 1776 with the Declaration of Independence and in 1787/1788 with our Constitution? Bet you will say a Democracy! Wrong!

Take ten minutes and watch this video:

Everyone, from youngsters still in school - to we more mature Grey Hairs - will better understand who "We The People" are and the form of government which was given to us by our founding fathers - and why we must protect it, at all costs.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,



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  • 1_-_Bible-Declaration-USFlag_1a_TEXT
decent video but america is a democratic- republic, in a democratic-republic law is a supreme rule but can be superceded by the majority with their voting capabilities. in a pure republic the people dont vote. the combination of the two is what makes us a great country. if we were a pure republic there would still be slavery, women wouldnt be allowed to vote, etc because the original laws could not have been changed.

also, his history of the roman empire was not accurate at all.
The rep one does stress marriage of one man and one woman, no abortions, and freedom of all religions to display their symbols. I saw nothing about mandated prayer in school.

It does have this line:
We support the right of students to engage in student-initiated, student-led prayer in public schools, athletic events, and graduation ceremonies, when done in conformity with constitutional standards.

Nothing about changing the constitution.
Originally posted by Not Shallow Not Slim:
We know that stopping at red lights is prudent, we don't have faith that running the red light will result in no harm.

what? that's just stupid.
not only do i know it's prudent to stop at a red light, i also have faith that it's dangerous and could result in an accident, death, and / or a ticket.

sorry ns.. the 'red light' comparison for belief and athiesism fails.

Faith is the permission you give each other to believe things on insufficient evidence. It's unrespectable. It retards human progress.

That said, have a nice night! Big Grin


hey Jank.. that other converstion?
the one wehre i mentioned people driving a wedge into the peace and shared respect the rest of us have found?

here's an example of what i mean.
i disagree with you., but i don't cal lyou a godless heathen, destined for hell.
you disagree with me, but you don't call me unrespectable and retarded.

you, Jank, i'm fond of. this guys just seems to be the exact same close minded type of person as bill gray, just the other side of the issue.

you, jank i respect, and billy joe.
i have no more respect for NSNS and his believes and opinions than he has for me or mine.

i hope this clears up some thigns from the other thread, hun. i never mean anythign bad abotu you.
Nagel, I appreciate the respect, but NSNS has it going on.

Ditto Dark, Kraven, Unob, and others.

If we, they, are less than subtle, please bear in mind that the current world situation regarding religion is dire. It's come to the point where we embrace a forebearing philosophy about ultimates, or perish.

Some of us don't want to perish. The atheists don't want to perish. Cut us all some slack, OK?


Originally posted by b50m:
Billy Joe, I would send you a pm but the forums gods have abolished that item.

Perhaps you and NSNS could have a sit down and discuss his attitude problems! LOL

NSNS and I have our own agendas. I'm not saying he's wrong.

Put your self in his shoes. He sees religion as yet another superstition along the likes of Zeus and Poseidon.

What's your argument that he's wrong?
Originally posted by Billy Joe Bob Gene:
Nagel, I appreciate the respect, but NSNS has it going on.

Ditto Dark, Kraven, Unob, and others.


my apologies.

i was under the impression that we'd worked towards a mutual respect, regardless of our differences.

i apologize for making such a mistaken assumption.

far be it from me to offer respect where it isn't deserved, or to take it from when it isn't offered.

so be it.

good day, sir.

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