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Couldn't decide whether to post this here or in the Religion forum, so I am posting it both places.

Now comes the Beckster, already having declared the President of the United States to be a "racist" with a "deep-seated hatred for white people," yet reaching again into what seems to be an inexhaustible store of libel against the leader of the free world, Beck now declaims upon what he sees as Mr. Obama's "liberation theology":

"It's all about victims and victimhood; oppressors and the oppressed; reparations, not repentance; collectivism, not individual salvation. I don't know what that is, other than it's not Muslim, it's not Christian. It's a perversion of the gospel of Jesus Christ as most Christians know it."


And just WHO is this self-anointed theologian who purports to instruct us on the faith of the President? Who is telling us that the President's beliefs are "not Muslim...not Christian?" Why, it is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, otherwise known as Mormons.

Before you apostles of tolerance out there get your panties in a wad and accuse me of that most deadly of sins, INtolerance, be advised of the following documentation concerning just one of the perverted and heretical beliefs of the faith to which Mr. Beck attaches his roly-poly self. What I will reproduce below is from sources within the Mormon Church, including two "Prophets" of that church. The significance of being the Prophet (and there is only one at a time) in that church is that the Prophet is supposed to directly receive revelation from God Himself, such that when the Mormon Prophet (full title "Prophet, Seer and Revelator") delivers doctrine to the followers of Mormonism, that doctrine stands on a plane of equality with the Bible itself. That being said, I wll now provide you with documented information from an online source that explains just how far Glenn Beck's chosen faith has strayed on just one matter, the virgin birth of Jesus Christ. Read this and decide if Beck, a Mormon, is the kind of authority you wish to depend on in matters of theology. Read this and decide whether a belief system that includes the documented, egregiously heretical doctrines described below are anything approaching "Christian." As incentive for you to continue reading what might be an over-long post for some, let me summarize what is proven below. Mormons do NOT believe that Mary conceived through the Holy Ghost. Their highest authorities, their "Prophets," supposedly based on information directly received from God, believe that God had a physical body, fully equipped with male genitalia, and that this Mormon version of God, had physical sexual intercourse with Mary and that she became pregnant thereby.

Read these excerpts from "The Changing World of Mormonism, by Jerald and Sandra Tanner. Their entire, and very revealing, book is online at

Now for the Mormon Doctrine on the virgin birth. Read this, those of you who watched Beck ooze righteousness this past Saturday as he attempted to get America to "return to God." Is it the Mormon "God" he would have this nation return to?

From "The Changing World of Mormonism":

The idea that God is just an exalted man has led Mormon leaders to proclaim a doctrine about the birth of Christ which is very shocking to orthodox Christians.

Brigham Young once stated: "Now remember from this time forth, and for ever, that Jesus Christ was not begotten by the Holy Ghost" (Journal of Discourses, vol. 1, p. 51).
This statement is in conflict with both the Bible and the Book of Mormon. In Matthew 1:18 and 20 we read: "Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost.... for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost." The Book of Mormon agrees with the Bible on this point, for in Alma 7:10 we read: "And behold, he shall be born of Mary, ... she being a virgin, a precious and chosen vessel, who shall be overshadowed and conceive by the power of the Holy Ghost, and bring forth a son, yea, even the Son of God."

In spite of these plain statements, Joseph Fielding Smith denied that the Book of Mormon and the Bible teach that Christ was begotten by the Holy Ghost: "They tell us the Book of Mormon states that Jesus was begotten of the Holy Ghost I challenge that statement. The Book of Mormon teaches no such thing! Neither does the Bible" (Doctrines of Salvation, vol. 1, p. 19).

The reason that Joseph Fielding Smith objects to the teaching that Jesus was begotten by the Holy Ghost is that according to Mormon theology, this would make Jesus the son of the Holy Ghost rather than the Son of God the Father. This idea arises from an improper understanding of the term Holy Ghost. The term Holy Ghost means exactly the same as the term Holy Spirit. The American College Dictionary defines the term "Holy Spirit" as 'the Holy Ghost." Now, since the Bible tells us that God is a Spirit and that He is holy, it is apparent that God Himself must be the Holy Spirit. So we see that there is no contradiction in saying that Jesus was begotten by the Holy Ghost and also is the Son of God.

Since Christians believe that God is a Spirit, they view the conception of Christ as a miraculous event having nothing to with sex or any physical act. Mormon theology, on the otherhand, teaches that God is a man and that Christ was conceived through a sexual act between Mary and God the Father. In other words, the birth of Christ is considered a natural, rather than a miraculous occurrence. Joseph Fielding Smith, Jr., said: "The birth of the Savior was a natural occurrence unattended with any degree of mysticism, and the Father God was the literal parent of Jesus in the flesh as well as in the spirit" (Religious Truths Defined, p. 44).

The late President Joseph Fielding Smith declared: "Christ was begotten of God. He was not born without the aid of Man, and that Man was God!" (Doctrines of Salvation, vol. 1, p. 18).

Apostle Bruce R. McConkie further explains:
"These name-titles all signify that our Lord is the only Son of the Father in the flesh. Each of the words is to be understood literally. Only means only; Begotten means begotten; and Son means son. Christ was begotten by an Immortal Father in the same way that mortal men are begotten by mortal fathers" (Mormon Doctrine, 1966, pp. 546-47)."And Christ was born into the world as the literal Son of this Holy Being; he was born in the same personal, real, and literal sense that any son is born to a mortal father. There is nothing figurative about his paternity; he was begotten, conceived and born in the normal and natural course of events, ... Christ is the Son of Man, meaning that his Father (the Eternal God!) is a Holy Man" (p. 742).

The Mormon writer Carlfred B. Broderick made these comments:

There are two basic elements in the Gospel view of sexuality as I interpret it from the scriptures. The first is that sex is good—that sexuality, far from being the antithesis of spirituality, is actually on attribute of God....

In the light of their understanding that God is a procreating personage of flesh and bone, latter-day prophets have made it clear that despite what it says in Matthew 1:20, the Holy Ghost was not the father of Jesus.... The Savior was fathered by a personage of flesh and bone, and was literally what Nephi said he was, "Son of the Eternal Father" (Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought, Autumn, 1967, pp. 100-101).

President Brigham Young had this to say concerning the birth of Christ: "The man Joseph, the husband of Mary, did not, that we know of, have more than one wife, but Mary the wife of Joseph had another husband" (Deseret News, October 10, 1866).
This same type of reasoning led Apostle Orson Pratt to say:

A photograph of The Seer, page 158. Apostle Orson Pratt states that Mary and God the Father associated together in the capacity of husband and wife.

The fleshly body of Jesus required a Mother as well as a Father. Therefore, the Father and Mother of Jesus, according to the flesh, must have been associated together in the capacity of Husband and Wife; hence the Virgin Mary must have been, for the time being, the lawful wife of God the Father: we use the term lawful Wife, because it would be blasphemous in the highest degree to say that He overshadowed her or begat the Saviour unlawfully. It would have been unlawful for any man to have interfered with Mary, who was already espoused to Joseph; for such a heinous crime would have subjected both the guilty parties to death, according to the law of Moses. But God having created all men and women, had the most perfect right to do with His own creation, according to His holy will and pleasure: He had a lawful right to overshadow the Virgin Mary in the capacity of a husband, and beget a Son, although she was espoused to another; for the law which He gave to govern men and women was not intended to govern Himself, or to prescribe rules for his own conduct. It was also lawful in Him, after having thus dealt with Mary, to give her to Joseph her espoused husband.

Whether God the Father gave Mary to Joseph for time only, or for time and eternity, we are not informed. Inasmuch as God was the first husband to her, it may be that He only gave her to be the wife of Joseph while in this mortal state, and that He intended after the resurrection to again take her as one of his own wives to raise up immortal spirits in eternity (The Seer, p. 158).

Brigham Young added that "The birth of the Saviour was as natural as are the births of our children; it was the result of natural action. He partook of flesh and blood—was begotten of his Father, as we were of our fathers" (Journal of Discourses, vol. 8, p. 115).

In a sermon delivered in the tabernacle on April 9, 1852, Brigham Young climaxed his teaching with the following explanation:
I have given you a few leading items upon this subject, but a great deal more remains to be told. Now remember from this time forth, and for ever, that Jesus Christ was not begotten by the Holy Ghost. I will repeat a little anecdote. I was in conversation with a certain learned professor upon the subject, when I replied, to this idea—"if the Son was begotten by the Holy Ghost, it would be very dangerous to baptize and confirm females, and give the Holy Ghost to them, lest he should beget children, to be palmed upon the Elders by the people, bringing the Elders into great difficulties" (Journal of Discourses, vol. 1, p. 51).>>>>>

GLENN BECK, Saturday's spokesman for bringing America back to God! Is the God of Glenn Beck's faith, described above, the God that America should embrace? It is Beck's God! A God of flesh and blood! A sexually-active Deity. If Beck should deny this, then he will be denying his own professed faith, for the above is a true and correct description of Mormon beliefs about the virgin birth! Strange, yes--but true!

Just who does Beck, then, think he is to decide whether the faith of the President is Christian or Muslim or something else?! Beck declares the President's religious faith "...a perversion of the gospel of Jesus Christ as most Christians know it." Can any belief system be further out of the mainstream of Christian belief than the one to which Beck adheres?
Last edited {1}
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Originally posted by marksw59:
Does it EVER get tiresome "carrying water" for Obama and the left in general? Ever? I'll give you this, you are dogged in your pursuit of spouting negativity about everything and everyone you disagree with...

I told the truth about Beck's belief system. If that is "negativity," then so be it. I note that you made no effort at all to refute anything I said. I make no apology for counterattacking those, like Beck, who "doggedly" defame the President.

As to "spouting negativity about everyone and everything [I] disagree with," well, that is your take on the matter, but you need to remind yourself that this is a FORUM, a marketplace of ideas, and that some of the ideas posted here are strong and persuasive and some are silly and insubstantial, but that all such ideas are posted publicly and are fair game for discussion, disagreement, criticism, rebuttal, etc. If you don't like that, then there are probably some namby-pamby love-in forums where you can go to get your pet beliefs stroked. If you can't stand the heat in this particular forum, then you should absent yourself from it. And if you want to participate meaningfully here, you might consider actually posting substantive responses to posts you disagree with instead of taking ad hominem jabs at me or others who post material that rankles your delicate right-wing sensitivities!
Well, the few excerpts I've seen Beck was pretty general in his admonition for America to turn to G-D. Of course I wasn't sitting there with a notepad, licking my chops like a Media Matters troll waiting to note the very moment Beck started to proselytize for the Mormons, so I could have missed it I guess. So, when did Beck start proselytizing? Was it noon? Was it two PM? Three?

Delicate? Hardly...Oh, any let me applaud your bravery in YOUR ad hominem attacks on someone who doesn't read your posts and consequently has no chance of direct response. Bravo...
Originally posted by marksw59:
Well, the few excerpts I've seen Beck was pretty general in his admonition for America to turn to G-D. Of course I wasn't sitting there with a notepad, licking my chops like a Media Matters troll waiting to note the very moment Beck started to proselytize for the Mormons, so I could have missed it I guess. So, when did Beck start proselytizing? Was it noon? Was it two PM? Three?

Delicate? Hardly...Oh, any let me applaud your bravery in YOUR ad hominem attacks on someone who doesn't read your posts and consequently has no chance of direct response. Bravo...

Since you have clearly demonstrated that you are incapable of rationally interpreting what i actually posted, let me point out what should have been obvious. Nowhere did I assert that Beck was proselytizing for Mormons or for anyone else. The point I made was simply that someone who comes from a belief system as bizarre as his has no business accusing the President of being something other than Christian.

As to my "bravery" in posting what I did about Beck, I suggest you apply that standard to all who come on here and post negative comments about the President, or about Nancy Pelosi, or about Joe Biden or about Paris Hilton for that matter. Good grief! Why should anyone be denigrated for posting adverse comments about some public figure on the basis that said public figure will never see those comments?

Look how silly your standard becomes when seen throught the lens of logic. By your standard, no one should post anything about any public figure unless those comments are expected to fall under the eyes of the person criticized. If we all followed that protocol, there would be virtually NO criticism of ANY public figure
by anyone on these TD forums or any other public internet forums. Is it your intent to squelch all forum criticism of all public figures? It would seem so.
Someone once said, “When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.” Though Beck talks of God and stopping injustice, he advocates the hazardous and bloody neocon foreign policies that have killed countless innocents, made America more hated around the world, and further weakened our national security. Indeed, Glenn Beck’s establishment backed rise as a “patriot leader” is simply plan B for shepherding the patriot movement back to the fake left/right machine, and channeling public outrage at Obama’s actions as President into a form that can be manipulated and controlled…the same way Obama did for liberals who opposed the actions of George W. Bush.

more on the fraud that is Glenn Beck.
Originally posted by elinterventor01:
Betern nuttin,

We get it. You really don't like Mormons. Your bigotry is clear. That Wright espouses liberation theology is self evident, rather like Mickey announcing that he is a mouse. Catholic church declared the theology was not appropriate for Christianity, at least for Catholics.

And just how much documentation would you require in order to accept proven truth? "Bigotry" implies prejudice, but prejudice is not a factor when one's views are based on hard truth and what I posted was the hard truth about Mormon beliefs as expressed by Mormon leaders of hugh prestige and reputation among Mormons.
People who do not like Glenn Beck are afraid of the truth. Simple as that. If and when the hammer does fall on our beloved economy and everyone is out begging for a free meal,
please do not come knocking at my door because you were not prepared. Keep those eyes shut and follow the rest of the line and chant Obama, Obama, Obama. Most of the left and especially progressives hate FOX News, Glenn Beck, Rush, Hannity,and all the other conservative people because they tell the truth.

All other networks just are in line with the rest of you with your eyes shut chanting, Obama, Obama, Obama.........
Originally posted by tada:
People who do not like Glenn Beck are afraid of the truth. Simple as that. If and when the hammer does fall on our beloved economy and everyone is out begging for a free meal,
please do not come knocking at my door because you were not prepared. Keep those eyes shut and follow the rest of the line and chant Obama, Obama, Obama. Most of the left and especially progressives hate FOX News, Glenn Beck, Rush, Hannity,and all the other conservative people because they tell the truth.

All other networks just are in line with the rest of you with your eyes shut chanting, Obama, Obama, Obama.........

I think I hear violin music in the background. You want some cheese with that wine?
Originally posted by Jugflier:
Someone once said, “When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.” Though Beck talks of God and stopping injustice, he advocates the hazardous and bloody neocon foreign policies that have killed countless innocents, made America more hated around the world, and further weakened our national security. Indeed, Glenn Beck’s establishment backed rise as a “patriot leader” is simply plan B for shepherding the patriot movement back to the fake left/right machine, and channeling public outrage at Obama’s actions as President into a form that can be manipulated and controlled…the same way Obama did for liberals who opposed the actions of George W. Bush.

Forum readers know that EM was a child during World War II. When I saw Beck's strutting, gesticulating, and heard his screaming in Washington, I immedicately thought "Adolph Hitler" I did not say Beck is like Hitler. I am saying that is the exploitive method Hitler used to take over during a time of stress. the left is working through stealth. There is no place for EM!

more on the fraud that is Glenn Beck.
Originally posted by JuanHunt:
Let beck explain his religion as he did in Forbes:

Beck insists that he is not political: "I could give a flying crap about the political process." Making money, on the other hand, is to be taken very seriously, and controversy is its own coinage. "We're an entertainment company," Beck says.

Forbes interview...

The only Founding Fathers he admires are the ones in his wallet.

You don't think that article was just a little biased and sarcastic do you?
It's obvious that there were very few facts in it and a lot of opinion.
Originally posted by beternU:
Can any belief system be further out of the mainstream of Christian belief than the one to which Beck adheres?

Yes...Black Liberation Theology

James Cone, the chief architect of Black Liberation Theology in his book A Black Theology of Liberation (1970), develops black theology as a system. In this new formulation, Christian theology is a theology of liberation -- "a rational study of the being of God in the world in light of the existential situation of an oppressed community, relating the forces of liberation to the essence of the gospel, which is Jesus Christ," writes Cone. Black consciousness and the black experience of oppression orient black liberation theology -- i.e., one of victimization from white oppression.

One of the tasks of black theology, says Cone, is to analyze the nature of the gospel of Jesus Christ in light of the experience of oppressed blacks. For Cone, no theology is Christian theology unless it arises from oppressed communities and interprets Jesus' work as that of liberation. Christian theology is understood in terms of systemic and structural relationships between two main groups: victims (the oppressed) and victimizers (oppressors). In Cone's context, writing in the late 1960s and early 1970s, the great event of Christ's liberation was freeing African Americans from the centuries-old tyranny of white racism and white oppression.

American white theology, which Cone never clearly defines, is charged with having failed to help blacks in the struggle for liberation. Black theology exists because "white religionists" failed to relate the gospel of Jesus to the pain of being black in a white racist society.

Now of course I support the right to worship as you like...for Beck and Obama...but BLT is way out there.

To point out that Beck and his Mormonism is out of step with mainstream and not point out Obama's church of choice for 20 plus years is...well you know what you are beternU...
Originally posted by Renegade Nation:
Originally posted by beternU:
Can any belief system be further out of the mainstream of Christian belief than the one to which Beck adheres?

Yes...Black Liberation Theology

James Cone, the chief architect of Black Liberation Theology in his book A Black Theology of Liberation (1970), develops black theology as a system. In this new formulation, Christian theology is a theology of liberation -- "a rational study of the being of God in the world in light of the existential situation of an oppressed community, relating the forces of liberation to the essence of the gospel, which is Jesus Christ," writes Cone. Black consciousness and the black experience of oppression orient black liberation theology -- i.e., one of victimization from white oppression.

One of the tasks of black theology, says Cone, is to analyze the nature of the gospel of Jesus Christ in light of the experience of oppressed blacks. For Cone, no theology is Christian theology unless it arises from oppressed communities and interprets Jesus' work as that of liberation. Christian theology is understood in terms of systemic and structural relationships between two main groups: victims (the oppressed) and victimizers (oppressors). In Cone's context, writing in the late 1960s and early 1970s, the great event of Christ's liberation was freeing African Americans from the centuries-old tyranny of white racism and white oppression.

American white theology, which Cone never clearly defines, is charged with having failed to help blacks in the struggle for liberation. Black theology exists because "white religionists" failed to relate the gospel of Jesus to the pain of being black in a white racist society.

Now of course I support the right to worship as you like...for Beck and Obama...but BLT is way out there.

To point out that Beck and his Mormonism is out of step with mainstream and not point out Obama's church of choice for 20 plus years is...well you know what you are beternU...

Well, what have we here? At least you are not supporting the irrational thesis of so many of your fellow wingers that Obama is a Muslim!

It was not a Liberation Theology adherent who mounted a podium i=on the Mall and postured about calling America back to God; it was a Mormon heretic! Why must you demand that I post some all-encompassing critique that includes Black Liberation Theology? It was Beck who was--albeit disgustingly--newsworthy this week end. If you want to post up something proving that Obama is, in fact, personally dedicated to Black Liberation Theology, then do so. You have not done that yet, however. By contrast, I need no proof of Beck's Mormonism; he admits to it!
Originally posted by beternU:
Originally posted by elinterventor01:
Betern nuttin,

We get it. You really don't like Mormons. Your bigotry is clear. That Wright espouses liberation theology is self evident, rather like Mickey announcing that he is a mouse. Catholic church declared the theology was not appropriate for Christianity, at least for Catholics.

And just how much documentation would you require in order to accept proven truth? "Bigotry" implies prejudice, but prejudice is not a factor when one's views are based on hard truth and what I posted was the hard truth about Mormon beliefs as expressed by Mormon leaders of hugh prestige and reputation among Mormons.

Not a big fan of Beck, however, because of your posts, I listened to a couple of his shows and the rally. He never referred to his Mormon faith. At the rally, he had priests, ministers, a rabbi or two and, at least one imam.

Funny, how its the left that complains of Mormons in politics, nowadays -- especially, Beck and Mitt Romney. Mitt's father' mormon faith never was an issue. Years ago, it was conservatives.

As to proven truth, your repeated statements on Mormons are ample evidence of your bigotry.
Originally posted by beternU:
Well, what have we here? At least you are not supporting the irrational thesis of so many of your fellow wingers that Obama is a Muslim!!

Fellow wingers? I don't even know what that means...I guess you're another "open" minded, "non" judgmental, "live & let live" liberal...

Originally posted by beternU:
If you want to post up something proving that Obama is, in fact, personally dedicated to Black Liberation Theology, then do so. You have not done that yet, however. By contrast, I need no proof of Beck's Mormonism; he admits to it!

I have no need or desire to "prove" such a thing...personally I don't care.

But good grief...he spent 20 plus years in a BLT church, married by a BLT preacher, and his kids baptized in a BLT church...

I don't know or care if that's proof or not...It really doesn't matter...It DOES give you insight into the man.

I was merely pointing out your inconsistency (and extreme partisanship) of disparging Mormonism as "non mainstream" and totally ignoring the "non mainstream" BLT...which Obama has been associated with for decades and has not disavowed...not that he should.
Originally posted by elinterventor01:
Originally posted by beternU:
Originally posted by elinterventor01:
Betern nuttin,

We get it. You really don't like Mormons. Your bigotry is clear. That Wright espouses liberation theology is self evident, rather like Mickey announcing that he is a mouse. Catholic church declared the theology was not appropriate for Christianity, at least for Catholics.

And just how much documentation would you require in order to accept proven truth? "Bigotry" implies prejudice, but prejudice is not a factor when one's views are based on hard truth and what I posted was the hard truth about Mormon beliefs as expressed by Mormon leaders of hugh prestige and reputation among Mormons.

Not a big fan of Beck, however, because of your posts, I listened to a couple of his shows and the rally. He never referred to his Mormon faith. At the rally, he had priests, ministers, a rabbi or two and, at least one imam.

Funny, how its the left that complains of Mormons in politics, nowadays -- especially, Beck and Mitt Romney. Mitt's father' mormon faith never was an issue. Years ago, it was conservatives.

As to proven truth, your repeated statements on Mormons are ample evidence of your bigotry.

Of COURSE Beck does not refer to his Mormon faith. He is shrewd enough to know that there are many, many believers who shun Mormonism as a cultic heresy. He is content to generalize about God and faith and allow many of his followers who know nothing of his Mormon faith to assume that he is some kind of traditional Christian and not the cultic heretic he actually is!

Go back and read what I posted concertning Mormon beliefs about the virgin birth. I posted actual and extensive quotations from authoritative Mormon sources. How does that equate to being evidence of my alleged bigotry. You seem not to be able to distinguish between facts and bigotry, elinterventor. Rebut the FACTS I posted about Mormon beliefs if you can. Otherwise, button your blithering pie hole!
Originally posted by beternU:
Originally posted by elinterventor01:
Originally posted by beternU:
Originally posted by elinterventor01:
Betern nuttin,

We get it. You really don't like Mormons. Your bigotry is clear. That Wright espouses liberation theology is self evident, rather like Mickey announcing that he is a mouse. Catholic church declared the theology was not appropriate for Christianity, at least for Catholics.

And just how much documentation would you require in order to accept proven truth? "Bigotry" implies prejudice, but prejudice is not a factor when one's views are based on hard truth and what I posted was the hard truth about Mormon beliefs as expressed by Mormon leaders of hugh prestige and reputation among Mormons.

Not a big fan of Beck, however, because of your posts, I listened to a couple of his shows and the rally. He never referred to his Mormon faith. At the rally, he had priests, ministers, a rabbi or two and, at least one imam.

Funny, how its the left that complains of Mormons in politics, nowadays -- especially, Beck and Mitt Romney. Mitt's father' mormon faith never was an issue. Years ago, it was conservatives.

As to proven truth, your repeated statements on Mormons are ample evidence of your bigotry.

Of COURSE Beck does not refer to his Mormon faith. He is shrewd enough to know that there are many, many believers who shun Mormonism as a cultic heresy. He is content to generalize about God and faith and allow many of his followers who know nothing of his Mormon faith to assume that he is some kind of traditional Christian and not the cultic heretic he actually is!

Go back and read what I posted concertning Mormon beliefs about the virgin birth. I posted actual and extensive quotations from authoritative Mormon sources. How does that equate to being evidence of my alleged bigotry. You seem not to be able to distinguish between facts and bigotry, elinterventor. Rebut the FACTS I posted about Mormon beliefs if you can. Otherwise, button your blithering pie hole!

Just, when, does the Ouroburos snake eat it's tail! You're using circular logic. If he doesn't discuss his religious beliefs and espouses more mainstream beliefs what's the harm? Jews don't believe in Hell. Catholics believe in Purgatory and that praying for those in Purgatory may shorten the time they spend there. Protestants believe Purgatory (Hades) was emptied out by Jesus during the three days his body was entombed.
and the chant goes on...........

Yeah Beck is an entertainer. So what! Obama is a good speaker nothing more. Frankly I would rather follow an entertainer that makes sense then follow a leader blindly to the cliff. Keep believing what you want to believe. Jimmy Carter is just salivating right now because he will no longer be known as the worst President in U.S. history.

Last edited by tada
Originally posted by elinterventor01:
Originally posted by beternU:
Originally posted by elinterventor01:
Originally posted by beternU:
Originally posted by elinterventor01:
Betern nuttin,

We get it. You really don't like Mormons. Your bigotry is clear. That Wright espouses liberation theology is self evident, rather like Mickey announcing that he is a mouse. Catholic church declared the theology was not appropriate for Christianity, at least for Catholics.

And just how much documentation would you require in order to accept proven truth? "Bigotry" implies prejudice, but prejudice is not a factor when one's views are based on hard truth and what I posted was the hard truth about Mormon beliefs as expressed by Mormon leaders of hugh prestige and reputation among Mormons.

Not a big fan of Beck, however, because of your posts, I listened to a couple of his shows and the rally. He never referred to his Mormon faith. At the rally, he had priests, ministers, a rabbi or two and, at least one imam.

Funny, how its the left that complains of Mormons in politics, nowadays -- especially, Beck and Mitt Romney. Mitt's father' mormon faith never was an issue. Years ago, it was conservatives.

As to proven truth, your repeated statements on Mormons are ample evidence of your bigotry.

Of COURSE Beck does not refer to his Mormon faith. He is shrewd enough to know that there are many, many believers who shun Mormonism as a cultic heresy. He is content to generalize about God and faith and allow many of his followers who know nothing of his Mormon faith to assume that he is some kind of traditional Christian and not the cultic heretic he actually is!

Go back and read what I posted concertning Mormon beliefs about the virgin birth. I posted actual and extensive quotations from authoritative Mormon sources. How does that equate to being evidence of my alleged bigotry? You seem not to be able to distinguish between facts and bigotry, elinterventor. Rebut the FACTS I posted about Mormon beliefs if you can. Otherwise, button your blithering pie hole!

Just, when, does the Ouroburos snake eat it's tail! You're using circular logic. If he doesn't discuss his religious beliefs and espouses more mainstream beliefs what's the harm? Jews don't believe in Hell. Catholics believe in Purgatory and that praying for those in Purgatory may shorten the time they spend there. Protestants believe Purgatory (Hades) was emptied out by Jesus during the three days his body was entombed.

Compared to the differences among the belief systems you have cited above, the difference between them and Mormon beliefs are monumentally huge. You obviously know very little about Mormonism or you would not consider them just one among many within the Judeo-Christian realm. As to Beck, I doubt very much that he knows very much about the origins of his Mormon religion or the evolution of its strange and heretical doctrines. He and his wife reportedly went church shopping and somehow landed in the La La Land of Joseph Smith's homespun fantasy belief system. He is savvy enough, however, to know that if it became widely known that he is a Mormon, he would lose a lot of credibility with the sheeple who dote on him.
Originally posted by beternU:
He is savvy enough, however, to know that if it became widely known that he is a Mormon, he would lose a lot of credibility with the sheeple who dote on him.

While I don't agree with all his bombastic claims, I freely admit that I listen and enjoy Beck's radio show...not a big fan of the TV show.

That being said, the first time I listened to Beck must've been 3 or so years ago...and it wasn't long that I knew he was a Mormon...he doesn't hide it...You as with many critics show your ignorance of Beck and his show...You never listened for an extended time and base your opinion of him on someone else's opinion...who also has not listened...

Any way, I have no desire to defend Beck, Mormonism, etc...but I assume by your many attacks on Mormonism...and it's apparent disqualification of anyone to be on the national public stage...You support the immediate resignation/impeachment of senator Harry Reid?
I have a few questions:

So Becky says we need to again "turn to God". Which God is he referring to exactly? The Mormons don't believe in one God; in fact, they believe they'll all be gods of their own planets one day. They also believe Jesus was just a man with faults and sins like the rest of us.

What honor was he talking about restoring at last Saturday's sermon on the Lincoln Memorial? The honor we lost when we invaded and started a war with a country that never attacked us, killing thousands of people and running up billions in wasteful spending in the process?

Finally, I don't understand why Jeremiah Wright's influence mattered in terms of having an affect on Obama's views, but the cult church Becky belongs to doesn't matter to his followers? I know some of you will argue the difference is Obama is POTUS, but I argue that Becky himself constantly brags about being the number three rated talk show (not to mention how much money he makes); therefore, he has influence on millions of right-wingers and tea-partiers who vote. It matters. So why don't you have a problem with his Mormon faith?
Originally posted by beternU:
Originally posted by elinterventor01:
Originally posted by beternU:
Originally posted by elinterventor01:
Originally posted by beternU:
Originally posted by elinterventor01:
Betern nuttin,

We get it. You really don't like Mormons. Your bigotry is clear. That Wright espouses liberation theology is self evident, rather like Mickey announcing that he is a mouse. Catholic church declared the theology was not appropriate for Christianity, at least for Catholics.

And just how much documentation would you require in order to accept proven truth? "Bigotry" implies prejudice, but prejudice is not a factor when one's views are based on hard truth and what I posted was the hard truth about Mormon beliefs as expressed by Mormon leaders of hugh prestige and reputation among Mormons.

Not a big fan of Beck, however, because of your posts, I listened to a couple of his shows and the rally. He never referred to his Mormon faith. At the rally, he had priests, ministers, a rabbi or two and, at least one imam.

Funny, how its the left that complains of Mormons in politics, nowadays -- especially, Beck and Mitt Romney. Mitt's father' mormon faith never was an issue. Years ago, it was conservatives.

As to proven truth, your repeated statements on Mormons are ample evidence of your bigotry.

Of COURSE Beck does not refer to his Mormon faith. He is shrewd enough to know that there are many, many believers who shun Mormonism as a cultic heresy. He is content to generalize about God and faith and allow many of his followers who know nothing of his Mormon faith to assume that he is some kind of traditional Christian and not the cultic heretic he actually is!

Go back and read what I posted concertning Mormon beliefs about the virgin birth. I posted actual and extensive quotations from authoritative Mormon sources. How does that equate to being evidence of my alleged bigotry? You seem not to be able to distinguish between facts and bigotry, elinterventor. Rebut the FACTS I posted about Mormon beliefs if you can. Otherwise, button your blithering pie hole!

Just, when, does the Ouroburos snake eat it's tail! You're using circular logic. If he doesn't discuss his religious beliefs and espouses more mainstream beliefs what's the harm? Jews don't believe in Hell. Catholics believe in Purgatory and that praying for those in Purgatory may shorten the time they spend there. Protestants believe Purgatory (Hades) was emptied out by Jesus during the three days his body was entombed.

Compared to the differences among the belief systems you have cited above, the difference between them and Mormon beliefs are monumentally huge. You obviously know very little about Mormonism or you would not consider them just one among many within the Judeo-Christian realm. As to Beck, I doubt very much that he knows very much about the origins of his Mormon religion or the evolution of its strange and heretical doctrines. He and his wife reportedly went church shopping and somehow landed in the La La Land of Joseph Smith's homespun fantasy belief system. He is savvy enough, however, to know that if it became widely known that he is a Mormon, he would lose a lot of credibility with the sheeple who dote on him.

I've not heard Beck speak of hatred for other Christians, not any Mormons indulging in terrorist acts against the US. In fact, most make good troops. Its you who exit bigotry towards Mormons and contempt for your fellow citizens when you refer to them as sheeple.
Originally posted by Buttercup:
I have a few questions:

So Becky says we need to again "turn to God". Which God is he referring to exactly? The Mormons don't believe in one God; in fact, they believe they'll all be gods of their own planets one day. They also believe Jesus was just a man with faults and sins like the rest of us.

What honor was he talking about restoring at last Saturday's sermon on the Lincoln Memorial? The honor we lost when we invaded and started a war with a country that never attacked us, killing thousands of people and running up billions in wasteful spending in the process?

Finally, I don't understand why Jeremiah Wright's influence mattered in terms of having an affect on Obama's views, but the cult church Becky belongs to doesn't matter to his followers? I know some of you will argue the difference is Obama is POTUS, but I argue that Becky himself constantly brags about being the number three rated talk show (not to mention how much money he makes); therefore, he has influence on millions of right-wingers and tea-partiers who vote. It matters. So why don't you have a problem with his Mormon faith?

Because none of the Mormon faith represent a threat to the US. What is the source of your bigotry and hatred towards them. Lefties and regressives really seem to hate Mormons.
Originally posted by elinterventor01:
Originally posted by Buttercup:
I have a few questions:

So Becky says we need to again "turn to God". Which God is he referring to exactly? The Mormons don't believe in one God; in fact, they believe they'll all be gods of their own planets one day. They also believe Jesus was just a man with faults and sins like the rest of us.

What honor was he talking about restoring at last Saturday's sermon on the Lincoln Memorial? The honor we lost when we invaded and started a war with a country that never attacked us, killing thousands of people and running up billions in wasteful spending in the process?

Finally, I don't understand why Jeremiah Wright's influence mattered in terms of having an affect on Obama's views, but the cult church Becky belongs to doesn't matter to his followers? I know some of you will argue the difference is Obama is POTUS, but I argue that Becky himself constantly brags about being the number three rated talk show (not to mention how much money he makes); therefore, he has influence on millions of right-wingers and tea-partiers who vote. It matters. So why don't you have a problem with his Mormon faith?

Because none of the Mormon faith represent a threat to the US. What is the source of your bigotry and hatred towards them. Lefties and regressives really seem to hate Mormons.

I don't hate Mormons; I'm just being honest. I have a very good friend who's Mormon and I've told her I think it's a cult - based on everything I've read.

Maybe the Mormons don't represent a threat to the US, but Beck does with his fear mongering. For example, he's actually convinced people to stock up on canned goods and gold because the end, another Great Depression, or whatever, is near. Of course he's been saying this for about two years yet, somehow, the end of the world hasn't happened.

I remember him saying two to three years ago that there's going to be a shortage of food soon and people will be fighting each other in the grocery stores for the last can of tuna. Yeah, that happened. So the point is, he has influence on many sheeple and it matters come voting time.

What will he convince his "followers" of next and who's to say the Mormon elders won't influence it? He's already got his followers convinced that Obama is only about two steps away from Hitler in his beliefs, on top of having a deep-seated hatred for white people. That's scary stuff when people are stupid enough to believe it.

He's apparently pretty convincing to some people and is skilled at playing upon fears. Jim Jones and David Koresh were both pretty charismatic that way too.
Originally posted by Buttercup:
Originally posted by elinterventor01:
Originally posted by Buttercup:
I have a few questions:

So Becky says we need to again "turn to God". Which God is he referring to exactly? The Mormons don't believe in one God; in fact, they believe they'll all be gods of their own planets one day. They also believe Jesus was just a man with faults and sins like the rest of us.

What honor was he talking about restoring at last Saturday's sermon on the Lincoln Memorial? The honor we lost when we invaded and started a war with a country that never attacked us, killing thousands of people and running up billions in wasteful spending in the process?

Finally, I don't understand why Jeremiah Wright's influence mattered in terms of having an affect on Obama's views, but the cult church Becky belongs to doesn't matter to his followers? I know some of you will argue the difference is Obama is POTUS, but I argue that Becky himself constantly brags about being the number three rated talk show (not to mention how much money he makes); therefore, he has influence on millions of right-wingers and tea-partiers who vote. It matters. So why don't you have a problem with his Mormon faith?

Because none of the Mormon faith represent a threat to the US. What is the source of your bigotry and hatred towards them. Lefties and regressives really seem to hate Mormons.

I don't hate Mormons; I'm just being honest. I have a very good friend who's Mormon and I've told her I think it's a cult - based on everything I've read.

Maybe the Mormons don't represent a threat to the US, but Beck does with his fear mongering. For example, he's actually convinced people to stock up on canned goods and gold because the end, another Great Depression, or whatever, is near. Of course he's been saying this for about two years yet, somehow, the end of the world hasn't happened.

I remember him saying two to three years ago that there's going to be a shortage of food soon and people will be fighting each other in the grocery stores for the last can of tuna. Yeah, that happened. So the point is, he has influence on many sheeple and it matters come voting time.

What will he convince his "followers" of next and who's to say the Mormon elders won't influence it? He's already got his followers convinced that Obama is only about two steps away from Hitler in his beliefs, on top of having a deep-seated hatred for white people. That's scary stuff when people are stupid enough to believe it.

He's apparently pretty convincing to some people and is skilled at playing upon fears. Jim Jones and David Koresh were both pretty charismatic that way too.

I strongly suspect that Beck's encouragement to stock up on food derives directly from his Mormonism. The Mormon Church promotes the storing up by each family of enough food to last a year. Google up Mormon Food Storage and you will find this:
Originally posted by beternU:
Originally posted by Buttercup:
Originally posted by elinterventor01:
Originally posted by Buttercup:
I have a few questions:

So Becky says we need to again "turn to God". Which God is he referring to exactly? The Mormons don't believe in one God; in fact, they believe they'll all be gods of their own planets one day. They also believe Jesus was just a man with faults and sins like the rest of us.

What honor was he talking about restoring at last Saturday's sermon on the Lincoln Memorial? The honor we lost when we invaded and started a war with a country that never attacked us, killing thousands of people and running up billions in wasteful spending in the process?

Finally, I don't understand why Jeremiah Wright's influence mattered in terms of having an affect on Obama's views, but the cult church Becky belongs to doesn't matter to his followers? I know some of you will argue the difference is Obama is POTUS, but I argue that Becky himself constantly brags about being the number three rated talk show (not to mention how much money he makes); therefore, he has influence on millions of right-wingers and tea-partiers who vote. It matters. So why don't you have a problem with his Mormon faith?

Because none of the Mormon faith represent a threat to the US. What is the source of your bigotry and hatred towards them. Lefties and regressives really seem to hate Mormons.

I don't hate Mormons; I'm just being honest. I have a very good friend who's Mormon and I've told her I think it's a cult - based on everything I've read.

Maybe the Mormons don't represent a threat to the US, but Beck does with his fear mongering. For example, he's actually convinced people to stock up on canned goods and gold because the end, another Great Depression, or whatever, is near. Of course he's been saying this for about two years yet, somehow, the end of the world hasn't happened.

I remember him saying two to three years ago that there's going to be a shortage of food soon and people will be fighting each other in the grocery stores for the last can of tuna. Yeah, that happened. So the point is, he has influence on many sheeple and it matters come voting time.

What will he convince his "followers" of next and who's to say the Mormon elders won't influence it? He's already got his followers convinced that Obama is only about two steps away from Hitler in his beliefs, on top of having a deep-seated hatred for white people. That's scary stuff when people are stupid enough to believe it.

He's apparently pretty convincing to some people and is skilled at playing upon fears. Jim Jones and David Koresh were both pretty charismatic that way too.

I strongly suspect that Beck's encouragement to stock up on food derives directly from his Mormonism. The Mormon Church promotes the storing up by each family of enough food to last a year. Google up Mormon Food Storage and you will find this:
This was posted in 2006. I already knew this, it isn't exactly a deep dark secret. My grandmother was a Baptist and this goes right along with what she did and told us to do. She also suffered through the depression.

Why do Mormons store up food?

Not only are we encouraged to have a years supply of food water and supplies, but we are also encouraged to have an emergency fund and to not get into unnessacry debt. When we do have to get into debt we should be wise about it and only get what we need. Houses, cars and schooling are examples of debt for things we need, but we don't need luxurious home or cars, just what is right for our needs. And keep the payments where we can afford. Then we work to pay off those debts as soon as we can.

I can tell you from experience that living those principles really makes a difference when you are in a bind. Whatever that situation may be. If I had been better about paying off my debts I would be in a much different situation today. I have learned and I am smarter because of it and budgeting better and now I can see a way out of my problems. I have not been able to get a food storage built up because I have just been able to get just enough for now, but that is changing and when I go shopping, I am able to get a little extra each time.

I remember my grandma talking about living during the depression and how they would just on purpose "happen" to show up at friends house right at dinner time. They would always be invited to join in the meal and that is the only way that they could eat and get food for them and my uncle who was the baby. A food storage would prevent someone from that kind of desperation. They would have it there and not have to rely on others. In fact maybe they could invite others to join them.

Many people equate the storage with major disasters, but it is really for the more personal crisis. I mean if your home is destroyed during a disaster, it won't help you. The wise spending habits that come with it and the preparedness attitudes that come with it will help. Really I think it is more for the personal crisis or financial crisis, things like that.
It really just makes good sense to have a supply of food in case something happens, be it loosing your job or whatever.
Last edited by Jennifer
Originally posted by Jennifer:
Originally posted by beternU:
Originally posted by Buttercup:
Originally posted by elinterventor01:
Originally posted by Buttercup:
I have a few questions:

So Becky says we need to again "turn to God". Which God is he referring to exactly? The Mormons don't believe in one God; in fact, they believe they'll all be gods of their own planets one day. They also believe Jesus was just a man with faults and sins like the rest of us.

What honor was he talking about restoring at last Saturday's sermon on the Lincoln Memorial? The honor we lost when we invaded and started a war with a country that never attacked us, killing thousands of people and running up billions in wasteful spending in the process?

Finally, I don't understand why Jeremiah Wright's influence mattered in terms of having an affect on Obama's views, but the cult church Becky belongs to doesn't matter to his followers? I know some of you will argue the difference is Obama is POTUS, but I argue that Becky himself constantly brags about being the number three rated talk show (not to mention how much money he makes); therefore, he has influence on millions of right-wingers and tea-partiers who vote. It matters. So why don't you have a problem with his Mormon faith?

Because none of the Mormon faith represent a threat to the US. What is the source of your bigotry and hatred towards them. Lefties and regressives really seem to hate Mormons.

I don't hate Mormons; I'm just being honest. I have a very good friend who's Mormon and I've told her I think it's a cult - based on everything I've read.

Maybe the Mormons don't represent a threat to the US, but Beck does with his fear mongering. For example, he's actually convinced people to stock up on canned goods and gold because the end, another Great Depression, or whatever, is near. Of course he's been saying this for about two years yet, somehow, the end of the world hasn't happened.

I remember him saying two to three years ago that there's going to be a shortage of food soon and people will be fighting each other in the grocery stores for the last can of tuna. Yeah, that happened. So the point is, he has influence on many sheeple and it matters come voting time.

What will he convince his "followers" of next and who's to say the Mormon elders won't influence it? He's already got his followers convinced that Obama is only about two steps away from Hitler in his beliefs, on top of having a deep-seated hatred for white people. That's scary stuff when people are stupid enough to believe it.

He's apparently pretty convincing to some people and is skilled at playing upon fears. Jim Jones and David Koresh were both pretty charismatic that way too.

I strongly suspect that Beck's encouragement to stock up on food derives directly from his Mormonism. The Mormon Church promotes the storing up by each family of enough food to last a year. Google up Mormon Food Storage and you will find this:
This was posted in 2006. I already knew this, it isn't exactly a deep dark secret. My grandmother was a Baptist and this goes right along with what she did and told us to do. She also suffered through the depression.

Why do Mormans store up food?

Not only are we encouraged to have a years supply of food water and supplies, but we are also encouraged to have an emergency fund and to not get into unnessacry debt. When we do have to get into debt we should be wise about it and only get what we need. Houses, cars and schooling are examples of debt for things we need, but we don't need luxurious home or cars, just what is right for our needs. And keep the payments where we can afford. Then we work to pay off those debts as soon as we can.

I can tell you from experience that living those principles really makes a difference when you are in a bind. Whatever that situation may be. If I had been better about paying off my debts I would be in a much different situation today. I have learned and I am smarter because of it and budgeting better and now I can see a way out of my problems. I have not been able to get a food storage built up because I have just been able to get just enough for now, but that is changing and when I go shopping, I am able to get a little extra each time.

I remember my grandma talking about living during the depression and how they would just on purpose "happen" to show up at friends house right at dinner time. They would always be invited to join in the meal and that is the only way that they could eat and get food for them and my uncle who was the baby. A food storage would prevent someone from that kind of desperation. They would have it there and not have to rely on others. In fact maybe they could invite others to join them.

Many people equate the storage with major disasters, but it is really for the more personal crisis. I mean if your home is destroyed during a disaster, it won't help you. The wise spending habits that come with it and the preparedness attitudes that come with it will help. Really I think it is more for the personal crisis or financial crisis, things like that.
It really just makes good sense to have a supply of food in case something happens, be it loosing your job or whatever.

Now tell me this--If a Mormon man "progresses" over time until he has become a God over his own world (as Mormon doctrine teaches a man can become), will he then no longer have need for food? Or will he, as a Mormon version of God, need food to sustain his physical body, since Mormon doctrine also holds that God has a physical body, the same body he supposedly used to physically impregnate Mary in the same natural way that other babies are conceived? THAT is a true recitation of Mormon doctrine and thus I am curious as to whether--according to Mormon doctrine--God and the other "Gods" like him who progress to that state need physical, tangible nutrition to sustain the body. Can you advise on that point?
Like Beck or hate him, there is one thing I have heard him do, on the occasions that I have seen his show, that I don't think I've ever heard Olberman, Matthews, Maddow, or any other darlings of the left do. Beck said, "Don't take my word for it, look it up for yourself and do your own research!". I guess that passes for a shrewd tactic in the eyes of many....
Originally posted by Jennifer:
I suggest you ask a Mormon. I'm not a devotee of any religion, but I do know why the Mormons "store up food", and I have ask questions about things I want to know from followers of other religions.

I have had visits from four different sets of Mormon "elders" doing their missionary work. None of these fuzzy-cheeked "elders" knew as much about Mormon history and doctrine as I do. I asked them numerous questions that pretty much dumfounded them. In particular, I showed them where the Book of Mormon condemns plural marriage and the Doctrine & Covenants (considered by Mormons as an inspired work equal in authority to the Bible)mandates every able Mormon man to engage in plural marriage, with both books citing the practice ln the Old Testamant--the Book of Mormon claiming it to have been an abomination in the sight of God and the D & C Testament asserting that the practice found no condemnation in His eyes.
When I showed each of these Mormon missionaries the conflicting passages from their "scriptures" none of them could explain the discrepancy, but each group promised to confer with someone in the church more knowledgeable than themselves and get back to me with an explanation. I never heard back from any of them.

When confronted with such difficulties, Mormons invariably will rationalize the matter by saying something essentially like this," I might not understand everything about the scriptures, but I have asked God to tell me if Joseph Smith is a true proplet of God and if the Book of Mormon is the true word of God, and God has revealed to my heart that these things are true."

Thus they rest their faith upon the emotional perception that God has come directly to them and confirmed their heresy!
Originally posted by beternU:
Originally posted by Jennifer:
I suggest you ask a Mormon. I'm not a devotee of any religion, but I do know why the Mormons "store up food", and I have ask questions about things I want to know from followers of other religions.

I have had visits from four different sets of Mormon "elders" doing their missionary work. None of these fuzzy-cheeked "elders" knew as much about Mormon history and doctrine as I do. I asked them numerous questions that pretty much dumfounded them. In particular, I showed them where the Book of Mormon condemns plural marriage and the Doctrine & Covenants (considered by Mormons as an inspired work equal in authority to the Bible)mandates every able Mormon man to engage in plural marriage, with both books citing the practice ln the Old Testamant--the Book of Mormon claiming it to have been an abomination in the sight of God and the D & C Testament asserting that the practice found no condemnation in His eyes.
When I showed each of these Mormon missionaries the conflicting passages from their "scriptures" none of them could explain the discrepancy, but each group promised to confer with someone in the church more knowledgeable than themselves and get back to me with an explanation. I never heard back from any of them.

When confronted with such difficulties, Mormons invariably will rationalize the matter by saying something essentially like this," I might not understand everything about the scriptures, but I have asked God to tell me if Joseph Smith is a true proplet of God and if the Book of Mormon is the true word of God, and God has revealed to my heart that these things are true."

Thus they rest their faith upon the emotional perception that God has come directly to them and confirmed their heresy!
Pardon me if I don't really believe you've been visited by Mormons (unless invited), or "stumped" them with questions. Personally I have never known Mormons to go door to door like that, and especially to the extent you'd be visited four times. I don't think you're an expert on the Mormon religion or any other. Your interest in the Mormons seems to stem from your hatred and fear of Glen Beck, and your desire to attack and discredit him. Have you taken apart other religions as well? Do you yourself follow any religion? It seems odd to me that you would devote so much time to Mormons and not all the other religions out there. Are you as well versed in Islam? Scientology? How about the Baptists, Church of Christ, Amish, Quakers, Jehovahs Witnesses, Catholics, the list goes on and on.
Originally posted by beternU:
Originally posted by Jennifer:
I suggest you ask a Mormon. I'm not a devotee of any religion, but I do know why the Mormons "store up food", and I have ask questions about things I want to know from followers of other religions.

I have had visits from four different sets of Mormon "elders" doing their missionary work. None of these fuzzy-cheeked "elders" knew as much about Mormon history and doctrine as I do. I asked them numerous questions that pretty much dumfounded them. In particular, I showed them where the Book of Mormon condemns plural marriage and the Doctrine & Covenants (considered by Mormons as an inspired work equal in authority to the Bible)mandates every able Mormon man to engage in plural marriage, with both books citing the practice ln the Old Testamant--the Book of Mormon claiming it to have been an abomination in the sight of God and the D & C Testament asserting that the practice found no condemnation in His eyes.
When I showed each of these Mormon missionaries the conflicting passages from their "scriptures" none of them could explain the discrepancy, but each group promised to confer with someone in the church more knowledgeable than themselves and get back to me with an explanation. I never heard back from any of them.

When confronted with such difficulties, Mormons invariably will rationalize the matter by saying something essentially like this," I might not understand everything about the scriptures, but I have asked God to tell me if Joseph Smith is a true proplet of God and if the Book of Mormon is the true word of God, and God has revealed to my heart that these things are true."

Thus they rest their faith upon the emotional perception that God has come directly to them and confirmed their heresy!

Any one else see the common thread??? Beter knows more than anyone else about everything.
Originally posted by HIFLYER:
Originally posted by beternU:
Originally posted by Jennifer:
I suggest you ask a Mormon. I'm not a devotee of any religion, but I do know why the Mormons "store up food", and I have ask questions about things I want to know from followers of other religions.

I have had visits from four different sets of Mormon "elders" doing their missionary work. None of these fuzzy-cheeked "elders" knew as much about Mormon history and doctrine as I do. I asked them numerous questions that pretty much dumfounded them. In particular, I showed them where the Book of Mormon condemns plural marriage and the Doctrine & Covenants (considered by Mormons as an inspired work equal in authority to the Bible)mandates every able Mormon man to engage in plural marriage, with both books citing the practice ln the Old Testamant--the Book of Mormon claiming it to have been an abomination in the sight of God and the D & C Testament asserting that the practice found no condemnation in His eyes.
When I showed each of these Mormon missionaries the conflicting passages from their "scriptures" none of them could explain the discrepancy, but each group promised to confer with someone in the church more knowledgeable than themselves and get back to me with an explanation. I never heard back from any of them.

When confronted with such difficulties, Mormons invariably will rationalize the matter by saying something essentially like this," I might not understand everything about the scriptures, but I have asked God to tell me if Joseph Smith is a true proplet of God and if the Book of Mormon is the true word of God, and God has revealed to my heart that these things are true."

Thus they rest their faith upon the emotional perception that God has come directly to them and confirmed their heresy!

Any one else see the common thread??? Beter knows more than anyone else about everything.
I call it the "Big fish in a small pond" syndrome.

Big fish in a small pond

People who are important but only within their limited circle of influence, with limited being the key word.
Originally posted by HIFLYER:
Originally posted by beternU:
Originally posted by Jennifer:
I suggest you ask a Mormon. I'm not a devotee of any religion, but I do know why the Mormons "store up food", and I have ask questions about things I want to know from followers of other religions.

I have had visits from four different sets of Mormon "elders" doing their missionary work. None of these fuzzy-cheeked "elders" knew as much about Mormon history and doctrine as I do. I asked them numerous questions that pretty much dumfounded them. In particular, I showed them where the Book of Mormon condemns plural marriage and the Doctrine & Covenants (considered by Mormons as an inspired work equal in authority to the Bible)mandates every able Mormon man to engage in plural marriage, with both books citing the practice ln the Old Testamant--the Book of Mormon claiming it to have been an abomination in the sight of God and the D & C Testament asserting that the practice found no condemnation in His eyes.
When I showed each of these Mormon missionaries the conflicting passages from their "scriptures" none of them could explain the discrepancy, but each group promised to confer with someone in the church more knowledgeable than themselves and get back to me with an explanation. I never heard back from any of them.

When confronted with such difficulties, Mormons invariably will rationalize the matter by saying something essentially like this," I might not understand everything about the scriptures, but I have asked God to tell me if Joseph Smith is a true proplet of God and if the Book of Mormon is the true word of God, and God has revealed to my heart that these things are true."

Thus they rest their faith upon the emotional perception that God has come directly to them and confirmed their heresy!

Any one else see the common thread??? Beter knows more than anyone else about everything.
I know the game he's playing. Wink
Actually, Mormons do go out door to door, just like Jehovah's Witnesses do. I have had them stop at my house a few times. It is always young people, and they go whever the church tells them to go.

Although I don't know as much about Mormonism as Beter does, I too was able to tell a couple of young Mormons some things they didn't know. I read science fiction (among other genres), and there is a very good writer named Orson Scott Card who happens to be Mormon. One of his books has quite a bit of information about what Mormons believe.

I don't know why you people hate Beter so much. I THINK it might have to do with his intelligence and eloquent writing style. Some folks are intimidated by that.

Hmm...come to think of it, there is another great man in this country who seems to cause that same kind of reaction...
Originally posted by O No!:
Actually, Mormons do go out door to door, just like Jehovah's Witnesses do. I have had them stop at my house a few times. It is always young people, and they go whever the church tells them to go.

Although I don't know as much about Mormonism as Beter does, I too was able to tell a couple of young Mormons some things they didn't know. I read science fiction (among other genres), and there is a very good writer named Orson Scott Card who happens to be Mormon. One of his books has quite a bit of information about what Mormons believe.

I don't know why you people hate Beter so much. I THINK it might have to do with his intelligence and eloquent writing style. Some folks are intimidated by that.

Hmm...come to think of it, there is another great man in this country who seems to cause that same kind of reaction...
I don't hate him, and he doesn't have the fire power to intimidate me or anyone else I've seen posting to him. Why does an intelligent person need to keep a thesaurus at hand? If you're in awe of him that's your problem. Going to sites and copying and pasting others' comments and writings, and claiming them as your own is not intelligence. If I cut and paste I give credit to the original poster. I said I personally didn't know of any Mormons going door to door, and my question still stands, why is he singling out the Mormons? Why won't he say what religion he follows? No, this is simply what I said earlier, "Big fish small pond" syndrome. I still would like to know where his property is located in Mexico and what he wants for it. Smiler
Originally posted by JuanHunt:
Muslims and Mormons are pretty much the same, with their plural marriages, crazy doctrines and practices. The Mormons just got a head start.

According to the traditionalist view, the Qur'an began with revelations on Muhammad's divine revelations in AD 610. The verses of the Quran were written down and memorized during his life. Makkah was conquered by the Muslims in the year AD 630. In 628 the Makkan tribe of Quraish and the Muslim community in Madina had signed a truce called the Treaty of Hudaybiyya beginning a ten-year period of peace, which was broken when the Quraish and their allies, the tribe of 'Bakr', attacked the tribe of 'Khuza'ah', who were allies of the Muslims. Prophet Muhammad died in June 632

Mormonism is a religion practiced by members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, often called Mormons or Latter-day Saints. Most of the church's membership is localized in the Western part of the United States, especially Utah; members are also located elsewhere in the United States, Latin America, Asia, and Europe. It was reported in 1979 that the church had a worldwide membership of about 4 million. Today more than six million of the world's people are Mormons.

Joseph Smith, the son of a poor Vermont farmer founded the church in Fayette, New York in 1830.

I would say the Muslims following Mohammad had the 'head' start. As for crazy practices, all religions have those, just varies from one to the next.
Originally posted by Jennifer:
Originally posted by beternU:
Originally posted by Jennifer:
I suggest you ask a Mormon. I'm not a devotee of any religion, but I do know why the Mormons "store up food", and I have ask questions about things I want to know from followers of other religions.

I have had visits from four different sets of Mormon "elders" doing their missionary work. None of these fuzzy-cheeked "elders" knew as much about Mormon history and doctrine as I do. I asked them numerous questions that pretty much dumfounded them. In particular, I showed them where the Book of Mormon condemns plural marriage and the Doctrine & Covenants (considered by Mormons as an inspired work equal in authority to the Bible)mandates every able Mormon man to engage in plural marriage, with both books citing the practice ln the Old Testamant--the Book of Mormon claiming it to have been an abomination in the sight of God and the D & C Testament asserting that the practice found no condemnation in His eyes.
When I showed each of these Mormon missionaries the conflicting passages from their "scriptures" none of them could explain the discrepancy, but each group promised to confer with someone in the church more knowledgeable than themselves and get back to me with an explanation. I never heard back from any of them.

When confronted with such difficulties, Mormons invariably will rationalize the matter by saying something essentially like this," I might not understand everything about the scriptures, but I have asked God to tell me if Joseph Smith is a true proplet of God and if the Book of Mormon is the true word of God, and God has revealed to my heart that these things are true."

Thus they rest their faith upon the emotional perception that God has come directly to them and confirmed their heresy!

Pardon me if I don't really believe you've been visited by Mormons (unless invited), or "stumped" them with questions. Personally I have never known Mormons to go door to door like that, and especially to the extent you'd be visited four times. I don't think you're an expert on the Mormon religion or any other. Your interest in the Mormons seems to stem from your hatred and fear of Glen Beck, and your desire to attack and discredit him. Have you taken apart other religions as well? Do you yourself follow any religion? It seems odd to me that you would devote so much time to Mormons and not all the other religions out there. Are you as well versed in Islam? Scientology? How about the Baptists, Church of Christ, Amish, Quakers, Jehovahs Witnesses, Catholics, the list goes on and on.

Then you've not read many of beter's posts. Whether you agree with him or not, you have to at least accept that he's very intelligent and could "stump" a Mormon with questions without a problem.

In fact, many Christians could because what's in their Book or Mormon contradicts the Bible. Beter has already pointed out quite a bit of it and it has absolutely nothing to do with Glenn Beck. Personally, I didn't even know Beck was Mormon until well after I'd heard enough of his show to convince me he's crazy.

And the Mormon's do go door to door and try to convince people that Mormonism is the one true religion. I have a good friend who's Mormon - so is her family - and I've learned quite a bit about how they operate. Beter is right when he says they rationalize what doesn't make sense by saying "God revealed Mormonism as truth" and my friend used to tell me that Christianity is all based on faith anyway, so they just have faith that Joseph Smith was not a fraud.
Originally posted by Jennifer:
Originally posted by O No!:
Actually, Mormons do go out door to door, just like Jehovah's Witnesses do. I have had them stop at my house a few times. It is always young people, and they go whever the church tells them to go.

Although I don't know as much about Mormonism as Beter does, I too was able to tell a couple of young Mormons some things they didn't know. I read science fiction (among other genres), and there is a very good writer named Orson Scott Card who happens to be Mormon. One of his books has quite a bit of information about what Mormons believe.

I don't know why you people hate Beter so much. I THINK it might have to do with his intelligence and eloquent writing style. Some folks are intimidated by that.

Hmm...come to think of it, there is another great man in this country who seems to cause that same kind of reaction...
I don't hate him, and he doesn't have the fire power to intimidate me or anyone else I've seen posting to him. Why does an intelligent person need to keep a thesaurus at hand? If you're in awe of him that's your problem. Going to sites and copying and pasting others' comments and writings, and claiming them as your own is not intelligence. If I cut and paste I give credit to the original poster. I said I personally didn't know of any Mormons going door to door, and my question still stands, why is he singling out the Mormons? Why won't he say what religion he follows? No, this is simply what I said earlier, "Big fish small pond" syndrome. I still would like to know where his property is located in Mexico and what he wants for it. Smiler

Jennifer, if you will show me where I cut and pasted and failed to give credit where credit was due, I would surely appreciate it. You have asserted that criticism against me, but you have not provided a single example. I suggest you back up what you allege with some solid proof. That is the fair and ethical way to challenge the integrity of another.

As to my allegedly keeping a thesaurus at hand, I can say this. I do have a thesaurus, but in all honesty I have not used it for MONTHS, and seldom use it at all. How would you know if I DID use one? You are merely speculationg, since you could not possibly have any certain knowledge of my use of a thesaurus.

I suspect that you are among others of my "admirers" who assume, for whatever reason, that I could not possibly produce well-worded, literate material. Well, Jenny Baby, you are just wrong about that. If you disagree, then there is one way to prove you are not wrong. Put up the goods, Jennifer. Post evidence and proof, not just raw, unproven, hostile assumptions.

And Jennifer, it was NEW Mexico that I cited as the location of that oceanfront property available to folks who can easily be persuaded to believe almost anything.
Originally posted by O No!:
Actually, Mormons do go out door to door, just like Jehovah's Witnesses do. I have had them stop at my house a few times. It is always young people, and they go whever the church tells them to go.

Although I don't know as much about Mormonism as Beter does, I too was able to tell a couple of young Mormons some things they didn't know. I read science fiction (among other genres), and there is a very good writer named Orson Scott Card who happens to be Mormon. One of his books has quite a bit of information about what Mormons believe.

I don't know why you people hate Beter so much. I THINK it might have to do with his intelligence and eloquent writing style. Some folks are intimidated by that.

Hmm...come to think of it, there is another great man in this country who seems to cause that same kind of reaction...

You're right. Two peas in a pod.
Originally posted by O No! I don't know why you people hate Beter so much. I THINK it might have to do with his intelligence and eloquent writing style. Some folks are intimidated by that.

Hmm...come to think of it, there is another great man in this country who seems to cause that same kind of reaction...

That there is funny, I don't care who you are! Wink

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