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GayleM posted:

@JUTU Cuz I’m literally the new kid on the block, coming here from Memphis. And major spelling and grammatical errors annoy me, so I send corrections to media all the time. They distract from the writer’s credibility and message. And the conversation was becoming so inane & mean I just had to throw that out there. You’re welcome.

Well I escaped Memphis to Colbert county and now reside in Fairhope Al.  One thing I can tell you is no body likes the grammar police!  This is not english class, it is free form communication.

I’m originally a Yankee from Ohio, but have lived in East Memphis for 30 years. I have a small place in downtown Memphis now, but I’m not there much. I like Waterloo a lot better.

Related to the original post, did you see that “some dude” became a copycat licker?

Now Bluebell will probably have to completely revamp their packaging process, for no small fee I’m sure.

I emailed a writer for the Daily Memphian this AM about a typo. He wrote me back, said, “Thanks,” and fixed it… There something about being an educator and occasional science writer; I just can’t help it. I had a great secretary years ago who taught me more about writing than I ever learned in school. She used to mark up my manuscripts with lots of red ink. She taught me a lot about written communication.

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