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  • Congressional Republicans’ Legislation: 22% Cuts That Would Harm American Families, Seniors and Veterans

  • Undermine Medical Care for Veterans: Cutting funding by 22 percent would mean 30 million fewer veteran outpatient visits, and 81,000 jobs lost across the Veterans Health Administration—leaving veterans unable to get appointments for care including wellness visits, cancer screenings, mental health services, and substance use disorder treatment.

  • Slash Funding for Schools with Low-Income Students and Students with Disabilities: A 22 percent cut would impact 25 million students in schools that teach low-income students and 7.5 million students with disabilities, which could force a reduction of up to 108,000 teachers, aides or other key staff.

  • Eliminate Preschool and Child Care for Hundreds of Thousands of Children: A 22 percent cut would mean 200,000 children lose access to Head Start slots and another 180,000 children lose access to child care—undermining our children’s education and making it more difficult for parents to join the workforce and contribute to our economy.

  • Strip Nutrition Assistance from Millions of Women, Infants, and Children: A 22 percent cut would mean 1.7 million women, infants, and children would lose vital nutrition assistance through the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), significantly increasing child poverty and hunger.

  • Rob Seniors of Healthy Meals: A 22 percent cut would take away nutrition services, such as Meals on Wheels, from more than 1 million seniors. For many of these seniors, these programs provide the only healthy meal they receive on any given day.

  • Raise Housing Costs for Hundreds of Thousands: A 22 percent cut would eliminate funding for Housing Choice Vouchers for over 630,000 households, including 190,000 households headed by seniors and 50,000 veterans.

  • Scale Back Rail Safety Inspections: A 22 percent cut would result in 7,000 fewer rail safety inspection days next year alone, and 30,000 fewer miles of track inspected annually—enough track to cross the United States nearly 10 times.

These are just a few examples—the list goes on and on. A 22 percent cut to the National Institutes of Health would delay cancer and Alzheimer’s research. A 22 percent cut to the Army Corps of Engineers would affect key water resources projects all over the country. A 22 percent cut to the Department of Homeland Security would undermine border management and drug interdiction.

IDK about the trains, but I can make the spamateurs work.
Last edited by Robot Unicorn
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@1130 posted:

do they start there? or is that what MSM says?  billions in waste is where we should start cutting.  Taking someone else's money to fund your pet project is theft.  But then you came up with more Robbing from the rich who already pay a majority of taxes.

So, you agree... taking people's 'social security'... that they paid into for years, would be theft?

You do realize that any "MSM" story is verifiable? right?

you're allowed to go fact check your own 'news'.

Last edited by Robot Unicorn

not what I said, but then just like MSM you attempt to twist things for your political agenda.    Simple what I said, was trillions in debt. what is your plan?  Give more money to to Ukraine?  let more accross the border?  oh that green new deal thing.   MSM lies, democrats lie. which puts you in the wrong.

@1130 posted:

not what I said, but then just like MSM you attempt to twist things for your political agenda.    Simple what I said, was trillions in debt. what is your plan?  Give more money to to Ukraine?  let more accross the border?  oh that green new deal thing.   MSM lies, democrats lie. which puts you in the wrong.

Deflect, dip, dodge, dive, and deflect....
I told you my plan. Repeal the Trillion dollar tax cut Trump gave his millionaire buddies...

According to the Three quarters of a billion dollar plus payout, Republicants are the ones doing the lying. hahahahahahahaha!

stealing from the "rich" won't touch our trillion dollar debt.  plus the 1% already pay the biggest amount of tax.  A large portion of population not only don't pay taxes they get money from taxpayers. That is not even counting the freebees they get.  The only way to bring down the trillion dollar debt is to cut expenditures. Which requires hard decissions.   We bring refugees here that get more than SS recipients.  We have huge waste in almost every govt. program.  It is not government's place to take our money and give it to others.  We should stop giving money to other countries (which is a politician kick-back scheeme).  Our Budget has to be less going out than coming in until we have zero debt.  First step is get democrats out and 40% of republicans out.  Pass bill which limits govt. spending.  Stop twisting, deflecting and show some smarts.

@1130 posted:

stealing from the "rich" won't touch our trillion dollar debt.  plus the 1% already pay the biggest amount of tax.  A large portion of population not only don't pay taxes they get money from taxpayers. That is not even counting the freebees they get.  The only way to bring down the trillion dollar debt is to cut expenditures. Which requires hard decissions.   We bring refugees here that get more than SS recipients.  We have huge waste in almost every govt. program.  It is not government's place to take our money and give it to others.  We should stop giving money to other countries (which is a politician kick-back scheeme).  Our Budget has to be less going out than coming in until we have zero debt.  First step is get democrats out and 40% of republicans out.  Pass bill which limits govt. spending.  Stop twisting, deflecting and show some smarts.

So, to Republicants... our nation's poor, seniors, and veterans are just draining the system... and the 1% don't need to be bothered.  Repealing a one trillion dollar tax cut won't help a one trillion dollar deficit.... and I'm the one 'deflecting and twisting'... Economics isn't your strong suit, is it?

there you go deflecting,  Coming straight from Fascist, How many state capitols taking over by facist democrats?   

Oh by the way, I  enjoyed the Trump tax cuts.   I enjoyed he put America first rather than NWO.  I enjoyed the closed borders.  I enjoyed my retirement funds soared when Trump was in office. Well until Biden tanked the funds. while putting money in union funds.  Now with inflation may have to work til I die. 

@1130 posted:

there you go deflecting,  Coming straight from Fascist, How many state capitols taking over by facist democrats?   

Oh by the way, I  enjoyed the Trump tax cuts.   I enjoyed he put America first rather than NWO.  I enjoyed the closed borders.  I enjoyed my retirement funds soared when Trump was in office. Well until Biden tanked the funds. while putting money in union funds.  Now with inflation may have to work til I die.

Deflecting would be trying to change the topic from the original post... you know... like you've done almost every post.

The topic was how Republicants voted against our nation's poor, seniors, and veterans....

Please, tell me more about deflecting... while you attempt to cover for Republicants by any means necessary.

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