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Some things are just hard to believe, then you remember you are fighting against the American hating left, intent on harming the country in any and every way possible!! It's hard enough making sure you don't buy that nasty crap from mexico, or places that use illegals, or china and other nasty places. Now this? When will they start jerking health dept ratings off the walls and deem them "unfair" to hand out to restaurants with less than desirable cleanliness habits?


Thanks to a label that reads “Product of the USA,” consumers have been able to find out a package of steaks or pork chops in the freezer section at their local grocery store came from America. But soon meat lovers will be hard-pressed to figure out whether the animals on their dinner plates were raised and slaughtered—in the States or halfway around the world.

The country-of-origin labeling rule, known as COOL, was repealed under the federal spending bill passed Friday by Congress, The Wall Street Journal reports. President Barack Obama added his signature to the bill as well. (Of course he did!)

The decision to repeal COOL comes on the heels of a ruling from the World Trade Organization that found the labels discriminate against meat raised and slaughtered in countries other than the U.S. Earlier this month, the WTO allowed Mexico and Canada—America’s top ag partners—to impose more than $1 billion in tariffs on U.S. goods in retaliation if the labels were not removed.


Last edited by Bestworking
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