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Slavery, now goes by another name, its now human trafficking.  Slavers are called grooming gangs. Not long ago, they had the less PC description of rape gangs. I've post about this before -- the Rotherham gang -- protected by the local police and politicians who didn't wish to be called racist.  But, had no problem letting 1500 girls be raped repeatedly.

Now, the perverts have relocated to Newcastle.

"Grooming gangs that preyed on 700 vulnerable girls and women in and around Newcastle developed an "arrogant persistence" because the authorities locked up the victims rather than the offenders, a Serious Case Review has found.

Operation Sanctuary, which was launched in 2014, resulted in 112 offenders being jailed for a total of almost 500 years for abuse carried out against more than 270 victims.

But a shocking report has revealed that the actual number of those targeted was at least 700, as gangs of men from a range of backgrounds plied victims with drugs before raping and forcing them into prostitution.

According to the review, the abusers were mainly "not white but came from a diverse range of backgrounds including Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Indian, Iranian, Iraqi, Kurdish, Turkish, Albanian and Eastern European".

In some cases the victims of the gangs were placed in secure accommodation because of what was seen as their poor behaviour, while the offenders were seen to be innocent and went unpunished."

Some of those convicted as part of Operation Sanctuary

Not the typical Brit gangsters.

More at:

If, you don't think the same isn't happening here, you are sorely mistaken. Not just in the areas controlled by Middle Eastern type.  But, those areas controlled by Hispanic gangs.  Democrats protected slavery in the 1860s and still do. 




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Naio posted:

Don't know how this is related to the US, but anyway.  Maybe ICE should focus on MS-13 members instead of fathers taking their kids to school?


The UK is the early warning for such that will occur in the US.  Their 1950s socialism that stultified their economic progress for decades.   Sooner, or later, unless we do otherwise, we'll see the same here.  

direstraits posted:
Naio posted:

Democrats in the 1860's or UK in the 1950's?  Make up your mind...

Its said that the ability to hold two competing ideas in one's mind is a sign of high intelligence.  When, one can't hold two similar ideas in one's mind, what is that a sign of? 

Liarstraights loves to use that quote like it's a fact.

That line is from an F. Scott Fitzgerald book. Well, more a collection of stories written at Fitzgerald's darkest time. Fitzgerald was ill, an alcoholic, completely broke,  and severely depressed.

But, it is still a nice attempt at deflecting from the issues being discussed.

direstraits posted:
Naio posted:

Democrats in the 1860's or UK in the 1950's?  Make up your mind...

Its said that the ability to hold two competing ideas in one's mind is a sign of high intelligence.  When, one can't hold two similar ideas in one's mind, what is that a sign of? 

Someone who conveniently forgets that the parties flipped around the time of the civil rights movement. 

direstraits posted:

Slavery, now goes by another name, its now human trafficking.  Slavers are called grooming gangs. Not long ago, they had the less PC description of rape gangs. I've post about this before -- the Rotherham gang -- protected by the local police and politicians who didn't wish to be called racist.  But, had no problem letting 1500 girls be raped repeatedly.

Now, the perverts have relocated to Newcastle.

"Grooming gangs that preyed on 700 vulnerable girls and women in and around Newcastle developed an "arrogant persistence" because the authorities locked up the victims rather than the offenders, a Serious Case Review has found.

Operation Sanctuary, which was launched in 2014, resulted in 112 offenders being jailed for a total of almost 500 years for abuse carried out against more than 270 victims.

But a shocking report has revealed that the actual number of those targeted was at least 700, as gangs of men from a range of backgrounds plied victims with drugs before raping and forcing them into prostitution.

According to the review, the abusers were mainly "not white but came from a diverse range of backgrounds including Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Indian, Iranian, Iraqi, Kurdish, Turkish, Albanian and Eastern European".

In some cases the victims of the gangs were placed in secure accommodation because of what was seen as their poor behaviour, while the offenders were seen to be innocent and went unpunished."

Some of those convicted as part of Operation Sanctuary

Not the typical Brit gangsters.

More at:

If, you don't think the same isn't happening here, you are sorely mistaken. Not just in the areas controlled by Middle Eastern type.  But, those areas controlled by Hispanic gangs.  Democrats protected slavery in the 1860s and still do. 



Moslims  already get away with things in the US that no one else can do. 

The south got more wealthy and racism decreased.  As it got more wealthy, it got more business friendly. As it got more business friendly, it turned Republican.  Democrats took over the large cities and infected them with their culture of dependency --  a form of racism and slavery -- to the government, not to plantation owners.  The real story, not the Demmie myth.  

direstraits posted:

The south got more wealthy and racism decreased.  As it got more wealthy, it got more business friendly. As it got more business friendly, it turned Republican.  Democrats took over the large cities and infected them with their culture of dependency --  a form of racism and slavery -- to the government, not to plantation owners.  The real story, not the Demmie myth.  

The South can't even come close to the racism found in the north.

Last edited by antimaim
direstraits posted:

The south got more wealthy and racism decreased.  As it got more wealthy, it got more business friendly. As it got more business friendly, it turned Republican.  Democrats took over the large cities and infected them with their culture of dependency --  a form of racism and slavery -- to the government, not to plantation owners.  The real story, not the Demmie myth.  

Lets talk about MYTHS....

Georgia, Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, Lousiana, and Mississippi... among the top ten states in poverty levels.

MS, AL, and KY are also among the top 10 in 'welfare states'.

MS, AL, KY are also among the states receiving the most 'Federal Monies'.

Liarstraights just claimed 'the south got more wealthy and turned Republican'.


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