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China has 12 nuclear reactors in operation, 24 under construction, and 8 more in the planing stages. They using the latest technology from Westinghouse, which is not used at all in the USA. The goal of the Chinese is to use only domestic produced components, but purchase the technology and technical expertise from the US and French. We burn rocks. I had no idea of the extent of their investment until a friend told me he was leaving to work in China in a few weeks, to teach the Chinese to operate the plants when they are complete.

After the takeover of the USA by China, we will have to learn to use chopsticks.
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And it’s no longer just Chinese bicycles and electronics that are flooding our markets. China will soon make half the world’s wind turbines and solar panels, most of which it plans to export to America. And, as usual, China’s clean-energy industry relies on large government subsidies, in direct violation of international trade laws.

The Chinese will probably pay for those plants by selling us the equipment for our "green economy".
You can thank the regressive environmentalists for the dearth of nuclear energy plants in the US. They fought tooth and nail to keep anymore from being built.

It was embarrassing enough living in France, where 80 percent of the electricity is produced by nuclear power.

US needs to build more uranium powered plants immediately. Then, plan for thorium and quick breeder reactors for the future. A combination of the two could also solved the fuel problem -- producing hydrogen from water.

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