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As far as organ donation, My sister is a nurse & they had to go to this conference some where & they were telling them about medical professionals letting people die just to get their organs. & yes, this may have been just a "urban legend" but that is in the back of my mind. However, the way I understand it right as you die the medical folks immediately ask your family. I have made sure that my family knows that it is okay to give my stuff away, as long as they make sure that i dont need it!!!
Posted 03 October 2007 06:45 AM Hide Post
vick13, you are probably the most selfish person on here. im an organ donor, and you know why? mainly because i do have a chance to save a "good" persons life if i die..sure i take the chance of some alcoholic redneck taking my liver, so what, thats a chance im willing to take as long as it gives someone who actually deserves it a chance at a new life. and also, everyone makes mistakes in their life, thats why theres this little thing good people like to call "forgiveness". my dad used to be somewhat of a drinker, but not anymore, he is a good person now, so your saying that if by chance he needed a new liver you wouldnt give it to him even if you were dead and gone? you would rather have your organs rot underground instead of save a good mans life? thats just wrong if you ask me

So since one percent of recipients shouldn't have received a organ everyone on the waiting list should die. Is that is honestly what you would be thinking if your child's was dying?

So since one percent of recipients shouldn't have received a organ everyone on the waiting list should die. Is that is honestly what you would be thinking if your child's was dying?

Who knows? Again, if I could choose or my family could choose, sure. But not random stuff.
Posted 03 October 2007 08:07 AM Hide Post
As am I and it makes me sad to see all these illogical excuses for not doing the right thing.

I trust that a good person will get my organs but frankly I'm dead anyway.

Your excuses sound like the guy who won't wear his seatbelt because he doesn't want to drown in the event his car runs into the lake. Whatever it takes to justify your cowardice and selfishness.

Ok. You're off my list of who to give my organs to!

Joy can have 'em. So can Kindred.
I am an organ donor, and my immediate family and all of my close friends know it. I am not concerned about a doctor letting me die to take my organs because I also have an advanced directive that is extremely detailed regarding the circumstances under which I would want to be on life support and/or have feeding tubes. I don't want my family to be faced with making those choices.

My family and close friends also know that I want my casket CLOSED and I have told them all that I will come back to haunt them if they open my casket. My mother or other closest living relatives have permission to view my body for identification and/or for emotional closure; otherwise, it is to be closed. I think the body viewing ceremony is very weird and awkward. Like I really need to look at someone's corpse to know they are really dead? It's just strange to me. I want photos -- many photos -- of me to be placed around my closed casket so my loved ones' last image of me won't be of my dead body.

Sorry, that was really a rambling post!
No, I feel the same way, LAWGIRL. I have never understood the open casket thing. Some people take pictures & put them in albums!

I want all my organs donated, then cremated & my ashes scattered somewhere that makes you feel good to look at it, like the ocean or a mountain cliff. I also want happy music at my funeral.
I want happy music, too. No "Beulah Land", etc. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but it's not me. It wouldn't represent my happy-go-lucky spirit. I'm a Christian and hope all my loved ones meet me in Heaven someday, but I want my funeral to be a happy time. A celebration of my life. Not a mourning of my death. People can mourn privately. I want them to tell fun stories about me and their times with me at my funeral. bothers my Mom, too, especially the cremation part. She has a hang-up about the resurrected body thing...thinks I won't have one I guess. I told her that if God made Adam from the dust of the earth, he can surely make me from my own ashes.

I told my husband that if my Mom got really distraught about it to not bend an inch on the organ donation, but that he could let the cremation go...but like LAWGIRL, if they open that casket, I'm going to request permission from God to make a few house calls.
When I go, I'm having a closed casket. I don't want anyone's last memory of me to be laying in a box wearing bad makeup. Closed box with a picture on top.

Next to the casket will be a keg of Guinness and everyone who passes by will be free to have some. That way I can buy all my friends and family one last pint before I go. My wife hates that idea, so I'm going to have to put it in the will somehow. Cool
I am an organ donor. Also when I die I want to be stuffed , a deer. wearing flip flops Bermuda shorts and a tacky Hawaiian shirt. I will have a big goofy grin on my face and my eyes will be open. My family will have to rotate me from house to house quarterly and let me sit on the couch. Think you could legally write that up for me LAWGRL? Wink Oh and I willing to donate my deck pre mortum.Razzer (it was going to be said sooner or later)
Originally posted by MentalFloss:
I am an organ donor. Also when I die I want to be stuffed , a deer. wearing flip flops Bermuda shorts and a tacky Hawaiian shirt. I will have a big goofy grin on my face and my eyes will be open. My family will have to rotate me from house to house quarterly and let me sit on the couch. Think you could legally write that up for me LAWGRL? Wink Oh and I willing to donate my deck pre mortum.Razzer (it was going to be said sooner or later)

LOL, Mental Floss!!!! I am going to add this to my will!!!!

Thanks for the GREAT idea!!! hehehehe
I used to have my stuff signed, used to be able to sign the back and noone had to know until it was time. I stopped when it became a requirement to put on the license prior when you get it. Dont get me wrong, anyone who can use my organs are welcome to them if I am finished and my family know it. But I do not want to be part of a database just incase one of the Kennedys needs some replacement parts.
Maybe Lawgirl can help with this question here.

We have been talking about this subject at work for a while now with many of us having aged parents and all. One man, who has gone through several losses in the last year told us that is mattered NOT what one had signed, that their next of kin can STILL trump it.

I always thought that if I put things in writing, that it would make things easier for my kids, but come to find out (from him) IF even ONE of my kids disagree with my wishes, then they won't be carried out.

Is this true????
Originally posted by Heub:
I used to have my stuff signed, used to be able to sign the back and noone had to know until it was time. I stopped when it became a requirement to put on the license prior when you get it. Dont get me wrong, anyone who can use my organs are welcome to them if I am finished and my family know it. But I do not want to be part of a database just incase one of the Kennedys needs some replacement parts.

I think you just said what a lot of people were thinking.
Originally posted by Kindred:
Maybe Lawgirl can help with this question here.

We have been talking about this subject at work for a while now with many of us having aged parents and all. One man, who has gone through several losses in the last year told us that is mattered NOT what one had signed, that their next of kin can STILL trump it.

I always thought that if I put things in writing, that it would make things easier for my kids, but come to find out (from him) IF even ONE of my kids disagree with my wishes, then they won't be carried out.

Is this true????
Are you talking about a will, organ donation, or an advanced directive?
Originally posted by LAWGIRL:
Originally posted by Kindred:
Maybe Lawgirl can help with this question here.

We have been talking about this subject at work for a while now with many of us having aged parents and all. One man, who has gone through several losses in the last year told us that is mattered NOT what one had signed, that their next of kin can STILL trump it.

I always thought that if I put things in writing, that it would make things easier for my kids, but come to find out (from him) IF even ONE of my kids disagree with my wishes, then they won't be carried out.

Is this true????
Are you talking about a will, organ donation, or an advanced directive?


Lol, The man said ALL things to do with basic LIFE itself, not possessions can be overridden by other members of family.

I am not talking about estate or bank accounts, but creamation, organ donation, advance directive, living will and such????

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