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In an interview with PBS, Cain appears to suggest that Americans should consider China dangerous in part because they’re pursuing “nuclear capability.” In fact, China tested its first nuclear device in 1964 and has had a stockpile of warheads for decades.



HERMAN CAIN: I do view China as a potential military threat to the United States.

JUDY WOODRUFF: And what could you do as president to head that off?

HERMAN CAIN: My China strategy is quite simply outgrow China. It gets back to economics. China has a $6 trillion economy and they’re growing at approximately 10 percent. We have a $14 trillion economy — much bigger — but we’re growing at an anemic 1.5, 1.6 percent. When we get our economy growing back at the rate of 5 or 6 percent that it has the ability to do, we will outgrow China.

And secondly, we already have superiority in terms of our military capability, and I plan to get away from making cutting our defense a priority and make investing in our military capability a priority, going back to my statement: peace through strength and clarity. So yes they’re a military threat. They’ve indicated that they’re trying to develop nuclear capability and they want to develop more aircraft carriers like we have. So yes, we have to consider them a military threat.


Is such ignorance a prerequisite to be a Repube???

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As Cain educational experience in in computer science and math, he can't be quantified as stupid.  To do so, is ignorant!  He has successful business experience, something Obama has, al too obviously, no idea of! 


China is developing a serious military capacity, but whether it will be to dominate more than the region is uncertain.  She still claims sovreignty over parts of Russia, all of Mongolia, Taiwan and two states of India's 20 states. 


Some Chinese military theorists have gamed seizing Australia as expansionest territory -- turning the present inhabitants into boat people and sending them east.   


Therefore, this thread's premise, is in error and illogical.  But, from the author, that is expencted!


The worst part of the the thread is its a another example of what I've pointed many times.  The Democrats argument, boiled down, is "my opponent is a stupid doo-doo head."  Its childish and stupid.  And, the Democrats have been at it since Eisenhower, at least.  Funny how some many stupid Republicans beat the smart Democrats!

Last edited by interventor1212
Originally Posted by interventor1212:

Therefore, this thread's premise, is in error and illogical.  But, from the author, that is expencted!


The worst part of the the thread is its a another example of what I've pointed many times.  The Democrats argument, boiled down, is "my opponent is a stupid doo-doo head."  Its childish and stupid.  And, the Democrats have been at it since Eisenhower, at least.  Funny how some many stupid Republicans beat the smart Democrats!

Maybe the Repubics could nominate a candidate that is versed in international affairs, and not a bumbling dolt.  Is this the best challenger the Tea Party can mount???  Cain has zero appeal to intelligent moderates, AND MODERATES DO THE ELECTIN IN THIS COUNTRY!!!

Originally Posted by mad American:

So what is so ignorant about considering them a military threat?  He is still more qualified than the current idiot in chief.  What is your objection to Herman Cain?  HIs race?  Liberals have ruined this country!  Maybe we can elect a conservative to straghten it out.  Bush was a liberal or progressive, or whatever you call yourselves now.


Let's have just a little honesty here!


He did not merely say that he considered China a "military threat." His actual words were, "They’ve indicated that they’re trying to develop nuclear capability."  TRYING??!! Good grief--China has HAD a nuclear capability over 40 years.  Last week Cain acknowledged that he did not know what Neoconservatism is.  Neoconservatism is probably the most influential and destructive political philosophy of the last 25 years (Read up on it here: .  It was Neoconservatives like Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld and their ilk who stupidly got us into the Iraq war.  So in Cain we have a political ignoramus who thinks China is still working toward nuclear capability and who is clueless about Neoconservativism God help us if this bozo ever gets into ANY influential government office, let alone the Oval Office!


Excerpt from above link:


"The neocons therefore believe that a muscular foreign policy—one that includes military intervention abroad, war, regime change, and imperial governance—will keep the American people politicized and therefore virtuous. By saving the world from tyranny, America will save herself from her own internal corruption. And there’s more. By keeping America perpetually involved in nation-building around the world, neoconservative rulers will have the opportunity to exercise their statesmanlike virtues. There can be no statesmanship without politics and there can be no truly magnanimous statesmanship without war, so the neocons fear and loathe moral principles that might deny them this outlet. A condition of permanent war, a policy of benevolent hegemony, and the creation of a republican empire means that there will always be a need for politics and statesmanship."

Ditzy's post:

"It gets worse.  Moments ago (AM 2Nov) Cain claimed that as POUTUS, he would prevent China from expanding their military nuclear capability.  How is he going to do that??? Stop borrowing $30billion a month from them???


Cain is now claiming that he can see China from his house."




He statement was that he could keep China from expanding their threat capabilities by posting more Aegis capable ships abroad.  FWIW, most of our borrowing is now internal, or European.   

Originally Posted by interventor1212:

Therefore, this thread's premise, is in error and illogical.  But, from the author, that is expencted!


The worst part of the the thread is its a another example of what I've pointed many times.  The Democrats argument, boiled down, is "my opponent is a stupid doo-doo head."  Its childish and stupid.  And, the Democrats have been at it since Eisenhower, at least.  Funny how some many stupid Republicans beat the smart Democrats!

Maybe the Repubics could nominate a candidate that is versed in international affairs, and not a bumbling dolt.  Is this the best challenger the Tea Party can mount???  Cain has zero appeal to intelligent moderates, AND MODERATES DO THE ELECTIN IN THIS COUNTRY!!




Well, it worked perfectly well for the Democrats in 2008.  The moderates were totally seduced by a candidate with no business experience and no experience in international affairs.  Unless, you count giving a speech in Germany in front of faux columns with a light show worthy of the NSDAP.  Who, upon election made the most embarassing gaffes.

Originally Posted by interventor1212:
Originally Posted by interventor1212:

Therefore, this thread's premise, is in error and illogical.  But, from the author, that is expencted!


The worst part of the the thread is its a another example of what I've pointed many times.  The Democrats argument, boiled down, is "my opponent is a stupid doo-doo head."  Its childish and stupid.  And, the Democrats have been at it since Eisenhower, at least.  Funny how some many stupid Republicans beat the smart Democrats!

Maybe the Repubics could nominate a candidate that is versed in international affairs, and not a bumbling dolt.  Is this the best challenger the Tea Party can mount???  Cain has zero appeal to intelligent moderates, AND MODERATES DO THE ELECTIN IN THIS COUNTRY!!




Well, it worked perfectly well for the Democrats in 2008.  The moderates were totally seduced by a candidate with no business experience and no experience in international affairs.  Unless, you count giving a speech in Germany in front of faux columns with a light show worthy of the NSDAP.  Who, upon election made the most embarassing gaffes.

Another ignorant post, unencumbered by the thought process.


Cain has corrected himself.

“I may have misspoke,” Cain told the Daily Caller. “What I meant was China does not have the size of the nuclear capability that we have.”


Other Cain misspeaks include ‘I didn’t mean what I said about the Palestinian right of return’ and ‘I didn’t mean it when I said I’d release the prisoners from Gitmo.’


So, just ignore anything he says for a day or two and then he will issue a statement on what he meant to say.  I must say, its a novel approach for a business and math genius. 

Originally Posted by Mr.Dittohead:


Cain has corrected himself.

“I may have misspoke,” Cain told the Daily Caller. “What I meant was China does not have the size of the nuclear capability that we have.”


Other Cain misspeaks include ‘I didn’t mean what I said about the Palestinian right of return’ and ‘I didn’t mean it when I said I’d release the prisoners from Gitmo.’


So, just ignore anything he says for a day or two and then he will issue a statement on what he meant to say.  I must say, its a novel approach for a business and math genius. 



But the die-hard Cainite Tea Party simpletons will accept such a lame, pitiful excuse, simply because the do not want to believe otherwise, even when it is absolutely clear on its face that Cain was dead wrong.  The Cain formula is to make a public statement of position on some issue, then to await the public's response, and finally, to issue some kind of revised statement to correct his former display of gross ignorance or stupidity.  That might work on the Tea Party, but it won't work in the White House.


"I may have misspoke" is not a viable verbal white-out for excusing egregious and inane blunders!

Cain's cluelessness seems to surface every day.  The longer he campaigns, the more apparent it will be that this bozo is not Presidential material.

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