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'''Gates, who according to a friend had been trying to force open a jammed door, was inside the house when the Cambridge police officer got there.

He allegedly responded to the officer's request for identification by shouting, "Why, because I am a black man in America?" and calling him a racist.'''

I see a racist but its not the police. If you are breaking into a house, you better make darn sure you have ID and give it willingly when the cops show up, even if its your own house.

Gates is a moron.
There seems to be two very different sides to the story. I don't know whom to believe. We have all seen in this country, citizens that have falsely used the race/victim card only to be later proven that they were lying. We have also seen police lie about a series of events in order to attempt to protect themselves, and later to be proven that they were lying also. I think the proof is with the witnesses, but the sad fact is different people, different races, and different upbringing, usually see different things.

I guess the answer to this situation will be like the answer to the question of how many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop. The world may never know!!!

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