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Two men in a light blue pick-up with a trailer hitch are currently asking to clean your gutters - even if they do not need it. They really want to clean your carport and open garage and anything else they can get their hands on. They were cruising Rivermont, Sheffield last Saturday to see what they could carry away. (My home included) Sure enough, the single woman two doors down had her small trailer hitched up and driven away in the middle of the night. Watch for this pick-up. They are checking for info concerning people in household and living habits. If you have a light blue pick-up and are honest, this warning is not about you!!!!

I am an essentially flawed individual who nevertheless does the right thing enough of the time.

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Slightly built white men, Time around noon. I was watching from an upstairs window. I later found out that a few days before the trailer theft two men in a white car stopped and asked if the trailer was for sale. Guys, you are dealing with women, who I am afraid, are termed elderly , when you ask about make of cars, twin pipes, etc.! Owner of the trailer which was parked at his sister's home reported that there has been a rash of trailer thefts in Sheffield (police info), Thieves are reportedly selling them in MS. As in original post, women and all older people "Watch out!"
Thanks for the heads up Earth.

On the other hand, maybe if you live in Muscle Shoals, you can get a good deal on a trailer. Big Grin

I doubt if the police will do much unless they catch them smoking pot while they are stealing stuff. Drugs and murder are about the only thing they are interested in prosecuting.

If you catch people stealing your stuff, you better just go on and shoot them.
Good job raising awareness Earth Momma...reminds of a story I heard about an elderly man and his wife. They were getting ready to go to bed when the wife says, "you've left the light on out in the garage." The old guy steps to the back door to turn it off when he sees three men loading all of his tools and equipment onto a trailer. Quickly, he dials 9-1-1 and tells the dispatcher, "I need a patrol car, three men are stealing all of my shop tools." The dispatcher tells the old man there are no available units, just turn off all your lights and lay low, an officer will be by after a while to take a report. The old man waits 42 seconds then dials 9-1-1 and tells the operator, "Never mind, I shot all three of them." Within two minutes, three patrol cars, a swat vehicle, two detectives, ambulance and Medical examiner show up..the three thieves are arrested, and the shift supervisor says to the old man, "I thought you said you shot them.."

The old man says, "I thought you said you had no one available..." Wink
I wonder if this could be the same guy who used to want to work for "gas money". He had a blue truck too but it was in pretty rough shape with very worn paint on the hood. He used to travel sometimes with a woman. He started appearing right before the Sheffield break-ins. Several of us called the police but they could never find him.

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