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Hi to my Forum Friends,

Below are excerpts from two articles. The first is from California News and Views, by Stephen Frank. The second is an Editorial of The New York Sun, 7/25/08.



Arnold has declared himself a "post-partisan" elected official. He is not really a full time Republican.

Yesterday, in Germany, Barack Obama became a "Post-American" citizen. He declared himself a "Citizen of the World". In other words he has declared he is not longer an American, he is concerned and identifies, as a citizens with ONLY the world.

And he proved it. He was willing to talk to 200,000 Germans, but REFUSED to meet and talk to a few dozen American soldiers, in hospital.


CITIZEN OF THE WORLD? Editorial of The New York Sun, 7/25/08

So Barack Obama, whose father is from Kenya and who attended school in Indonesia, now appears before a crowd of 200,000 cheering Germans in Berlin to proclaim himself a "citizen of the world." It makes you wonder whether he’s running for president of America or secretary general of the United Nations, and it is reminiscent of Senator Kerry’s ill-fated 2004 debate pledge to subject American policies to a "global test."

Not that these columns are against a judicious internationalism. Mr. Obama's turn toward the idea of global responsibility is actually a welcome note coming from someone who spent the primary campaign demagoguing Senator Clinton on the charge that free trade deals her husband signed were sucking American jobs from Ohio to Mexico and Canada. If you are really a "citizen of the world," why should it matter? It is also a welcome turn for a candidate who spent the primary campaign complaining that the War in Iraq was costing too much money that should be spent on American roads, bridges, education, and health care. If you are really a "citizen of the world," Iraqi infrastructure is as good an investment as American infrastructure.


My immediate thought upon reading these articles was, "Be careful what you wish for; you just might get it."

And, that, my Friends, is one of the many things about Barack Obama which frightens me. With Obama in the White House; which will be the capital of America -- the White House in Washington D.C. or the United Nations in New York? Or would Secretary General Obama move the headquarters to Brussels? After all, that is the headquarters of the German/France led EU -- what better place for the Obama who is loved by all of Germany to rule -- than Brussels?

Give this a lot of thought, my Friends.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,

Bill Gray

Alabama bred,
California fed,
Blessed by God to be a Christian American!


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Originally posted by XYZ:
I hope and pray that people of the USA will wake up and see what this guy is made of (or not made of) and not allow him in the White House. McCain is not my absolute favorite candidate, but he is sure a lot better for this country than Obama would be.
.................DITTO XYZ
We need a President who will restore our international relationships. Bush all but destroyed them.


I don't give a d*** if Obama is or isn't a "True Christian" by your standards, but it has been proven time and time again that he isn't a Muslim. You are spreading fear and lies about a man who claims to be your brother in Christ. There are valid reasons, such as Obama's inexperience as a leader, to doubt his effectiveness as President, but stop spreading more of your petty ignorant lies.

he has declared he is not longer an American, he is concerned and identifies, as a citizens with ONLY the world.

Bill, your theology is showing again. You've been listening to Jack Van Impe for too long.

Where is the application process for this "world citizenship?" To whom will Obama pay taxes?

With Obama in the White House; which will be the capital of America -- the White House in Washington D.C. or the United Nations in New York? Or would Secretary General Obama move the headquarters to Brussels? After all, that is the headquarters of the German/France led EU -- what better place for the Obama who is loved by all of Germany to rule -- than Brussels?

Oh, yes, that wonderful United Nations! I get it now. If elected, Obama will surely relocate the world's governments to Europe and rule from on high there. He's the antichrist. Of course, it all makes sense now.

Put down the Tim LaHaye book, Bill. Take a deep breath, smack yourself on the forehead, and ask out loud: "WHY am I so INSANE?!"

He was willing to talk to 200,000 Germans, but REFUSED to meet and talk to a few dozen American soldiers, in hospital.

I'm sure that the "facts" will not change your opinion, but here they are anyway: Obama complied with the military's policy of not allowing campaign events on installations. McCain has had to cancel events for the EXACT. SAME. REASON.

God still hates liars, Bill.
Originally posted by Bamama_:
After all the things that are TRUE about him, I really fear for our country if he is elected.

Oh, for crying out loud. What is with you people? By my count, you'd have me believe that Obama is both a communist AND a nazi, a shi'a AND a sunni, a christian AND a muslim, and about fifty other opposite things. Does Obama have super-powers, or is there an army of Obama-clones running about, all with different scary agendas?

The TRUTH about Obama is that he scares the hades out of you people because he's black. It's plain every time you DENY it: "It's not because he's black, it's because he's ____." You people fill in the blank with whatever scary keyword you can think of because you don't have the cojones to say the N-word out loud.

Now Bill says he's the antichrist. It's incoherent paranoid delusion of the silliest, saddest kind.
Originally posted by littlemeanmama:
Wrong Hussein,
Obama was allowed to go in as Senator Obama without press and groupies, he could not go in as Presidential candidate Obama. He chose to skip it when he couldn't make a news item out of it.

So you can read Obama's mind now? You can see into his heart and reveal his "true" motivations? Wow, neat trick. You should have a TV show.

At least you got my middle name right.
I found Obama's speeches a bit vacuous, at best. My objections are he is green, not black. He's a chi-town politician with a baptist preacher's cant and speech form. Teyate's post on another thread about fence post turtles is a good example. To give credit, the prayer he left at the Wailing Wall reflect the sentiments of a true Christian. I hope he truly meant it not to be read by anyone.

The 200,000 number reported for his Berlin speech may have been amplified by a factor as large as ten:

200,000 . . . or 20,000? Obama's Crowd in Berlin
John Rosenthal | Bio | 25 Jul 2008
WPR Blog
"Obama Addresses 200,000 in Berlin" -- thus ran the AP headline the day after Barack Obama's much-hyped speech in front of Berlin's Siegessäule or "Victory Column." This 200,000 figure has quickly become the standard estimate of the crowd for Obama's speech in both the American and the German media: so standard indeed that it is for the most part not even treated as an estimate.

The estimates given by German public television ZDF actually during the event, however, were as little as one-tenth of that number. ZDF began its special "Obama in Berlin" coverage [German video] at 6:45 p.m. Central European Time: only 15 minutes before the candidate's speech was scheduled to start. At the time, ZDF reporter Susanne Gelhard was out and about on the so-called "Fan Mile" between the Victory Column and the Brandenburg Gate. "The expectations were highly varied," she said in her live report, "from a few thousand up to a million. Those were the estimates. But, now, several tens of thousands have turned out." Barely five minutes before the speech was supposed to start, ZDF Berlin studio chief Peter Frey added, "We do estimate that 20,000 [literally, "a couple of ten thousand"] people have turned out." Frey's tone, like that of Gelhard, reflected the gap between the relatively modest number cited and the lofty predictions that had preceded the event. Moreover, while the ZDF live images showed that the "Fan Mile" was indeed populated from one end to the other, they also appeared to reveal patches of thinness and pedestrian traffic flowing easily on the half of the boulevard closer to the Brandenburg Gate (i.e. furthest from the "Victory Column").

And then: the candidate did not appear at the appointed time. Could his handlers have been disappointed by the turnout? Did they hope to buy time for more spectators to arrive? At this point, ZDF interrupted its special coverage and broke for the nightly news. When the coverage resumed some fifteen minutes later, ZDF host Claus Kleber promptly declared that there were "one hundred thousand" people on the Fan Mile. He then repeated the claim twice more in rapid succession -- now, more precisely, "over one hundred thousand people" -- as if repetition could somehow cover up the glaring discrepancy between this number and the number cited by his colleague Frey only 20 minutes earlier.

Minutes later, Obama was on stage. And a half hour after that, he was gone again. By 8 p.m. -- as the crowd filed out, obediently following the order to disperse given over the loud-speaker system -- the number being cited had grown to fully 200,000. As this German timeline indicates, the original source for the rapidly growing estimates was in fact the rally organizers: i.e. the Obama team. The 200,000 figure would also be attributed to the Berlin police -- which might represent the first time in modern history that the police and the organizers of a political rally agreed on their estimates of crowd size.

As the Berlin-based writer Christian J. Heinrich notes: "During the big anti-Bush demonstration after the fall of Baghdad, there were 250,000 people. And it looked totally different from yesterday. Then, you couldn't move all the way from the Brandenburg Gate to the Technical University [on the western side of Tiergarten park, another kilometer beyond the Siegessäule]."

I've visited this area, and the comments seem correct.
Last edited by Howard Roark
Originally posted by MattHUSSEINosborne:
he has declared he is not longer an American, he is concerned and identifies, as a citizens with ONLY the world.

Bill, your theology is showing again. You've been listening to Jack Van Impe for too long.

Where is the application process for this "world citizenship?" To whom will Obama pay taxes?

With Obama in the White House; which will be the capital of America -- the White House in Washington D.C. or the United Nations in New York? Or would Secretary General Obama move the headquarters to Brussels? After all, that is the headquarters of the German/France led EU -- what better place for the Obama who is loved by all of Germany to rule -- than Brussels?

Oh, yes, that wonderful United Nations! I get it now. If elected, Obama will surely relocate the world's governments to Europe and rule from on high there. He's the antichrist. Of course, it all makes sense now.

Put down the Tim LaHaye book, Bill. Take a deep breath, smack yourself on the forehead, and ask out loud: "WHY am I so INSANE?!"

He was willing to talk to 200,000 Germans, but REFUSED to meet and talk to a few dozen American soldiers, in hospital.

I'm sure that the "facts" will not change your opinion, but here they are anyway: Obama complied with the military's policy of not allowing campaign events on installations. McCain has had to cancel events for the EXACT. SAME. REASON.

God still hates liars, Bill.



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