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Originally posted by thehippiegirl:
[QUOTE]to say that these words are no,no's based on God's teaching is untrue. Society will often create rules that have little or nothing to do with God, as long as those rules don't obviously go against God then it's no biggie.

the 'F' (fornication) in your example, is condemned by God in the Bible...
1 Corinthians 6:9.

Yes, but the specific "curse words" I listed, most of which were blocked out, are meaningless. those are words created, and labled by society, not God. If you stump your toe and scream s#*!, that is no worse than screaming crap or fiddlesticks or hoochimomma. that's my point, the actual word is meaningless.

and THAT's my point..a 'meaningless' word would be unecessary to the conversation, thus 'idle', and God says we'll answer for those words...society might have 'made them up', but they have common meanings among us..and most of those meanings aren't so nice..i'll err on the side of NOT using each his own...

uh...I don't think I ever said forniction wasn't a sin in God's eyes. I was just pointing out where the "F" cuss word comes from.

And I think you're missing my point. If as a Christian you say that the well known "cuss" words are taboo, then under your description of "idle" words you have to add every word that could possible be used in their place. My only point is the ACTUAL word is insignificant, the HEART dictates the sin.
In the Bible when "cursing" was mentioned, I promise that there wasn't a set group of words being spoken of.
If you think it's ok to say heck, crap, shoot, freakin, dang, fiddlesticks, hoochiemomma, or any word similar to this, then it's ok to use those other words. God doesn't care what word you use only how you use them.
Hi Peter,

Regardless of what curse words a person uses -- if the person has an intelligent grasp of the English language, why do they need curse words and swearing to express themselves?

This is not just a Christian issue. It is an issue of a civil society.

When I hear a person talking -- and every other word is a curse word -- then, I almost begin to believe in evolution. For that person is displaying the intelligence of an ape.

Just my thougts.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,

In the Bible when "cursing" was mentioned, I promise that there wasn't a set group of words being spoken of.
If you think it's ok to say heck, crap, shoot, freakin, dang, fiddlesticks, hoochiemomma, or any word similar to this, then it's ok to use those other words. God doesn't care what word you use only how you use them.

hey PR, a few thoughts here...
1) i don't trust in any man's 'promise' of what the Bible says or not.
2) you don't know what i think, or how i talk,so
3) why do you think that you can decide for me, which words are ok to speak, and which are not?
4) you have NO authority to tell anyone what God 'doesn't care' about. (back that up with scripture reference, please.)
5) how many different ways can those words be 'used', if the actual words are "meaningless"?
Last edited by thehippiegirl is gone.
Originally posted by Bill Gray:
Hi Peter,

Regardless of what curse words a person uses -- if the person has an intelligent grasp of the English language, why do they need curse words and swearing to express themselves?

This is not just a Christian issue. It is an issue of a civil society.

When I hear a person talking -- and every other word is a curse word -- then, I almost begin to believe in evolution. For that person is displaying the intelligence of an ape.

Just my thougts.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


You must've missed that part there Bill, I've already said that "cuss words" are part of society. society makes rules and laws that have nothing to do with God, but unless they go against God there is nothing wrong with it.
but you CAN'T deny my point.... "cuss words" are no differnt than heck, dang, shoot, freak, etc. That's my only point...why can't everyone just get that SIMPLE point...The WORD doesnt matter in God's eyes, the HEART dictates the sin.
Originally posted by thehippiegirl:
In the Bible when "cursing" was mentioned, I promise that there wasn't a set group of words being spoken of.
If you think it's ok to say heck, crap, shoot, freakin, dang, fiddlesticks, hoochiemomma, or any word similar to this, then it's ok to use those other words. God doesn't care what word you use only how you use them.

hey PR, a few thoughts here...
1) i don't trust in any man's 'promise' of what the Bible says or not.
2) you don't know what i think, or how i talk,so
3) why do you think that you can decide for me, which words are ok to speak, and which are not?
4) you have NO authority to tell anyone what God 'doesn't care' about. (back that up with scripture reference, please.)
5) how many different ways can those words be 'used', if the actual words are "meaningless"?

Look, you are getting way too defensive here. If you don't want to say "cuss words" fine. I'm only saying that if there were a set group of words we as Christians are to never say then God would've let us know about'em don't ya think?
Profanity is the use of any word in a bad way.
My example from early in this thread tells it all...if in jest I call my friend a cuss word, that word has no more meaning than any "NON" cuss word. However, if I callsomeone a fool, or an idiot with hate for that person in my heart then it is a sin.
Now, society doesnt have "idiot" or "fool" in that list of cuss words, yet to God they are horrible if used with hate.
To get too caught up in rules of man dilutes the meaning of sin. That's why Jesus' teaching of the Ten Commandments are so valuable. See, the law from the old testament became more important than the Law Maker...That's obvious in some religions today, and it was obvious to Jesus then...that's why he broke down each commandment and spoke about them in terms of the heart. A person can follow every "rule" of society, but if their heart is unpure then it means nothing.
Allah is the Arab word for God. I've heard Maronite and Chaldean Christians use it in their services. I agree, many muslims’ view of God is severely different from the Christians view.

One wishes all persons might hard a good education, extensive vocabulary and indulge in erudite conversation. But, its blasphemy -- taking the Lord's name in vain, etc.; not curse words that God distains. I remember an old Marine sergeant, part of the embassy guard, who was quite versed in cursing, but rarely stooped to blasphemy. I swear the man could curse in seven languages, if provoked.
Originally posted by Peter Rielly:
Originally posted by thehippiegirl:
In the Bible when "cursing" was mentioned, I promise that there wasn't a set group of words being spoken of.
If you think it's ok to say heck, crap, shoot, freakin, dang, fiddlesticks, hoochiemomma, or any word similar to this, then it's ok to use those other words. God doesn't care what word you use only how you use them.

hey PR, a few thoughts here...
1) i don't trust in any man's 'promise' of what the Bible says or not.
2) you don't know what i think, or how i talk,so
3) why do you think that you can decide for me, which words are ok to speak, and which are not?
4) you have NO authority to tell anyone what God 'doesn't care' about. (back that up with scripture reference, please.)
5) how many different ways can those words be 'used', if the actual words are "meaningless"?

Look, you are getting way too defensive here. If you don't want to say "cuss words" fine. I'm only saying that if there were a set group of words we as Christians are to never say then God would've let us know about'em don't ya think?
Profanity is the use of any word in a bad way.
My example from early in this thread tells it all...if in jest I call my friend a cuss word, that word has no more meaning than any "NON" cuss word. However, if I callsomeone a fool, or an idiot with hate for that person in my heart then it is a sin.
Now, society doesnt have "idiot" or "fool" in that list of cuss words, yet to God they are horrible if used with hate.
To get too caught up in rules of man dilutes the meaning of sin. That's why Jesus' teaching of the Ten Commandments are so valuable. See, the law from the old testament became more important than the Law Maker...That's obvious in some religions today, and it was obvious to Jesus then...that's why he broke down each commandment and spoke about them in terms of the heart. A person can follow every "rule" of society, but if their heart is unpure then it means nothing.

Peter, the word Idiot is an older psych term. It is no longer used, but refers to a certain IQ range. God does not care if we use it or not, as long as we are not insulting.

As far as the word fool is concerned, the specific Jewish word forbade in the Bible referred to a type of person who claimed to worship in a certain way and didn't. I have done many foolish things in my life and have, ergo, been a fool. God may not have appreciated my acts, but would not have minded if someone had called me a fool for it.
I agree. We would have never reached the era of Christ if there were no laws. Much of life during the last 2,008 years has been influenced by the days of Christ and the Bible, even more so today. However, what about the years of B.C.?

We live in a country that is half Christian, and in a region that is majority Christian. It is expected that people push what they believe in.

My question to you? When's the last time you studied another religion? Would you be Christian if your parents did not take you to a Christian church as a child?

It's just like speaking in another language. Most of us think that everyone in the US should speak english. But what if the fathers of the constitution mandated that all must know three languages before exiting grade school?
Last edited by OneWorld1974
Originally posted by FirenzeVeritas:

Peter, the word Idiot is an older psych term. It is no longer used, but refers to a certain IQ range. God does not care if we use it or not, as long as we are not insulting.


AWESOME... Glad to see we finally agree... you are correct, God doesn't care about ANY word we use as long as it isn't insulting.

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